Classified Ads
![Classified Ads image](/sites/default/files/images/document/cropped/SL_18470116-p4-01.jpg)
THE Gein of ScieBtce, The advi cue af Scieoce nnd Kol', rm, dovou-d t Phre !dl'v. Pliysi.-IiÃgv, V...ui. tin", im.l colln:ernl ScWiïcï.'S. wiilj n "Ji.ii'-s" iniil Micel!uneu Depjrc.i. '. Pq)irsFiH tsWuii .% ! . m 1 1 1 y - E. H. SANFORD, EDITOR. SECOXD VOLUME. The present l'oei'.itics for publishing. h"' iho in creasing deinand for infortnalion on tiic aoovprincipies, have ndurvd nn ENLARGEMENT OF THE GEM, and consqueiuly (!ic publicaiion o: one Vulumt in Iwo, Quarlo Porm umi dn NEW TïPEi for preservación and bÃndiiig. rith an index nnlitle-page af the close oi ilie Vuiumo in bU montJis froni (he I th of Derp'iiber, Jt4ü. CONTENTS. Thecontents oi ihe Gein ure pirpUabiy mprinteresting to ihe iruo. lov,e Sciouci1. ;md i the devoifi Student nf X.ttare. tlian ihiM i f nny nimilar piper in 1 1 f Uuiud Sunes In short, the inorul tonvof it.s coni(tiis, anti UoxposUioi of " ÃoÃB TrutiiÃ." w'hicti will bc pl'- "WITIII.V THK Ri:-Cn OF EVER Y FAM l.',Y, wil! lemier il doubty iniereating aJ poltable. The Gkm of Scüüwck is mhjislicd ál FIFTY CENTS or six ownihs, or DOLLA t n yeiir iu wliancc. A lilioral discount will lx made to Chili nnd Agen'8 IVráUnb dt-.vruig 10 Kubscrilie. hsjfe on'.y lo endoso the uuiouot in M letier, directed 10 sANFonD i JÃRoTirpts; Pubüshers of the Getn of Scipucc, Ana At bor, Michigan. ET Editor8 who will pive this Prospect ji one, two, or ihree insenions, ohall have thei favora duly reciorocaied. 29J- 12w Te nip er anee SI o u s e ! 1S47. 16-17. STEAMBOAT HOTEL. Detroit, m:c:Ã. DATCBEL BiREY, Inving i.tkcn iliis wc'l kiMwn Stand, and t!u). O!i{j!ili rcp'iin-d it ihruushou?. is tioiv bJfTentiive Jy prepnrcil lo nccomniodnie : frieods and il Travelling Public wiih all !uise cdnyéninqce ca'culaiod iii niake ihe.n comforuble, and wuli prices lo suit the (imes ! Mea Is, 25 Cents. Easfcrn and Southern Stage Ojjice kepl at this House. UT Qmtribna and Bigijnge Wayon alwaju o' and to convey Passjugord to and iru.n the 11 'Hstfree of charge. 9G-6m JUSTARRIVED BY EXPRESS. THE Mizirt Collticiion of Sncred Music. l E. Ivés Juii - conutining thn -e!e!'r:iu-' Chrisiusand Miserere by Zingarelli wuh Eig ]ii !i w ordsTeachers of .Musie will picase cali and c.-tÃi ine the work at Pfnn.r's Dookstohe. October 7, 1816. 286rt' WJI. S. BKOWIV, Attorncy ' Counselor at Law. ANN ARDOR, MICU. CFFICE with E. Mu.nlt, Es-i. 2ü7-ly ATTENTION THF WORLnü Frec Trade and Tailors Rights. THE ciiizens of Ann Arbor nnd vicini'y, o' Washtènaw County nnd Couniies adjutniag nre informad fint now is ihe tiie io {?( coni fortably CLOTUED ar.d F1XEà UI1 for â n cold Win Ier. The verv best kind uf Cloths nnsl Trimn.ineà can be boughi c!ifn in Ann ArborLfiwer Tuwri. and there is a TAILOR oppose G. &. L. Beekley's Styre, w!io can't beouidoneany wheuin t-'itsepirÃá. He is prêpared to do work in the mosi Faahiönable ötyle". r foifow the direciiona oà iiis custornes an-i beinü possesseÃl uf a large share o' the iMk of Ituniai Kindness, his tennsare estabüshcd on th principie of ' L 1 VE A XD L E T UVE. ' ' ITo has a peculiar irait in his character whiel. should be notie'), i; i sfrance, vet irne a.s ranue, - He icill voi Violn.'e hls Promisr. - Ctistoniers "in hnve iHeir gnriiieuis ai thf tiim Fpé'ciSfid. FARMKR8 cm Iir whn of stuo finias; nnd easy Betting Q'AJt'MFtWTÃ. ahH nn informed ihat all kinds of PRODUC'l feseer; ctibbage) wül he tnken iu éxcfiange or his servi ces He outp to order, and liis g triuenrs tie sim to fti if properly made up. 2 )3-tt .T. SPRAJilJE. Ann Arbor, Lnwor ovn. Dec. ñ. llfi. LINSEED OIL! ! THE Subscribir is manufacturins Linseci üil uil an ex:onsive scalc and he is able lo aupp!y MERCHAiXTS AMD PAIXTERS. on tenns more f:v nli!e fr ihem ihan have cvji be(6re I-een oflered In his country, and hu i prepared lo suppiy onifrs lor large or sniüll quantitics ai pnces cxlreuichj loto. O CouirnüróicalTona bv mail U-jM be prompt ly atiended to. D. L. LATOURETTE. Long Lake, Gcnesec Co. Mich. 283-ly IN ATTACIIMENT. Bofore E. Thomson. J.istice of the Peace. Jamca Gibdon, and Eln ithan Botsford, vsJames Mulhollnnd. State of Michigan, cg Connty of Washtènaw. ' NOTICE is hereby given that : '.â ichniojx ogninst the goods, chairéis, riglitá. crcdiis moneys. and efiÃcts of the above named detendant, James Mulhollind. nn absconding debtor, bas been taken om froni bciore E. Thomson E]., Justice of the Pence of the saii) Couniy o' Wnshtenaw. at ihe snit of Jntnes Gibson, nnr) Klnaihan Rotsfonl. Plaintiff-i. above hnrried ; and that the enid Dufendant not rippearing on the re turn day thereof. the cause is continued for tri;. till 'he Gth duy F Mnrcli. IS47, at one o'clocl, in the afiernoon, ai tlie ofiice of said Justice, in the villnge o! Ann Arbor, Ãn siid County. James G.bsov. ) pLaituiffs. Ann Arbor, Dpc. 5, Ir4 5. 29 J-Gv WA.liTJED, at Perry's Booksiore, 5 Tons clean Cotton und Linen Riigs 1 Ton Beeawax; and 3500 Dollars in cash, ior ihe hrsest as9orl ment of BooVa and Sntionery ever oflercd in thii Village. and at his usiinl low prices. Ann Arbor, Upper Village. Oct. 7, 1R462HG-if THE U8ERTY MINSTRELOE HüN'DRKl) COPIES of the fmh em lion of jhis hitÃhlv popular work are for sil at tiie Siirmil ofRoe ai 50 cents single, or $4.5 per dozen. Tertna Cash. Now s the time io Liherty choirs Ca suuplv thsnitélypib INFORMATION WANTED O ZC(I IlUflltKLL- he arrivu.l ai N-w York a'')O'ii sixeen yfirs nr wiih Mail Muultorr. Jamen Brand. Ge. Deal, Thmir t Flower, Richard Loveney, and othrs If nm of the abovc men should 8ie ihis adveriiseinen' thy would greatly ol} itre the Fu'i-icriher by send ina him any information concprning the abovt man, who will hear of souietliing to his ndvautago hy applying to Mr. L. Limbert, Ann Arlior. Michigan. HU Any Ncwspaper will confer a crpnt 'tvoby copyini this. 19 -3.v ROWLAND'S be,t MUI Saus, 6, 6, and 7 leet. Rowland'a bost X Cut Saw?, (. f. and 7 feet. Enj?lish C. S. Pit Saw.. fiA an'l 7 feet. Amcican Mili S.iw Files, 10 to 10 inches- For sale at ihe sign of the B'g Anyil. Upper ïown. HENRY W. WELLES. Ann Ktbor, Jan. 10, J847. 29&Jyi popà pa m s ' JHER! L.EATHEK! 1JGATHER! f? LDRRD & CO., No. 123, Jefferson Avenue, "Kldrcii's Block," Detroit, take 1_J tliiá upportunity lo inÃbrm their customer, and the public generally, that tliey still continue to keep on hand a full assortment of Sp.imsh S.ile Lc.-itlicr, Aho, Lnsts rïd Pegs. Curricrs' Tools, &c. Sluugtiieffcd do llorso and Cultur Lea'.lier, Hornlock tanned Upper Lentlier, Coidevun do O. ik 'J " ': M.iroccü SMnsj Fronch tasincd Ciilf Skins. SiniI dn Oak and Honiloek tnnnecl do (;ul BintÃn, Ueiulock lamicd lJurness and Cridlc Lcaiher. l)?er und nrnh do Oali ' '; 4 and Colotwd Lininga, Hu-j: and Top Lratlicr, Printed do SkirliiiiT. P'ii!:uli;liliia nnñ Ohio; Shoe TrimRusset d9 mini;", 'itid Kit ui iill kinds. As the Subscribors aro nnw mnnufneturing Ãieir own Lenther, they are prepared lo sell ns low asc:in be purchased in thi market. Merclmnts and manufocturers will find it to their advantnge to cali and examine DUF stock liefore pnrehasing elsewhore. ÃjCash and Leather exchanged for Hidcs ar.cSkins. ELDRED & CO. Detroit, Jan. 1646. 243-ly
The Gem Of Science Publication
Steamboat Hotel
Perry's Bookstore
Liberty Minstrel
Knapp & Haviland
Hartford Fire Insurance Company
Eldred & Co
Ann Arbor Marble Yard
Stevens & Zugg
Musical Instruments
Classified Advertisements
Old News
Signal of Liberty
E. H. Sanford
Daniel Barney
William S. Brown
J. Sprague
D. L. La Tourette
Zach Hurrell
Henry W. Welles
S. D. Burnett
F. J. B. Crane
Calvin Bliss
J. M. Rockwell
R. Marvin
Sabin Felch