Boy Scouts Deliver March of Dimes Fund-Raising Cards, January 1942

Published In
Ann Arbor News, January 20, 1942
'March Of Dimes' Cards Start Marching: Boy and girl scouts, aided by the Red Cross motor corps, began the distribution here yesterday afternoon of 10,000 'March of Dimes' cards by which dimes may be contributed to the nationwide fund-raising campaign of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. The photograph above shows several boy scouts piling out of car driven by a member of the motor corps to take the cards to residential houses.
Ann Arbor News, January 20, 1942
'March Of Dimes' Cards Start Marching: Boy and girl scouts, aided by the Red Cross motor corps, began the distribution here yesterday afternoon of 10,000 'March of Dimes' cards by which dimes may be contributed to the nationwide fund-raising campaign of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. The photograph above shows several boy scouts piling out of car driven by a member of the motor corps to take the cards to residential houses.
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