The Mich. Central
The Mich. Central has compieted arrangements for new train service to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. Only one change of cars between Ann Arbor and above points via Mich. Cent., New York Cent. and Northern Cent., via Niágara Falls, Buffalo, Rochester and Harrisburg. Leave Ann Arbor on North Shore Limited at 6:30 p. m., at Rochester next a. m. at 6 o'clock, Baltimore 7, Washington 8515, Philadelphia 7:50 the next afternoon. Leave Ann Arbor at 7:50 a. m., Rochester 8:10 p. m., Baltimore 8:19, Washington 9:55, Philadelphia 10:20 the following morning. The Mich. Cent. is now the gilt edged as well as the Niágara Falls route to points named. For further information cali at M. C. ticket office. H. W. Hayes, Agt. Go to Gruber's P. O. news room for Gold Pens - Souvenirs.