The National Legislature

Washington Citt, Jan. 29.- In the senate yesterday the question as to how Stanford stood on dropping the cloture resolution was settled by a delayed telegram sent by Stanford at New York Monday, authorizing Stewart to pair him against cloture. A number of bilis of little general intere-it were disposed of, and then the apportionnient bilí carne up, was debated without action, a brieL execntive session was lield, and the seuate adjouiued. In the house the Journal was approved without the usual trouble. The bill to open the Fort Ellis, Mont., reservation for Bettlement under the homestead law was finally passed on agreement to conference report. Somo routine business was transacted and in committee the military academy bill was taken up and after some amendmeuts had been rejected the house fouud itself without a quorum and adjourned. Washington Citt, Jan. 30. - The senate yesterday, after morning business, took up the apportionment bill. The amendments providing for an additional representativo from the states of Minnesota, Missouri, Arkansas and New York were dejected and the bill passed as it caine from the house. The army appropriation bill was then taken Vp. A proviso in the bill that no officer thall receive pay as an officer on the retired list while receiving a salary as a government official was struck out The bill went over without action. After a short executive session the senate adjourned. In the house an order was made issuing a warrant for the arrest of J. A. Owenby, wanted just now for his counection with the alleged silver pool, and who has so far l'ailed to obey a surnmons to appear and give his testimony. He will be arrested for coutempt of the house and brought before the bar. The military academy bill was then considered in committue, but without action the house adjourned. Washington Citt, Jan. 81.- Secretary Windom's death preiented the transaction of any business in both houses of congress yesterday. Nothing was done beyond the mere announcement of the death by Morrill in the senate and by McKinley in the house. The session of the senate lasted three minutes and that of the house ten minutes. Washington Citt, Feb. 2.- In the senate Saturday the army appropriation bill was passed, after striking out the provisión that government transportation on landgrant raihvays shall be paid for at a rate not exceeding 50 per cent. that charged others. The bill was amended so as to provide that government work shall be done at such rate as the secretary of war shall consider just, not to exceed 70 peí cent, of the rates paid by private parties. Teller said that he had never been in favor of the election bill, nor of any bill that its advocates could possible agree to. Cullom presented the instructions of the Democrats in the Illinois house asking Illinois members of congress to vote agaiust the election bill He said he considered it a petitioii and asked that it be filed, which was done. Don Cameron's senatorial credeutials were filed. The fortification bill was taken up, but without action, the senate adjourned. The house passed the military academy bill, and then took up the consular appropriation bill. McCreary of Kentucky made a speech, in whicb, touching upon the Behring sea case, he ured prompt action by the government to secure a settlement of the vexed question by arbitration. Without action on the bill the committee rose and the house adjourned. Washington Citt, Feb. 3. - In the senate yesterday, after routine business, the fortification bill was considered and au amendment to reduce to the appropriation for gun and mortar batteries for the defense of the harbors of Boston, New York, San Francisco, Hampton Roads, and Washington City from íl, 000,000 to $750,000 was agreed to. Other amendments of minor importance were adopted, and the senate without final disposition ot the bill adjourned. Jn the house a bill was passed amending section 180, revised statutes, so as to read, "Vacancies occasioned by death or resignation shall not be temporarily filled under the three preceding sections for a longer period than thirty days." Thepre ent lavv limits the time to ten days, and the bill has special reíereuce to the appointment of a successor to Secretary Windom. The senate bill was passed (with an amendment striking out the appropriating clause) providiug lor the erection of a public building at St. Paul, Miun.,ata cost of $800,000. The house then adjourneü. Neicher house met until 2 p. m., as the members attended the funeral of Mr. Wiudom. Washington City, Feb. 4- In the senate yesterday the house bill to amend the revised statutes in reference to temporary designations to fill vacancies in case of death, sickness or the absence of the heads of department, was passed. The fortification bill was discussed and an amendment reducing the appropriation of $1,000,000 to Í800.000 for the purchase of oiltempered aud annealed steel for high power coast defence guns, was agreed to. Other amendments were offered but no action taken. House amendment to senate bill for a public building at St. Paul, Minn., reducing the amount from $1,500,000 to $800,000, was concurred in. The military academy appropriatiou bill was reported, and the senate after a brief executive session adjourned. The house, after passing a number of bilis of minor importance, went into committee of the whole on the diplomatic and consular appropriatiou bill. The entire time was occupied in general debate, and without of the bill the house adiourned.