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Stars Rising: Why U-M's Detroit Observatory Matters and Where It's Going

When: October 11, 2019 at Downtown Library: Multi-Purpose Room

Why is an observatory in Ann Arbor named for Detroit? What made the Detroit Observatory a milestone for the University of Michigan and American higher education? How was the Observatory central to the growth of American astronomical science, when did it lose that role, and how did it get it back? And who were some of the people who made it all happen? Gary Krenz of the University’s Bentley Historical Library will explore these and other questions in this talk. In its 165-year history, the Observatory has gone through many transformations, and it is currently going through another—the construction of an addition to improve access, education, and programming. Krenz will also look at what that project entails and what lies ahead.

This event was in partnership with the University of Michigan Bentley Historical Library.



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October 11, 2019 at Downtown Library: Multi-Purpose Room

Length: 00:54:40

Copyright: Creative Commons (Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share-alike)

Rights Held by: Ann Arbor District Library

Related Event: Stars Rising: Why U-M's Detroit Observatory Matters and Where It's Going


Ann Arbor
Architecture & Urban Development
Local History