Interior of a flexible style apartment in completed Lurie Terrace, October 1964

Published In
Ann Arbor News, October 7, 1964
Heirlooms Grace Apartments The apartment of Mrs. Katherine W. Guigon is furnished with several pieces of antique furniture and other heirlooms she brought with her from her home in Milwaukee, Wis. Her apartment is the "flexible" type with the bedroom area separated from the living room by a folding door. Other apartment types are one bedroom with separate bedrooms and living rooms and the "bachelor" type of one room. All have their own kitchen facilities.
Ann Arbor News, October 7, 1964
Heirlooms Grace Apartments The apartment of Mrs. Katherine W. Guigon is furnished with several pieces of antique furniture and other heirlooms she brought with her from her home in Milwaukee, Wis. Her apartment is the "flexible" type with the bedroom area separated from the living room by a folding door. Other apartment types are one bedroom with separate bedrooms and living rooms and the "bachelor" type of one room. All have their own kitchen facilities.
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