Wanda T. Quigg Leads Lesson in Nursing Techniques at Jones School Center, December 1949
Published In
Ann Arbor News, December 19, 1949
HOME NURSING TAUGHT AT JONES SCHOOL CENTER: Mrs.Wanda R. Quigg (left) of 2351 Parkwood Ave., Pittsfield Village, nursing arts instructor at the Ann Arbor Practical Nurse Training Center, is shown above conducting a class in the care of the adult ill. Others shown practicing the lesson besides Mrs. Quigg are, left to right, Mrs. Hilda S. Tiala of 1685 Miller Rd., Miss Margaret S. Phillips of South Lyon, and Miss Caroline M. Pool of Willis. A new class in practical nursing care will be started at the center, located at Jones School, in February.
Ann Arbor News, December 19, 1949
HOME NURSING TAUGHT AT JONES SCHOOL CENTER: Mrs.Wanda R. Quigg (left) of 2351 Parkwood Ave., Pittsfield Village, nursing arts instructor at the Ann Arbor Practical Nurse Training Center, is shown above conducting a class in the care of the adult ill. Others shown practicing the lesson besides Mrs. Quigg are, left to right, Mrs. Hilda S. Tiala of 1685 Miller Rd., Miss Margaret S. Phillips of South Lyon, and Miss Caroline M. Pool of Willis. A new class in practical nursing care will be started at the center, located at Jones School, in February.
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