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Peninsular News

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W' in. Kay, of Mymouth, was iound dead n the snow. Whisky. Ionia prifion lias 450 inmatcs ; 180 were eceived during December. A farm of 160 acres, near Constautine, ias boen sold lor $100 per acre. The lonia post i Boe wa' promoted to a second class offioe on .January Jst. It OOW ;i-l'laii!ell man $10 to fold a letcr in a uewspaper, and then mail it. The Jonosvillc cotton mili is manufacturng 4,000 yards of cotton cloth per day. A lumber company at Chcboygan are alkinfi of uring clectric ligbt in their mili. A. B. Ilicks, of Buchanan, paid 39, inluding costs, for selling liquor to a drunkard. The eritorprising etticens lMt. Cleniens are building a steam barge for use on the iver next sumnier. One saloonist of Stanton paid $55, and another $30, for .elling liquor to men after heir wivcs had forbidden it. Ex-Gov. Baglcy gave the children of the State public school at Coldwater $25, with which to celébrate Christin;. Forty car-loads of maple tiujber, in size }x6, will be f'urnished by a firm at Laning to a Liverpool, England, firiu. II. L. Wilbur, of Deerfield, Lenawee ounty, has been arrested, charged with nirning his barn to get the insuratiee. The fifth annual pasmón of the Michigan Sportsmen Asaociation will be held in Bay JJity, couamenciDg on Tuesday, Feb. 3. The heirs of Philó W. Wheaton, of ligbland, Oakland county, liave instituted roceedings to test bis will. About $15,000 s involved! Seven hundred pounds of dynamite, stored in a building in West Bay City, )urned with the building, without anyconcusnion. It burned like grease. The jury in the case of Mrs. Ann Garriun in. U'illiam J. Steele, of Bay City, for selling liquor to lier husband, gave her 51,000. The case has been appealed by Steele. Mrs. Jeremiali Davenport, retiding at the Lake Kidee Hotel in Macon, Lenawee couuty, on December 24th last, slipped, and, in falling, struck her head against a sharp plank, causiog instant death. Liquor vendors are in grief now-a-days, a8Ínaddition to the temperance movement that is making such great inroads upon their trade, the law iorbidding them selling io drunkards under penalty of heavy fines is being enforced. On Christmas day George Bronner, of Mooreville, this county, wbile engaged in nioving a building, was struck in the stomach by a lever, which caused his death in a few liours. His age was 5ï and he leaves a wife and several children. Rev. J. F. Berry, pastor of the M. E. Church at Mount CkmgM, is running a Ij.iH' i '' ' churcliiT Mt. ('Icmcns Monitor. He says : "We buiieve in the power of the proas, and have fiith in printer' l ink." Charles Moses, an examplary young man of Owosso, and the heir to considerable property, went away on the 19th uit., leaving letters to two friends stating that soine day it would be known why he left, and that he sliould eitlier go west or to Florida. His disappearance is wbolly unaccountable. A young muu namcd Tlios. Hare, while in the depot at (Joleman, on Mouday of last week, feil on a hot Htove while iu a Ot, and, beforc he was diseovored by the operator, the skin and flesh of one side of his face and hcad was burncd to a einder, one eye cntirely burned out, and a portion of his nose destroyed. Manistee TimcB and Standard : The Reitz galt well is down over 300 feet, and what is most reuiarkablc is that 230 feet has been through (uicksand. Tbe first 200 feet was quicksand, then ncventy or cighty feet of very hard clay, and then fjuieksand. It is very seldom that that amount of quicksand has been found in one body. CMJwaiur Reporter: LastSaturday evening a man from Union township xtarted for tliia city to procure a physician for his dying wife. On the way he becauie intoxicated, and with acompanion staid around town nero till two o'clock, cntirely forgetful of his mission. Whctlicr lic linally collected his senscfl, and BUmmODtd the dector, is unknown. Monroe Commercial; One of the present inmates of the county house is a puzzle to all who kcc him. He was found in a strawstack, in Frenchtown, about ïbanksgiving, and i.s apparently not lar from 20 years of' age. Whero lie carne from, and who he belongs to, no one knuw.s. J Ie utters no word, eats occasionally, has to be helped up, dressed, and helped to bed, and stands or sits just whcre hc ia put, without moving a musclc, or seeming to take any note whatever of what is going on around him. He stands for noui and hours together in ono poaition, his h;.nds hanging listlossly by his side, his eyes fixed on vacancy ; has a somewhat rapid movement of tho pulse, but moves no moaol uuless helped to move by somc one of those in cbarge of tbe inmates. His case is one of tue most strange and puzzling ones that we have ever witnessed.