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Colds are very prevalent since th late cold wave. C. E. Letts, of Detroit, was her on business last Monday. Two car loads of western cor were received here last Tuesday. The pay car passed through here last Saturday, and left its favors. The muddy crossings in this vi lage are sadly in need of attention Eider Mclntosh held qurterl meeting last Sunday afternoon anc evening, at North Lake Edwin Gorton has been danger ously ill with heart disease the pas week, but is now some better. James Spencer, and wife, of Lak O'Dessa, came here last Monday t look after some business interests. The blizzard of last week was th worst of the winter, and'nearly sus pended business for two or thre days. Frank McNamara, of Travers City, spent the first of this wee! among friends and relatives in thi place. Mrs. Blaisch had a pleasant socia last Tuesday night, with her Sunday school class, and a few invitec guests. Five couples of youngpeople from Ann Arbor came up here last Friday night to attend the Demorest medal contest. The Good Templars will have a social with refreshments at their hall next Tuesday night, to which the public is invited. Hummel & Whitaker have got in large quantities of hardware goods the past week, ready for business about the first of April. Charles Smith and Allen Stephens have rented John Bagge's meat market, and will take charge of and run it from the first of April. The farmers can now sell August wheat, which means the new erop, for 90 cents per bushei . That is a better price than they have realized for years at the opening of a new erop. By the first of April there wil probably not be to exceed ten per cent of the present wheat erop in the farmers' hands in this vicinity. They are selling freely at the late advanced prices. The teachers of the M. E. church Sunday school presented Miss Mary Goodyear a very fine bible in token of their appreciation of her services as secretary of the school, asshe was about leaving for Detroit. The Catholicpeoplecelebrated St. Patrick's day by a well attended lecture at St. . Mary's church, in the evening, by Rev. Father Finnegan, of Detroit, on " St. Patrick and his Work." It was both eloquent and instructivo. Married, at the residence of the bride's parents, last Tuesday afternoon, by Rev. J. H. Mclntosh, Mr. Orrie Hoover to Miss Mary Goodyear. They left for Detroit on the afternoon train, and the good wishes of many friends went with them to their home in Detroit. Memorial services to commemorate the centenary anniversary of the death of John Wesley will be held next Sunday evening, at the M. E. church. The exercises will consist of good music and short addresses concerning the life, character and work of Mr. Wesley. F. C. Delmont and wife were brought here from Grand Rapids, Tuesday, charged with stealing a watch, cloak and getting $35 with false pretenses last fall, while Mr. Delmont was doing some painting in this place. They pleaded not guilty, and in default of bail were taken to jail to await hearing. The market has had its usual amount of ups .and downs the past week, but within a ver)' small range. There has been quite alot of May wheat bought at $i per bushei, while 99 cents has been the highest paid, generally, for spot wheat. The going price now is 99 cents for red, and 98 for white. s Oats now bring 50 cents; rye, 90 cents; barley, $1 .35; beans are easier, and one lot sold at $1.60, and some at ir. 80; corn is higher, and the tendency is upward on all farm produce. The Demorest medal contest at the town hall, last Friday night, was a good success. In spite of the stormy night, the hall was well filled, and everybody went away pleased with theevening's entertainment-. The music was very fine and all the contestants acquitted themselves nobly, and were all deserving of a medal, but there was only one to give, which was awarded by the judges to Miss Luella Townsend, for her declamation on " A Barrel of Whisky." The award was just, while all the exercises were meritorious, and very creditable to those concerned.