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$80,000 or thereabouts, is the amount Michipan offersthis season to her fa-t horsenen, in the coming trots. J. G. Fortman, fish coiuuiissiooer, lias ust plwted 1,000,000 young white lUh in Le Lake off South Haven. A new paper has been started at Cheboyan, by MV.ssrs Forsy'h & Bunnell, fornerly of Kay City, and is called tho lVmocrat. O vid wants some capitalists to erect, ten or tif'tenn cottages, the same tci oo.-t ahout 1500. The investment, it ia said, would e a paying one. The reports from the great Michigan 'ruit belt on the west shore of the Siateare o the effect that prospocts are very promsing for a good erop thia year. The Grand Rapidi board of'edueation roently pased a 130.000 high school mueiim bill. But couldn't elect an asaïstant ibrarian to reeeive a $200 salary. The statesalt inspector ii)p('eted 113,115 iarrels of salt during the montli of Fcbruary, whieh is about twice as mach as he emr inspected in the month of Febrnify rtifore. The Karwei! Register gnes into nutnerous wood cuts to celébrate tbo temporáneo vicory gained by the pcople of that place at he late election. The vietor.y wis a dedive one. The late Geo. C. Whitney, ofNilfft was ince very wealthy, but he endorsed for a 'riend, and by the time he got aff.iirs traightened up,be was short 40,000. That s what comes of having f'iien'ls V. A. Georgo, editor of the Lansing iepublican, has beon writing some very ineresting letters to bis paper from Augusta, Mairie- and said letters do not how the iareelon gang in a very envialli? liirht. The leading Deruocrats ol PofitJM are iadly at sea in their ohoioe fof President. rilden pulls a strong oar, bowever, whi'e is late partner n ditremr, ITendiicks, comes out just a trifiV ahead of all others. The Michigan teachers' in-titutes lor 1880 will be beid as follows, froin March 29 to April 2 inclusive in cachease: Way'and, Juincy, Battle Creek, Williamston, Iaple lapids. Lapeer, Tecumseh, 13ig Rapids, Milford. The Detroit, Grand Haven t Milwaukee ¦lailroad are to place a daily line of .teamera on the route between Grand Haven and Wlwaukee, the same to be from amon? the inestof the Goodrich Transportation Co.'a oat9. The road seems to be advancing under its new management. The Michigan Homestead says : "Farmers throughout the state are hiring tbeir help for the season. We hear of one man whohas hiredout for nine monthsfor$155, and of two others who have engaged for he season at $18 a month. These secm to 5e about the usual wages." No. 2 wheat made a terriffic crash among the Grand Rapids people reeently leavine he " pool " of that city out to the tune of L360,000. Some of the very best business men of the city are the heaviest suffere, and are left penniless thereby. Gambling is dangerous business, whether of the popular kind called " options," or by means of the detested cards. The Grand Rapids divorca case poems to te in a fairway of adjustment. Addis is to make a trut deed to his son, of all his Grand Rapids property and pine lands in the upper peninsula, valued at $40,000, and to retain his pine iands in the lowcr peninsula and all personal property. Mrs. Addis denies in toto, the charges made against her, butallows him adivoree rather than live with such a man. It seems as if the tooi, Blodgett, ought to be brought to ustice. A man inFlint says he can produce a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head, and no mistake. Wonder what he stops around Flintfor? He might just as well live in the finest baronial castle in Europe, sport a title, and be shot at or blowed up twice a week. If he hasn't got the stake for a starter there are $500,000 in this section U8t aching to get into his pookets. He will need at least a carload of his fertilizer for a. tiOn-dressinc beforn Ho loLnn to plow. -Lansing Republican. Yes, sir, he oan do it. We know the man and the " fertilizor" he has found, and he has a fortune in it, too The commissioner of insurance for Michigan, reports that since January, 1889, the following named companies have been adniitted to do iosurance bu9ineS in this state. The name of the " attorncy " for each is also given : American Fire, Newark, N. J., Ira Woroester. Dwelling House, Boston, Mass., M. P. Thatcher. Farragut Fire, New York, N. Y.,KarlSchmcmann. Fireman's, Newark, N. J., B. I. Smalley. Germán Fire, Baltimore, Md., Karl Schmenrnn. Grcat Western, New York, N. Y., Byron Whitaker. Hamburg lagdeburg, Hamburg, Gennany, Eber Ward. Metronole, Paris, France, Charles F. l'elti'T. Norwich Union, Norwich, England, F. O. Pavenport. People's Fire, New York, N. Y, W. P. Rolt. Phocnix Assurance Oompany, London, England, James J. Clark. The National Greenbaok party ot' this state held a convention at Jack.son, Maroh 17th, and elected deleates to the ïegular wing convention, so called, of' the party, to be held in Chicago, next June. The scranible for the honors was terriffic, creating considerable feeling in the convention. The following delégales werè elected to represent Michigan: At Larok- Hi-nry 8 Stuith, of Kent ; Moses W, Field, of Wayne ; R. B. Taylor, of Bay ; Wilbttr F. Clute, of 8t Joseph. Hy Distkicts- First- J. D. Berdan, C. H. Mili-.; alternates, Jno. 8teele, 1). Parsons. Sn-mul- Geo. A. Peters, A. A. Baxter; altérnate, A. J. Baker, C. H. Oewey. Tktrd W, F. Hicks, H. C. Hodge ; altornat.-s. A. B Allen, H. A. Shaw. Fourth-C. G. Townsend, T. R. Hill ; alternates, A. Moon, J. P. Vanderwater. Fifth-A. A. Stilcs, ,M. W. Lewis; alternates, E. .1. Moriarty, G. S. Hubbard. üi.rtli- Whitney .Iones, J. M. Norton ; alternates, I). H. Mesncr, J. R. Neil. Seventh - H. A. Whitney, Augus tus Day ; alternates, S. J. Watkins,!'. l. Wilder. Eiffhtk- L. C. Holden, II. ('. Hampton. 'Ninth-S. W. Fowler, W. .1. Whitney.