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Rey. Shier will address the public at the M. E. chnrch, next Sunday evoning. Geo. Brokaw and dáughter, Zella, of Fenwick, visited frlends here the first! of the week. Mrs. Frank Slingerland, oí Spring - water. N. Y., has been visiting Mrs. E. C. Hebbard., a few days. The ladies' aid society will hold an observation social at Mrs. E..E. Leland's on Friday cvening, November 18th. Come and obserye. Hunters need to beware on whose premises the.v take tlie liberty to shQDt game as some of the farmers have signa up. "ïïo .Shooting Alloweil Hfere.'1 The morning passenger train going north on the Toledo and Aun Arbor road was wrecked a short dlstance north of this station last Saturday morning. The wholo train left the track. The tender, baggage car and firsfc coach were thrown off the grade and nearly tipped over, while the engine and last coach remained on the grade. About two hundred feet of track was torn up. Spreading of the rails is ï-eported to be the cause of the accident. It seemed to be almost a miracU?, seeing the position of the car.s.'that not a person on board was injui-ed. A number of the company's men were soon collected and coinmenced to clear up the wreek. The cars were somewhat smashed, but not as much as first supposed. The track was cleared and the wreek all cleared;,up except the mail car at two o'clock Sunday morning. A g.ang of mem worked ;iil day .Sunday in repairing track and removing tñe last car of the wreek.