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BOOKS! BOOKS!! At Ferry's Book Slorc TO THE P UBLIC ! ! ' J xHE'u'ndersigned having returncd fro:n New X York witli a ncw, large and valuublo stock f BóotiSy Stctiiortèry and Paper Hangings, e now reaiiy to scll for Cash, any thing in liis me nt !i8 ncw stand on Main street, oppolite II. lieckcr'8 'Brick Store. He will say to liouk ptirchascrs. tliat. hy his eflVts last fall on lis re'iirn from Now York, the price of uearly jvcry thing in his line has been sold L leas thari icretofore. aud had it not been for himr purchaerbi wuuld have conlinucd to pay the piicehere,:ofvie charged. i can say also, that his ïales havd been beyotid his most sanguino expectations, showinji conclusivcly that a public benefactor, although ever so j-mall, will not go unrcwardcd in tllieenlightencd community. He 3 thankfulfor the favors alrcndy bestowed. and would respectfully solicita continuante of the tradó1; and he woüld say Ui those who nevjor have. purchased books of hini, thatihe will ehow ihein anieles and prices with plensurc 'at nny time ihcy.may cali whether they wish lo purchasc or nol.' Cjsh orders from the country will be attended to, and the books packed as well as if the persons were present to altend the purchases. He will also M'll to childrun asicheap. as.thcir parenrè'. Furchasers v'ü dwell to his stock. ifnd prices before purchasing elscwhere. ' . DonUforget thepfacc; be sur'e yon cali at.. PER RY'S BOOK STORE, on Main Street, af eiv doors South of the Public Square, in the same roin tcith C. Bliss,. Watch Maker and Jcwellcr. WM. It. FERRY, .nn Arbor, June 27, 1816. 269-tfriIRESIIlNG MACHINES: THE undersigned would inforni ihe public .,thnt ho manulnctures Horsc Powers and l'hrcsbing iWaohineaatSeio, oíu.eupcrior.kind nvenied by himsell'. Thes3 Poweri'and Machines are particularly idaptcd to the use of Farmers who wUh 10 lise ihem for threshirrg their own The powr ;r, thresher and rixturescnn all bc loaded intü 11 :ommon sized wagon bu and drwn wnh one sair of horses. They ae designcd to be used kviili four horses. and aro abundantly strong for ihat number, and safely used whh six or ijght uorses with-proper care. They work with pssstrengthofhorses according totheamobiu o( jusiness done tban any oiher poiver, and will ibrcsh cenerally abóat 500 bushels Jay with four hores. In one insuinco 158 aushels wheat ' wcre threshcd in threo houre with four horses. This Power and Machine contain all the ndvantagc8 necessary to makc thein prolimblc 10 iho ourchaeer. They aro strong and durable. - They are easily moved Irom one placo to nnothsr. The work of the '-iores is ensy these powers in co;parÍ8on to oihers. and-the price is LOWKR than any other powcrand. innchine. have over been sold n the State, nccording to the real valué. The terms of pnyment will be liberul for notes that are know'n to be absolutely good. L Iiave a number of Powers nnd Maehlttes now ready for sale and persons wishingto-:buy are invited to cali soon. - iCLEAÍÍERS. I expect to beprepared wiihin a few days to make Clcaners for those who may wnnt thein. The utility aiid advanlagps of this Powet and Machine will appear evident to all on exanimin-; 'he recommendationa below.. All persons are cnniioned oainst niakinp ilicse Powers and Machines: the undersigneci liaviiiij adopud ihe íiecestwry measiires for secn rinp letters patent for the saine within the time required by law. S. W. FOSTEFl. Scio, Washtcnaw Co., Mich.. June Id, 134G. RECOM31ENDATIONS. During the year Iii4?, each of ;he undersigned purchased and used either individually or jointly with other8. one of S. W. Foster's newly invented 1 fors 'Powers and thrdshing nachines. nndi believe they are better adapled to the use oí Farmers who want Powers and Machines for tleir own use than any othcr power' snd thi-esher wiiliin our knowlcdiro. Tliey are c.ilculnted (o be ueed with four horses md aré1 o ampie etrejigth íor that nunibcr. They nppear ;to bf constructed in snch a manner as to render iilievery durable with linie liubiliiy1 of getting out o' order, 'fheyare eisily moved from one place to aholher. They can be vorkd with any nutn berbfha.idè fróm four to tight, nnd will ihresh about 200 bishc)s-wheat per duy. i J. A. POLHEMUSv Scio, WasMbnaw co G. BLOOD. - " T. RICHARDSON, V ■ SAMUEL HEALY, " " - S. P. FOSTER, " " N. Ai PflELPS, . " ADAM SMITIi; " ■ J. Mi BOWF.N. Lima, . WM; WALKER, Webster, " THÖS WARREN, " " D. SMALLEY, Lodi. . . I threshcd last fall and winter wJth nc of S W. Fobtcr's hor8e powers. more ihan ïfieei thousand bnshcls grain. Tho repairs bestowet upon the power amotinted to onfy 6 cents, anc il was ingood order whon I had doiiouhreshing. 1 invariably used six horses. - A A RON YOUNGLOVE. Marión, June 6 1846.ï purchnsed -one of S. W. Foster'e horse powers last fall and have uaed it for jobbing. 1 have used many different kinds of powers and believe this is the best-running power J huvt evereeen. D. S. BENaNETn. Hamburg. June, 18 IC.- We purchased one of S. W. ToBtbr's Horse Powers last Ml, and have used il and think it i a first rate Power." ■ . HALL, ' DANIEL S. HALL, ! ■ , REUJBEN S. HALL. Hamburg June, 1846. L'69-tf1846. 1846 TEMPERAItfCE HOUSE.. MILTON BARNEY OF THE S t c a m b-o a (Hot el , ' DETROIT, IS now reidy to accommodale bia friends and the Travc'.ling Public, vviih all ihose conveniencescnlculated to makc them confortable, and whp yriccs' to snit thcttmtn. Meals twcnty-five Geiits. ■ Best faro in tie City for lte same Money. General Stage Office. Steamboats leuve Detroit for liuffalb r.vcry Ercning, at half past tí o' dock. (Usualíy.) Tie 'Railroads are withirifwe minutes ridc of the Sleamboat Hotel. ■ . 272-tf -i - , . vOO Ke8 of EasternNails, just received Jvu and tor sale by VVILLIAM R. NOYES, Jr ' 76,; Woodward Avenue, Detroit. ; Deel 12,' 1844.Ü O42 TOTHE PUBI.IC. THE subscriber wishes to inform the public, i that he hns compleled his new Brick i ng in the V.llageof Howell, nnd hos fiuod itun. I ogether witli Barne and other out Huildings ( era permanent Tavern stand. líe has now - pened the aomc for tho accommodation of the ublic, and will endeavor o make his house a uiot rceting place for tlie traveller. The House nll be kept upon etrictly Temperanee pxiaciples, . t cnorgea will compare with tbe mos B08onaLlo,-"ihouBh-itBhouid demond-some pcuniary snenfice o sustain it." To the iriendfi oMiborty nnd equal riglit, the - litfEY House 6 now oflered vou with the L lotto: Liberty $ Temperanee.' S T1 T ( A "V Howell, Liv. Co. April ?Q, 1846.' ' í63ntf N