Visiting Japanese High School Students With Kiwanis Club Sponsors, August 1, 1970 Photographer: Cecil Lockard

Published In:
Ann Arbor News, August 1, 1970
Standing in front of a welcome sign in Japanese for them on a portable billboard, 12 boys and 5 girls from Kagoshima, Japan, are greeted by (left to right), Stan White, Fred Ziesemer and Jules Schaffer representing the Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor. Arriving yesterday, the high school students will stay with local families during their 10-day visit, which is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club. This is the fifth summer that students from Kagoshima have visited Ann Arbor.
Ann Arbor News, August 1, 1970
Standing in front of a welcome sign in Japanese for them on a portable billboard, 12 boys and 5 girls from Kagoshima, Japan, are greeted by (left to right), Stan White, Fred Ziesemer and Jules Schaffer representing the Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor. Arriving yesterday, the high school students will stay with local families during their 10-day visit, which is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club. This is the fifth summer that students from Kagoshima have visited Ann Arbor.
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News Has Own UFO Eyewitness

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Youths From Japan Visiting City

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Kiwanis Club Elects Barden

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Kiwanians' Annual Sale To Be Held Feb. 11 - 13

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City Kiwanis Club Elects Fred Stein

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Kiwanis Furniture Sale, January 1965 Photographer: Duane Scheel

Published In:
Ann Arbor News, January 11, 1965
Kiwanis Furniture Sale ~ About 25 members of the Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor moved furniture an appliances -- which the club will sell Feb. 11 - 23 to benefit its charitable activities -- into the sale site at 113 E. Washington Saturday. Members from left to right are Richard S. Cox, 1007 Arbor View Blvd.; Fred A Mammel, 963 Northwood St.; Fred H. W. Jaeger, 720 Fifth St.; Wayne H. Abbott Jr., 426 Crest Ave. and Stanley C. White, 19722 Bethel Church Rd., Manchester. The annual sale netted the club $12,000 last year.
Ann Arbor News, January 11, 1965
Kiwanis Furniture Sale ~ About 25 members of the Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor moved furniture an appliances -- which the club will sell Feb. 11 - 23 to benefit its charitable activities -- into the sale site at 113 E. Washington Saturday. Members from left to right are Richard S. Cox, 1007 Arbor View Blvd.; Fred A Mammel, 963 Northwood St.; Fred H. W. Jaeger, 720 Fifth St.; Wayne H. Abbott Jr., 426 Crest Ave. and Stanley C. White, 19722 Bethel Church Rd., Manchester. The annual sale netted the club $12,000 last year.
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Fireplace Mantle Offered at Kiwanis Club Annual Rummage Sale, January 1964 Photographer: Duane Scheel

Published In:
Ann Arbor News, January 16, 1964
Want To Buy It? A 100-year-old organ, a commercial coffee urn and now a fireplace mantle (above) -- they're all items that have been donated to an annual Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor rummage sale to be held Feb. 6, 7 and 8 at the Armory and at 208 E. Huron. Stanley White, co-chairman of the sale which annually produces about $10,000 for Kiwanians' community service programs, shows the hardwood mantle. White said the hundreds of different items have been donated to the sale.
Ann Arbor News, January 16, 1964
Want To Buy It? A 100-year-old organ, a commercial coffee urn and now a fireplace mantle (above) -- they're all items that have been donated to an annual Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor rummage sale to be held Feb. 6, 7 and 8 at the Armory and at 208 E. Huron. Stanley White, co-chairman of the sale which annually produces about $10,000 for Kiwanians' community service programs, shows the hardwood mantle. White said the hundreds of different items have been donated to the sale.
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Coffee Urn From Allenel Hotel To Be Featured at Kiwanis Club Annual Rummage Sale, December 1963 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Published In:
Ann Arbor News, December 31, 1963
Kiwanis Rummage Sale Item: The coffee urn being removed from the old Allenel Hotel by Kiwanians is the last of hundreds of items acquired from the hotel by the Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor. The club will sell the items -- 30 truck loads of them -- at a rummage sale Feb. 6, 7, and 8 at the Armory and at a furniture store to be set up for the sale. Allenel items acquired include dressers, beds, davenports, rugs -- even a meat cutting block. It took 50 Kiwanians and their sons 250 man hours over a two-day period to remove the items from the Allenel, which is to be razed soon to make way for a new hotel. Visible faces are those of Stanley white (left) and James Morgan, co-chairmen of the sale. Persons wishing to donate to the sale may telephone NO 5-0450.
Ann Arbor News, December 31, 1963
Kiwanis Rummage Sale Item: The coffee urn being removed from the old Allenel Hotel by Kiwanians is the last of hundreds of items acquired from the hotel by the Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor. The club will sell the items -- 30 truck loads of them -- at a rummage sale Feb. 6, 7, and 8 at the Armory and at a furniture store to be set up for the sale. Allenel items acquired include dressers, beds, davenports, rugs -- even a meat cutting block. It took 50 Kiwanians and their sons 250 man hours over a two-day period to remove the items from the Allenel, which is to be razed soon to make way for a new hotel. Visible faces are those of Stanley white (left) and James Morgan, co-chairmen of the sale. Persons wishing to donate to the sale may telephone NO 5-0450.
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Kiwanis Club Accepts Valuable Woods Pump Organ For Annual Rummage Sale, November 1963 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 12, 1963
Donate Valuable Organ: The co-chairmen of Ann Arbor Kiwanis Club's annual rummage sale, which will be held Feb. 6 - 8 at the Armory, inspect an estimated 100-year-old George Woods organ which was donated to the sale by Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Grace of 1200 Hogback, Ann Arbor township. Shown inspecting the organ are James Morgan (left) and Stanley C. White. Both said they are accepting bids on the rare instrument at 665-0450. Person can telephone that number to donate items to the rummage sale. Kiwanians are making pick-ups daily.
Ann Arbor News, November 12, 1963
Donate Valuable Organ: The co-chairmen of Ann Arbor Kiwanis Club's annual rummage sale, which will be held Feb. 6 - 8 at the Armory, inspect an estimated 100-year-old George Woods organ which was donated to the sale by Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Grace of 1200 Hogback, Ann Arbor township. Shown inspecting the organ are James Morgan (left) and Stanley C. White. Both said they are accepting bids on the rare instrument at 665-0450. Person can telephone that number to donate items to the rummage sale. Kiwanians are making pick-ups daily.
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