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Erwin Wallaker and David Lake With Their Model Airplanes Before Competing In The First International Model Plane Contest, July 1947

Erwin Wallaker and David Lake With Their Model Airplanes Before Competing In The First International Model Plane Contest, July 1947 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, August 1, 1947
Erwin (Duke) Wallaker, 1629 Traver Rd., and David Lake, 1128 Michigan Ave., are shown with plane models they expect to enter in the First International Model Plane Contest, Aug. 14, 15 and 16, sponsored by Plymouth Motor Corp. Model in Lake's right hand recently did 112 miles per hour at a meet in Hastings. The youths, members of the Ann Arbor Airfoilers Club, are backed by the Plymouth Dealers of the city.

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