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THE SONG OF THE "No. 9." My dress is of fine polished oak, As rich as the finest fur cloak, And for handsome design You just should see mine- No. 9, No. 9. I'm beloved by the poor and the rich, For both I iinpartially stitch ; In the cabin I shine, In the mansion I'm fine- ' No. 9, No. 9. I never get surly nor tired, WItli zeal I ahvays am fired ; To hard work I incline, For rest I ne'er plne- No. 9, No. 9. I am easily purchased by all, With instalments that mouthly do f all ; And when I am thine, Then life is benign - No. 9, No. 9. To the Paris Exposition I went, Upon getling the Grand Prize intent; I lef t all behind, The Grand Prize was mine- No. 9, No. 9. At the Universal Exposition of 1889, at Paris, France, the best sewing machines of the world, including those of America, were in competition. They were passed upou by a jury composed of the best foreign mechauical experts, two of whom were the leading sewing machine manufacturera of France. This jury, after exhaustive examination and tests, adjudged that the Wheeler & Wilson machines were the best of all, and awarded that company the highest prize offered- the GRAND PRIZE- giving other companies only gold, silver and bronze medals. The Freneh government, as a further recognition of superiority, decorated Mr. Nathaniel Wbeeler, president of the company, with the Cross of the Legión of Honor- the most prized honor of Franee. The No. 9, for family use, and the No, 12, for manufacturing uses, are the best in the world today. And now, when you want a sewing machine, if you do not get the" best it will be your own fault. Ask your sewing machine dealer for the No. 9 Wheeler & Wilson machine. If he doesn't keep thëm, write to us for descriptive catalogue and terms. Agents wanted in all unoecupied territory. WHEELEli & WILSOS MFG. CO. Chicago, IU. FOR SAL.E BY Michael Staebler, Ann Arbor, Mich. H. KITREDGE, No. 6 West Ann Street. LITERÏ,HACK AIDBAG6AGE 1IIÏE, In the rear of Edward Duffy's grocery store. Hack to all trains, day and night. Orders for trains, parties, wedding-s and funerals promptly attcnded to. Telephone, 108 Ann Arbor Mich. trugkuUM Noív we are ready with a NEW BRICK ST0KEHOU8E for the storage of household goods, pianos, books, stoves,etc. Movingoi'househeldg'oods and pianos earef ully done. All kinds of heavy and lightdraying. Freight work. C. E. GODFREV, Residence and oifice 48 Kourth Avenue North ï3ï"Te]ephone 82._sa MARTIN & FISCHER. PROPRIETOItS OF THE WESTERN BBEWEItY, ANN ARBOE, MICIIBrewers of Pure Lasrer Beer. NE VER A FAILURE. The Red River Valley oí' Minnesota aml North Dakota has never had a failure oL crops. It produced 30,000,000 bushels of wheat besides other cereals in 1890. Farms can be had on the erop plan, or long time cash payments. It is not an uncommon tliing to pay f or a farm from the proceeds of one erop. It has all of the advantages of an old country in the shape of school, church, rnarket, postal uailway facilities and all the chances of a new country in the way of cheap lands, rich soil, and increase in values. It is one oi the most fertile and promising regions in America not yet i'ully occupied. In the rush to the far ' west, liowever, this rich valley has beeu over-looked. It has room for a million more people. Write to F. I. WHITNEY, St. Paul, Mimi. for particulars. Publications sent free. tnnn S7A.Ili.A.:Eiï.Sr and Comrnlsu)iUUi sionto Agents, Menand Women " Teachers and Clerg-ymen to introduce a new and popu'liir standard book, MARVELS OF THE NEW WEST A new Agent sold 70 in one week. Ageut's proflts ÜM6.50. I Over 350 orginal engraviogs 10,400 copies sold in oue week. Exclusive torritory. Endorsed by the greatest men of our country. Agents thorouguly iustructed. Apply The Henry Bill Publishing Co-, Norwich, Conn, AGENTS ! ENTIRELY WANTEDI NEW BOOK The most wonrterful colJeetion of practical, eal value and evcry-day use for the people ever publishcd on the globe. A marvel of inoney-saving and money-earning for every oneowning it. Thousandsofbcautiful, helpful !ngravings, showiriKjusthowtodoevervthing No competition; uothing like it in the universe, When you select that which is of true value, sales are sure. All sineerely desiring payingemploymentancVlookiug for somet hing thoroughly tirst-class at an extraordinary low pnce, should write for description and terms on the most remarkable achievement in bookuiakiritf slnce the wórld begaij. SCAMMELL & GO.. Box 50OJ ST. LOUIS or PHILADKLPHlA.