U-M Protesters Depart from ROTC Building, September 1969
Published In
Ann Arbor News, September 16, 1969
U-M Demonstrators Depart: Demonstrators attempt to cover their faces while leaving the University's North Hall after briefly visiting two ROTC classrooms. One instructor, Capt. Stanley McLaughlin, invited demonstrators in for an orderly debate, over opposition from U-M security officials, but ordered them out a half hour later. (Related story and pictures on Page 17.) Ann Arbor News photo by Cecil Lockard)
Ann Arbor News, September 16, 1969
U-M Demonstrators Depart: Demonstrators attempt to cover their faces while leaving the University's North Hall after briefly visiting two ROTC classrooms. One instructor, Capt. Stanley McLaughlin, invited demonstrators in for an orderly debate, over opposition from U-M security officials, but ordered them out a half hour later. (Related story and pictures on Page 17.) Ann Arbor News photo by Cecil Lockard)
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