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To The Minds Of Colored Persons Who Are Christians, The Sc...

To The Minds Of Colored Persons Who Are Christians, The Sc... image
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QTo the rninds of colorcd persons who are Christians, the scorn and abuse indulged n by profos3cd Christians towards them on account of their complexión, must bo excoedingly distressing. The Protectionist men tions the case of a young coloretl man, who was confirmad iu his infidelity by observingf 8Jid experiencing pcrscnally the powor of tlüs pvcjudice on Christians. Wlien spoken to on reügiouB suhjccts, he always replied, lIt is all a fable: if it is not, why do the peopie act thusi" Wherever he wished to at tond religious meetingfc', the eamc withering prejudice met hirn, and even amoug the Friënds he was duly notified that "tuis bench is for the black people."OJohn Curtís, of Obio, ie now leo turing in England on the capability and willingness of the United States to oxchange vfVicuX and flour for thcir manufactures, pro- vided tiey wil! abolish the dutics on import1 grain. He has been well received in several cities. An arrangement of this kind would add grnatly to the comfort of the labering population of England, while it would afford an ampie market fur all the wheat of the Northwest. In our viüage wheat is worth about 64 cents: in England wheat is worth 33,00 per buehel. We intend to publish some facts on this subject, when wo can fiad 6paco for tbem.CCEIder E. Matthews has lectured on slavery recently in difF rent parta of Wiskon8in, meeting with aomo success and not a little abuac. What kind of Christians hc metj with there, ruay bc inferred from the deecription he gives oi'some. For instance: "Tho Dutch Rcformed minister was a strong colouiziitionist - had lectured on it; had never read Jay's Inquiry, and thought Arthur Tapnun ought lo be hanged. He would not allow a colored man to sit at bis table, though a ministering brother; and trumpeted about amalgamation after no small sort. One of the members of his church on whoni I was aecustomod to cali, ordered me out of his house."ttWill the Emancipator nfbrin us at the West whether it ia truc that the Secretary , of the A. B. C. Ms3Íons has proceeded L to Augusta to look after and receive the proceeds of tho sale ofone hundred slaves . ly willed to the Bible, Education, and - sionary Societies by a deceased slaveholderi Contradictory statements have appeared concerning the matter, and there are many thousaud contributors to the funds of that Board at the West who are deeply interested in knowing whether the statements that have been made can be relied on.Politicians aee the necessity of using politicalmeans to accomplish political ends.- Tho State Journal says: "VOTE- VOTE. That is the great ac towhich all our preparation - all our writing tend. It all amounts to nothiu if yoi don't VOTE. Ifhonest men neglcct to vote our govern ment will become tho den of thieves anc tobbors. Are you prepared for such a reeulti"ttThe citizens of Palmyra, Ga. have given a splendid dinner to Rev. Johnatha Davis since his return from thfe North anc complimented him with the folJowing toast "Our guest - The Rev. Johnathan Davis.- Eis ablo and splendid advocacy o southern righls and southern instilulion recently at the Nonh, entitle hirn to th respect and gnititude of his country?"