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16th Annual LEGO Contest

Category/Grade Name displayed with project Title Project Picture Project Video
Grades 3-5 Leo and Mia M Mackinac Island Vacation IMG_4383.jpg IMG_4382.MOV
Grades 3-5 Liam Miller The Joke 4A3F6316-59FD-40C3-9496-B463309A61C5.png trim.3ADE5A9A-A889-45F6-999A-07C27EFF0340.MOV
Grades 3-5 Liam Wenger The Mysterious Island IMG_2122.jpg
Grades 3-5 Lila C-L Aquatown - beware of the sharks image.jpg trim.B3727D57-EBB1-4E7C-BB3C-83FC49CC2DF1.MOV
Grades 3-5 Linus & Sam Heavy Duty PXL_20210808_213131193.jpg PXL_20210808_222649952.mp4
Grades 3-5 Maxwell M Love is Love House image.jpg
Grades 3-5 Michi L. The ultimate Aphrodite cabin IMG_20210807_210558.jpg
Grades 3-5 Michigan Mosiac image.jpg
Grades 3-5 Micro City LEGO Island Micro City My micro city.png trim.E23DE712-2EAF-4B63-8A29-D376F16D5B2F.MOV
Grades 3-5 Nate Bailey beachy weekends!!!!!!!!! Nate Bailey Lego Pic.jpg Nate Bailey Lego.mp4
Grades 3-5 Nate H SUPERCOW on the Farm FD4C5CDF-A85A-469F-9033-426983279002.png trim.7AABAF2C-E03B-46D0-93BB-F20F795E4728.MOV
Grades 3-5 Nick Forrest Vacation home NickForrest.jpg NickForrest.MOV
Grades 3-5 Nolan R, age 8 The Wrecker image000000 (9).jpg VID_20210804_173204280~3_0.mp4
Grades 3-5 Ocean Scene Ocean Scene Sam Ocean.jpg IMG_2089.MOV
Grades 3-5 Prison Inprisoned image.jpg trim.B347542D-3B8C-480B-BD17-68A66AECFCCF.MOV
Grades 3-5 Qays Uddin inbound5683563321492812217.jpg
Grades 3-5 Rami See You In 17 Years EF8B2C9F-DC39-44CF-9CB4-8E9D5414AD05.png trim.B99F0EEC-EE10-4FF3-99B5-A75F70BFA4A7.MOV
Grades 3-5 Restricted area 03 Restricted Area 03 20210807_212732_0.jpg lego.mp4
Grades 3-5 Rowan Wenger Viking invasion IMG_2127.jpg
Grades 3-5 Ryan Star Wars ship image.jpg trim.0A5653B3-D6C3-41E9-9978-102D1A0E4FC6.MOV