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Samuel Krause is building another house on "W. Third street. Clara Godden has liled a bilí for divorce against James Godden. The Bon Ami club gave a masqucade ball at the rink last evening. D. A. Pray, law '91 is now in the aw officei of C. H. Klitic. in this city. The Michigan Central is running 55.00 cxcursions to Chicago, this weck. A fine choir now furnishes music at Bethlehcni church each Sunday cvenng- L. M. Stevens has opened another barber shop, on Williams street near State. Ex-Register of Deeds Kearns lias been sworn ia as deputy register of .eeds. The ladies gave a rainbow social and tea at the Presbyterian church, ast ovening. A isüght ehange in the running time of trahis on the Michigan Central was nade Sunday. The choir of St.. Thomas' church is already rehearsing a program for Christmas week. Dr. Carrow has rented the house donging to Mi-s. G;:y, corner o Huron and División streets. Tlie Washtenaw Evening Times has nlarged to eight pages, an evidence hat the paper is prospering. The coUection, at the union Thanks;iving service will be turned over to he Ladies' Charitable Union. Mac O'Linty and Louis ICreiger, two ramps, were sentcnced by Justice Butts,, Monday, to thirty days in jail. Monday, John A. Frey paid $10.90, amount of fine and costs imposed upon im by Justice Pond for getting drunk. Alm Arbor Coinmandiary, K. Q, worked 1jhe Red Cross degree on one of our prominent business men, Tueslay evening;. A "College Day" reception will be endered to the Epworth League, at the Methodist parsonage, this evening rom 7:30 to 9:30. It is said that araother livery stable s to be opened in tliis city, in the barn on the corner of Washington street and Fourth avenue. Justice C. B. Grant, of the Supreme jench, deüvered an address on "Law and Order," at Emanuel church, in Jetroit, Sunday evenhig. The Choral Union will not (meet or rehearsal, next Tuesday evening, om account of the commencement of the Thanksgiving vacation. About thirty friends dropped into the home of City Clerk Millcr and wife, Monday evening, and assisted Mrs. Miller in celebrating her birthday. There is talk among the Chequamegon orchestra members of mustering into the Ann Arbor Light Infantry and organizing a military band. The handsome Wells memorial window for the chancel of St. Andrew's church, has arrived and the rector hopes tö have it in place by Sunday. The several city and township treasurers have been notified to file extra bonds with the county treasurer before collecting the state and county taxes. Fraternity lodge, F. and A. M., has accepted an. invttation to visit Oriental lodge, at Detroit, on Dec. 8flh, and exempttiffy the work on the tJhird degree. Tlfoe A;nn Arbor Liight Infantry club rooms are now open from 2 to 11 p. m., every evening. The reading rooms are eupplied wlth all the leading magazines and papers. The ceiling and partition in Robison & Howlett's livery caught fire from a detective cMmney, Wednesday afternoon, Biit was extingulahed beiore doing muclh damage. The A. A. & Y. raii-way expect twi ne-v cars next week. One is of the same style 'as the ones now ín use and the other is a horse car to be run to the depot in Ypsüanti. " Rcv. J. T. Sunderland will preach next Sunday morning on "Conversión.' Evening subject, "The Eeügions o Twenty Eminent Americans," lllus trated by portraits of the sama. The meeting of the Unity club, next Monday evening, wlll take the form of a pleasant social. A very Ínter esting program has been prcpared and all are most cordially invited to be present. Httgfc McCormick and David Drown were eaeh seineneed by Justiee Pond, Monday, to pay a fine of $5 and costs or spend ten days in jall, for break into a frelght car on the Michigan Central. Henry Gable, au orphan, plead gu 'i;y Monday, before Justice Butts, of steaMng a gold watóh from John Burkhardt. On the recommendation of ttoe county agent, he was sent to Wie state school until lic is sixteeii years of age. The Light Infantry club rooms were thrown open for the public, last Friday and Siturday afternoon-i and evenings, and a great many people visited thern. The rooms are now closed to all but members of the Infantry and of the honorary corps. The ladies of the Second Baptist church wlll hold a fair Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, in the ba'sement of their church, on the corner of Fifth avenue and Beakes t. üseful and faney articles will be íor sale. Admission ten cents. Eev. Dr. Burnham, of Hamilton, N. Y., will occupy the pulpit at the Baptist church, Sunday morning. On evenuig he will nddress a unión meeting to be held in University Hall. No services will be held in the evang: lical chinches in th;1, i v ning. It has been found necessary, owing to increase of audience at the Presyterian church, to place new cushions n the seats of the large gallery and upply it with hynm books and Blbles. Last Sunday morning the pastor had ards distributod and when tho colection boxes came in, the whole ■vmount needed, $250, was pledged. About eighty members of Arbor Tint, C. O. T. M., visited their Ypsilanti brethren, Wednesday evening. They were royally treated, participated in a street parade, witnessed a review of the work, enjoyed a fine spread, and listened to deüghtful music rendered by the Ypsilanti K. O. T. M. band. The chancel window of St .Andrew's church arrived this week and will probably be put into position by next Sunday. It is pronounced by competent judges as the best church window n the ttate oí Mi bigan. The winJovv was donated by Mrs. Dr. Welle, as a memorial window for her daughter, Miss Lilüan Wells. A three-year-old son of C. Comisky, of Jewett avenue, had a narrow escape from drowning, Saturday. While playing near a cistern, he feil in, there 3eing fourteen feet of water in the cistern. Mrs. Comisky wascalled and getting a ladder, rescued the child. It was thought that the child was deaiï for a time, but Dr. Kapp iinally brought him to. Au injuistice was done to Secretary Wade by one of the local papers, which stated Chat he had meglected to bring the matter of free beds in the hospital, asked for by the city, before the regents. The secretary called the attention of the board to the request of bhe city at the October meeting of the regente and the matter was then referred to a committee. Ou Monday afternoon, the ladies of St. Andrcw's church met and organized a society for the purpose of doing the same wörk among women that the Brotherhood of St. Andrew is doing among men. About twentyfive of the earnest church workers were presen and entered in the Work -with zeal. The society will moet twice each month. Tlie fourteen-year-oid daughter of Marshal Murray had a narrow escape, Monday evening. She wout to visifr a neighboring girl of about her age and the two built a fire Mn a stove. The Murray girl then poureil out a cup of oil and threw it on the Ure. The flames burst out and burned her hands and hair, but fortunately not catching her clothes or doing any serious injury. Capt. J. Edward Dupont, of the Detroit Liffht Infantry, made an official inspection of the Aim Arbor Ivight Iniantry, Tuesday evening, aa the representative of Inspector-Gen eral Lothrop. He found the arms and uniforms of the company in good shape, and the drUling of the torn pany only six months old, was o sur priso to Mm. The company is short of uniforms and he recommended that mom be sent (here. H. B. Walmsley, lit '78, of Eai Claire, Wis., -has been in the city foi a couple of weeks past endeavorinfc to interest our local capitalists in ; railroad project whlch he has in view He proposes to build another rail road from Duluth to St. Paul, and wants five hundred capitalists to tak $1,000 worth of bonds each. He i certain that it wiH be a paying In vestment, and a number of our busi nss men are looking over his plans Eev. Sylvestcr Burnham, D. D.. of iamilton, N. T., will conduct a Bible nstitute for the Students' Ch: ls1i nn Ateociation, eommencing this evenlng nn losing on Sunday. Dr. Burnhara is one of the leading instructors in the summer schools of the institute of sacred Literature, of which President Harper, of Chicago, is the principal. ?he institute will be eonducted in Newberry Hall. The game of rugby on the fairgrounds, Saturday afternoon, between the teams from the high school and the Michigan Müitary Academy ivas onc of the best of the season. After i hard struggle the home team won by a score of 24 to 6. The game wat i rough onc and several were more or less injured. Rice Beal had th' breuth knocked out of him for a tinu and C. Van Deventer, of the Orcharc Linke team, had both knees sprainec and was carried to the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity house, where he has a brother living. There will be a meeting next Sunday afterivoon in the Disciple church for thP. purpose of organizing an English Lutheran Sunday-school, with the expectation of estabüshing In the near future an English Lutheran chureh. A cordial invitation is extended to all who may be interested in this movement to be present at the organiza tion. It is especiaHy urged upon all Engl'i'sh Lutherans among citizens and students to make themselves known and to identify themselves with the work from the very beginning. On account of the Bible-reading by Dr. Burnham in Newberry Hall, tho hour of meeting has been changed on fiunday, 22, from three to four o'clock.