Three Firemen Hurt As Blaze Damages Black Culture Unit
Three Ann Arraor firefighifs were anjured last night while battling a fire in a University-owned house used as a black culture center. Extensive fire, smoke and water damage was caused to the Trotter House at 1020 S. University Ave., a three-story structure, recently renovated to house culture displays and work areas for black U-M students. Fire Chief Arthur L. Stauch said firefighter Michael Collins was treated at University Hospital for a cut on his right index finger received from broken I glass at the scène. Firefighter Donald I Haywood collapsed, apparently from I smoke inhalatibn, at the central fire I tion after returning from the fire. He I was treated at St. Joseph Mercy I tal. Firefighter Richard Cryan was taken I to U-M Hospital after he collapsed from I smoke inhalation at the scène. AU three I men were released after treatment. Assistant Fire Chief Fred Schmid I directed 15 firemen, manning four pieces I of apparatus, to extinguish the blaze I which at one time filled the E. I University-S. University área withl smoke. I Fire Marshal John R. Williams said I the fire started from a gas hot water I heater in the southeast section of the I basement of the house. He said ñames I from the heater apparently swept 1 ward, igniting rafters and then moved I I rapidly up into 16-inch-wide I i to-attic openings between the floors and I partitions. ! Stauch said the openings were part of I the construction process of former years I ] when houses were built without fire I "stops." I "These openings form a chimney of I sorts and, of course, a fire at the bottom I I of one of them will shoot straight up," I j Stauch explained. I As the fire climbed, it spread out on I the first and second floor offices and I work rooms, damaging furnishings and I equipment, Schmid said. Some 1 ers using smoke masks were driven out I of the smoking building for brief periods I by the superheated air in the rooms. Firefighters finally extinguished all I I flames except for a portion in the attic of I I the house. The fire was under control at I I 8:12 p.m., about an hour after firemen 1 I rived. I Stauch said he had no immediate 1 I age estimate but expected it would run I j into the thousandsofdollarsj
Trotter House
Ann Arbor News
Old News
Arthur L. Stauch
1020 S University