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The choral unión practico in thu hal! very frequently. In June they intcud to give a concert. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Ear! B. (Joe, law, '80, has a!r,iiady secured a good position in a law office in Omaha. The boys interested in a gymnasium are quite jubilant because thcy have a;-suranco from ono of the regenta that he and one other rnember of the board favor the pro ject. One of the classes was informcd the other day that if they didn't study harde something might happen at the close oi the semester. Of course it was in niathe matics. Prof. Tylar prended as chairman at the republican county convention last week. Upon bcing called on for a speech at the close he responded in some very eloquent remarks. Efforts are being made to .start a new musical society. This revival ofa tasie fo music is becoming quite general and prom ises to considerably elevat' ('¦ the pooiilu. Quite a forcé of men are busily at worl in the shop on thu eau. pus back of the prisident' s houéo. The cases that they are making are for the new museum, ant when completed they will all be air-tight Another meeting of the Chronicle MM) e.iation was held a week ago last Thursday at which Mr. J'ond's resignation wa.s ac cepted, and the board of editorswero givoi the power to select a man to fill the vacaney. Dr. E. Wirt Lemoreaux, the assistant to the professor of anatomy, has re.signed lii position nud has gone to his home in Gen eva county, N. Y., where ho internis t practice. Hisdeparture is much regrette( by the medical students. Let all the boys (aDd the girls too) intor ested in the manly sports enter the lit: for something for the tournament? Ifyou ean't .stick any one in fencing, or knoei any ono down in boxing, go in and beat the crowd in turning somersaults or BOnft other graceful accompli.shmont. The rain very fortunately let up from letting down long enough last Saturday to allow the ground to dry sufficiently to have that combination game of foot ball. The seniora and sophs faced the juniurs au( l'resliics and soou showed them that thej would have to praetice considerable inore in order to beat them; in other words ilio score stands 2 to 0 in favor of the .seniora tod tophi. Editor ('i mr in : It seems now to be a scttled fact. that no liquor will Ir so!d on o near the Fair grounds at the fuir next f ui] The officers and directors of the aricul tural and hortieultural soeielics have as sured the ladies of the W. C. T. U., tha they will nut allow it on tho grounds, uk have uniled with the ladies of the Unicn ii requesting Mr. John Gott and the nchoo board to prevent the sale of any intoxic tl ing beverageou thegrounds owne opposite the Fair grounds. Asroratrai have been given by Mr. Golt that ho nil not allow any sucli sales nu bis land, am the school board have placed thcir lam ander the control of the agricultural Mei ety during fair time, with the name under standing. The meuibers of the Uni D very thankful to all concerned for the re spoctful consideration their petition has re oeived. hbs. B. e. kkazku. Stop ! wait I Don't do a deed whieh you will regret all- all summer ; as you will i you buy your building plants and house plants before the Festival to bu held at the Baptist chureh, day cvening, April 28. A choice stock o plants of tlieir own rai.-ini, tod thfl beet the Detroit ar home markets affonl, will bo offerc'l at reasonablc ratei Rfreshmcnts will be furnished from and aftor ri? o'olock, P. m. Thankt'ul lor the Kbentl latronapo of past j'ears, tho ladics of the liurch desiro their friends to remcmber he wise maxim : " One good turn deservcs