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Bicycle Riding School. At the skating rink, every Monday and Thursday evening, from 8 to 10 o'clock. Ladies whodesire to learn to ride the wheel will be taught toride. Arrangements will be made for gentlemen should any wish to learn. $5.00 will bo charged for teaching each person to ride and same wil be deducted from price of wheel should a purchase be made. Number of wheels in use is limited, so apply early to C. W. Wagner, Bicycle Dealer, 21 S. Main. The M. C. R. R. will sell round trip tickets account Christmas and New Years on December 24, 25, 31 and January 1, good to return until January 3, 1891, at one and onethird fares round trip. 85- tf. What Is the Use! Of buying worthless medicines, and spending money on quack doctors whose only idea is to gull the public. Is it not better to buy reliable medicine like Sulphur Bitters? I think so, as they cured me of Catarrh after suffering three years. - E. P. Clark, Manchester. "Who is that?" asked McCorkle, indicating McCrackle's typewriter and eecretary. "ïhat is my recording angel." Remember everyone is entitled to a chance on the sewing machine by handing in their bid, if not more than íi.oo. Hand in the bids, the time is getting short. Bids to be opened February 22, '91. J. T. Jacobs & Co.