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GRAND OPERA HOUSE Ben Hur Tatileaux oí Marvelous Beauty. 11,000 Square Feet of Canvas Elegant Scenery and Costumes. See the Grcnt Chariot Race. Thursday and Friday Evenings, January 16 and 17. POR THE BENEFIT OF THE LADIES LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Enthusiastie audiences cverywhore. Don't miss the treat of the seiison. I mission 5Oc. Cliildren 25c. Reserved seats without extra charge at the Postofllce News Stand. ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE QLD W&SHTEIAW MUTUAL PIRE INSURANCE CO , The Charter of Which Expired December 31st, 1889. For the Year December 31st, 1890. 1. Number of Members Dec. 31, 1S89, i,ilo 2. Capital Stock at Expiration of Charter $4,SO8,77r, LIABILIT1ES, DECEMBER 1, 18S9. 1. For Borrowed Money to Pay Losses f roui Septlst. to Dec. 31st, 1889 f 8,250.00 2. For Unpaid Losses 50.91 3. Total 5,300.91 1NCOME. J. From Assessment of 18b9 $ :i8.;tf 2. " Cauceled Insurance not Transfered :S).4Si ï. " Assessmeut of l890,(Rate 11.40 per 1,000) (1,470.52 4. Total 8,588.87 5. Add Cash Bal. of Deo. 31st, 1889. . . 194.84 . Total Reccipts and Income.. ,733.21 EXPENDITI7RES. 1. To Cash Püid Board of Auditors.-i 14. SO 2. " Paid Notes Borrowed Money 5,26t.OO 3. " Cash Pald Interest on Borrowed Money 35S.4) 4. " Cash Paid New Insurance Co. . 36.00 5. " '■ " Seo'y Bal. of Salary 50. 00 6. " " " Fire Losses 50 91 7. " " " Incidental expenses. H9.50 8. Office Kent 58.00 9. " " " Postagc, e to -W S0 10. " " '" Printing and Stationary 8.71 11. " Cash Paid Itelunded Ass'm"tii. 12.S4 12. " " " Collectors, Commissionsand Expenses 4"M 13. Total Expenditures ti.009.37 14. Ixmned to New Company . . . (00,00 15. Cash Bal. ;on hand VJ3M Balance Down ,',(.21 I do hereby sertify that the al.ove is a correct and true statement of all tht Reeipts, and Disbursements, of the f ormer Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Compa"y for the year ending Decembor31st, 1890. And the truo flnancial condition of said Compauy on said date. WM . K. CHILDS. Secretary and Roceiver. Sworn and subscribed to bef oro me this fifth day of Januarr. 1891 ÖKORGE H. POND. NoUry Pnblic.