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Traveler Ken Brokaw Looks at Road Map After Returning from West Coast, August 1947

Traveler Ken Brokaw Looks at Road Map After Returning from West Coast, August 1947 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, August 12, 1947
Ken Brokaw, whose hobby is driving, is shown looking over a road map he used in his third trip to the West Coast in the last 12 months. He made the approximately 2,400-mile journey from Los Angeles to Ann Arbor in 55 hours.

Lillian "Mike" McGuire, Wing Scout Troop Leader, Studies An Aerial Map With Louise Gibbs At The Ann Arbor Municipal Airport, January 1947

Lillian "Mike" McGuire, Wing Scout Troop Leader, Studies An Aerial Map With Louise Gibbs At The Ann Arbor Municipal Airport, January 1947 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, January 20, 1947
IT'S RIGHT THERE: Leader Lillian "Mike" McGuire and Wing Scout Louise Gibbs study an aerial map before taking off on a short flight from Ann Arbor City airport. Miss McGuire, a pilot herself, teaches the seven local members of the Wing Scouts the fundamentals of aviation at the organization's weekly meetings.