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The Ann Arbor Courier

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FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1880. Closlng and Opening f MatU. Mails leaving Ann Arbor, Kast anrt West, wlll clowns follows: (IOINU WEST. Way Mail - 8:80 a. m. riirouRh aud Way MbII 10:50 a. ra. aud 4:50 p. m. Way Mali betweeu Aun Arbor and Jackson i:5Sp"mi ChlMSO ivutl hoyond 7:30 p. m. QOINQ KAST. lu-trolt poacli 8:30 a. m. Througlï and Way Mail 10:25 a. m., 4:50 p. m. q Mails .listrlbuted at 8 and 10 a. ra.. 12 in. umi 0:3) p. in. WexMrn MHiidiBtrllmtedal6:30 p. m. Chicago Mali distrlbiited at 8 a. m. Jackson Mali aud Way Mali between Jackson and Ann Arbor dlstributod at 11 a. m. Mali ly Toledo Kallroad clDses at 11:10 a. m. Toledo Ilailro;i.l Mail .Ustributwl at 8:00 a. m. Saturday .-vonliii, wlien it Is dlstrlbutcd before tka ollice oloties. The mail to Wlillmore Lake, Webster and Hrlgbton leave Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at a. m., and Is recetved from these places Uondaya, Vi-li'Hdays and Frldaysal ïour o'clock p. ra. CHAS. G. ULAKK, P. M. Travelcr' Uulde. rralns arrlve and depart from the Mlonlgan Central Depot in thls city as followi: TKAINS KAMT. Atlantic Kxpress 2.05a. m. Hlght Kxpress 6.10 a. in. Jackjiuu Aocoiumudation 8.45 a. m. rand lUipldn Kxpress 10.36 a. ra. ffT"8::::::::::::::::::::::::: TBAIN8 WKST. jjjjl 8.40 a. m. DnjtnNB. 11.00a. m. Oraml Bivpid Kiprewt 5.20 p. m. ,Tcksou fc.rpresa T- p. m. 'ivenluii Express V.3S p. m. PiCinc Express 11.20 p. m. Vil iralns are run by Chicago time, whlch is (1 leen minute slower than Ann Arbor time. Krlcnd of The Courier, who have ItiiHiiK-HM at the l'robate l'ourt, will i. !¦ rci[iii'l JikIjci Iliirrlmnn to iteud thrir l'iiiiliu to thln ofHre.