Dawn Patrol Aviators Visit Ann Arbor Airport, May 1940

Published In
Ann Arbor News, May 6, 1940
SEVENTY-ONE PLANES CROWD LOCAL AIRPORT: Ann Arbor's airport resembled that of a large air terminal yesterday as 71 planes landed there in connection with the first Dawn Patrol flight of the season, bringing fliers from Michigan, Ohio and Illinois. Some of the ships are shown in the above photograph. No mishap marred the occasion.
Ann Arbor News, May 6, 1940
SEVENTY-ONE PLANES CROWD LOCAL AIRPORT: Ann Arbor's airport resembled that of a large air terminal yesterday as 71 planes landed there in connection with the first Dawn Patrol flight of the season, bringing fliers from Michigan, Ohio and Illinois. Some of the ships are shown in the above photograph. No mishap marred the occasion.
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