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Custard Pie

Custard Pie image

One pint of milk, 3 eggs, a little salt, 2 tablespoonfuls of
sugar, and a little of Slade's powdered nutmeg. Bake with
under crust only.

Rich Pineapple Pie

Rich Pineapple Pie image

Beat half a pound (1 cup) of butter and a pound (2 cups) of
sugar to a cream. Stir in a pound of grated pineapple (1 pint)
after scalding, and then 3 eggs beaten and diluted with 1 cup of
milk. The juice of 1/2 a lemon is an improvement. Bake with an
under crust. This recipe makes two pies. It may be baked in a
pudding-dish without pastry.

Custard Pie

Custard Pie image

When eggs are high a custard may be made more economically by substituting a little cornstarch for part of the egg. Allow 2 eggs,
3 tablespoons of sugar, a speck of salt, a few gratings of nutmeg and
3 cups of milk, with a level tablespoon of cornstarch rubbed smooth with a little of the milk. Heat one cup of the milk; stir in the dissolved cornstarch, and cook five minutes: then make as usual when all eggs are used. The starch must be cooked before the pie is put together.

Filling For One Pumpkin Pie

Filling For One Pumpkin Pie image

To one cup of sifted pumpkin add 1/4 cup of molasses, 1/4 cup of sugar,
1 beaten egg, 1/2 teaspoonful of salt, 1/3 teaspoonful of ginger or cinnamon, and 2/3 cup of rich, creamy milk. Bake until firm in a tin lined with pastry.

Apple Lemon Pie

Apple Lemon Pie image

Grate the yellow rind of one lemon, add the juice, one egg,
and one cup of sugar. Beat all well together, then stir in two
medium sized apples grated. Bake between two crusts.

Fried Pies

Fried Pies image

Any pastry may be used, but the trimmings from puff paste
are usually selected for this purpose. Roll the paste quite thin,
and cut it out into rounds with a large-sized patty cutter, first
dipped in boiling water. Put a generous tablespoonful of any
cooked and seasoned preparation on one-half of the paste, just
below the centre, brush over the edge of the pastry with white of
egg, beaten with a little cold water, and press the edges together.
Add the beaten yolk of the egg to the mixture of egg white and
water, and, when blended, use to brush over the outside of the
pies. Fry two at a time, about five minutes, in deep fat. Use a
frying basket. Drain on soft paper.

To Keep Pies From Running Over in The Oven

To Keep Pies From Running Over in The Oven image

Pastry shrinks considerably in baking, and allowance needs
be made for this. The under crust should lie very loosely on the
plate, and come out one-fourth an inch beyond it. Brush the
upper edge of the paste with cold water, and press the edge of the
cover---cut to fit very loosely---upon it, brush the two edges with
water, and bake in a slow oven.

Pie Crust

Pie Crust image

In baking pie crust for lemon or other pies in which the crust
is baked first and is so apt to collapse place the tin bottom side up,
roll the crust to fit, place in some larger tin and bake still upside
down. If the oven is right it will come out a good shape.

Pineapple Pie

Pineapple Pie image

One cup grated pineapple, juice and grated rind of 1 lemon,
1/2 cup sugar. Put in double cooker, and when hot add yolks of
2 eggs beaten. Bake your crust as you would for lemon pie, pour
in your mixture hot. Bake, then add the whites of the eggs
beaten with 2 spoons of sugar as a meringue for the top. Return
to the oven a moment till set, or a light brown.

Rhubarb Pie

Rhubarb Pie image

One cup of stewed rhubarb, 1 cup of sugar, yolks of 2 eggs.
Bake with 1 crust, beat the whites of 2 eggs to a stiff froth, spread
over the top and brown nicely.