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Lemon Pie

Lemon Pie image

Use juice and grated rind of 1 lemon, yolks of 2 eggs, 1 cup
of sugar, 2 scant tablespoonfuls cornstarch, 1 cup boiling water.
Cook over water. Bake crust, then pour in mixture. Frost with
whites of 2 eggs and 3 tablespoonfuls of sugar. Set pie in oven
to brown.

Lemon Pies

Lemon Pies image

One lemon, juice, pulp and rind chopped, 1 egg, 1 large cup
of sugar, 4 or 5 crackers, 1/2 cup boiling water, 1/2 cup chopped
raisins. Pour the water on to the crackers and let them soak
while preparing the rest. Do not put on an upper crust, or put
on only strips of pie crust, as on a cherry pie. Twice this recipe
will be enough for 3 pies.

Lemon Pie

Lemon Pie image

Two cups of boiling water, juice of 1 1/2 lemons, rind of 1,
1 cup of sugar, 2 tablespoons of cornstarch wet in cold water,
yolks of 2 eggs beaten in the cornstarch. Mix and cook 20 minutes,
stirring frequently. Bake in a rich crust, and spread over it the
whites of the eggs, and brown.

Lemon Pie

Lemon Pie image

One lemon, rolled, rind grated and all the juice, 1 large apple
grated, 2 crackers rolled fine, 1 cup of sugar, yolks of 3 eggs well
beaten. Beat all together thoroughly and bake with under crust.
Beat whites to a stiff froth, add 2 tablespoonfuls sugar and
spread on the pie. Put in oven and brown.

Lemon Custard Pie

Lemon Custard Pie image

One cup sugar, piece of butter size of walnut, cream as for
cake, juice and rind of 1 lemon, 2 tablespoons sifted flour, 1 cup
of milk, add well beaten yolks of 2 eggs; last of all beat whites of
the 2 eggs very stiff and stir in. Bake 1/2 hour in a deep plate,
moderate oven.

Custard Pie

Custard Pie image

Thoroughly stir together 2 eggs, leaving out the white of 1,
3 tablespoonfuls of white sugar, 1 heaping tablespoonful of flour
and a little salt. Slowly add 1 pt. rich milk, or enough to fill the
crust. Grate nutmeg over the top and bake carefully, never
allowing the custard to boil. When done slip immediately upon
an earthen plate, cover with meringue made of the white of 1 egg
and 1 or 2 spoonfuls of sugar. Return to oven long enough to
slightly harden the frosting. The addition of the flour will give
firmness to the custard, allowing it to remain as cut when cold.
The crust should be only moderately rich. Select the darker eggs
for custards. For a very large pie use 3 instead of 2 eggs.

Amber Pie

Amber Pie image

Two tablespoonfuls of butter, 6 eggs, 1 teacup sugar, 1 teacup sour cream, 1 cup strawberry preserves. Beat eggs, sugar and butter together, then put in cream and stir in preserves last. This will make 2 large pies. Bake with under crust. Meringue on top if desired.

Colonial Hats

Colonial Hats image

One coffeecup of stoned and chopped raisins, the juice and
grated rind of 1 lemon, 1 egg, 1 cup of sugar, a pinch of salt, and,
if liked, a piece of citron the size of half a dollar. Mix all well.
Put tablespoonfus of this mixture on rounds of piecrust from
six to seven incheas in diameter and very thinly rolled. Fold
together from three directions, so that the shape will resemble
the name. Leave no vent in the dough, but press the edges so
firmly together that not a drop can escape. When all are laid in
the baking pan, brush over with milk in which a little sugar is
dissolved. Bake 15 to 20 minutes.

Silver Pie

Silver Pie image

Peel and grate 1 large white potato into a deep plate; add
the juice and grated rind of 1 lemon, the beaten white of 1 egg,
1 teacupful of white sugar and 1 cup of cold water. Stir well
together and pour into a nice under-crust and bake. When done
have ready the whites of 2 eggs well beaten, 1/2 a teacupful of
white sugar and a few drops of lemon, all thoroughly beaten.
Put this mixture on the top of the pie evenly and return to the
oven to stiffen a few moments. When sent to the table just lay a
teaspoonful of jelly on the center of each piece, to ornament, if
you wish.

Mince Pie

Mince Pie image

Four lbs. of lean meat chopped fine after being cooked tender,
3 lbs. chopped suet, 8 lbs. chopped apples, 2 lbs. currants,
2 lbs. raisins, 1 lb. citron, 6 lbs. brown sugar, 1 lemon chopped,
no seeds, 1 tablespoon cinnamon, 1/2 ounce mace, 1 tablespoon
allspice, 1 tablespoon cloves, 2 tablespoons salt. Wet with boiled
cider and cook together.