Kiwanis Club Accepts Valuable Woods Pump Organ For Annual Rummage Sale, November 1963

Published In
Ann Arbor News, November 12, 1963
Donate Valuable Organ: The co-chairmen of Ann Arbor Kiwanis Club's annual rummage sale, which will be held Feb. 6 - 8 at the Armory, inspect an estimated 100-year-old George Woods organ which was donated to the sale by Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Grace of 1200 Hogback, Ann Arbor township. Shown inspecting the organ are James Morgan (left) and Stanley C. White. Both said they are accepting bids on the rare instrument at 665-0450. Person can telephone that number to donate items to the rummage sale. Kiwanians are making pick-ups daily.
Ann Arbor News, November 12, 1963
Donate Valuable Organ: The co-chairmen of Ann Arbor Kiwanis Club's annual rummage sale, which will be held Feb. 6 - 8 at the Armory, inspect an estimated 100-year-old George Woods organ which was donated to the sale by Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Grace of 1200 Hogback, Ann Arbor township. Shown inspecting the organ are James Morgan (left) and Stanley C. White. Both said they are accepting bids on the rare instrument at 665-0450. Person can telephone that number to donate items to the rummage sale. Kiwanians are making pick-ups daily.
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