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Miti'k .V Sohmtd liave bouglit about 20,000 lbs. of wool and report the markct (nn at 28@30 cents. Tlie high 8cliool conunenccinent exercises will be held in l'niveisity hill on Friday forenoon of ncxt week. Hurry up your divorces, for after the lstof next September it will be ditlicult to! the matrimonial knot. Ex-Senator Kempf broke ground for liis new resitlence, at the corner of X. liigalls and Lawrence streets, Monday. Our readers will tind In its proper place a new time t;ible of the T. A. A. & N. M. R. R. Several important changee. The sum of $8,Stv.4ï hus been paid into the city treasury as liquor tax money. Over $2,000 less than last year. Ed. Q. Banghart, who lias been with H. J. Brown for soine time, will hereafter be fouud In .). J. Goodyear's drug stoie. The Knights Templar will observe St. John's Day, June 24, at the temple, to which services the public are eordially iuvited. Geo. Scott has the contract for erecting two new houses for "itosey" on the Jauies property ou K. Liberty street, at $,,600 for the two. The Knights of Pythias are pushing forwartl, sonie live new caiulidutes having been inducted into the mysteries of (ba order at the last meeting. Deputy Game Warden Imus is after the song bird killers as well, und proposes to have robiu and other bird slayers fiued according to law. Good for Jass. Remeinber thu 2d aiunuil exhlbitloa of drawings done by the pupils of the public schools, to be held in the Tappan school building next Friday and Saturday. Last Sunilay was a memorable day for the M. E. (.'huren. Besides a fine observance of Children's Daj' with approprUU txercises, there were 37 admitted to full membership uud 15 baptized. Among the other preparations for a right good time ou July 4th, the Dundee people propose to have a speech from Gapt. Allen of Ypsilanti. That fact will add much to the pleasure of the occasion. The authoritles of the A. M. E. ch urch are busily engaged In papering, painting and renovatiilg their church edifice, on Fonrth st-eet, this week, pieparatory for tlio State SuniUy mbool cumi ve iition next week. At a meeting of the school board lai-t evening a resolulion vu past'd ftllowlng tlie architeets, Ooualdson & Muier, ten days more In wliioh to perfect their plans and tu lile bonds, in cuse of failure their plans to receive no farther atteution. A team Erom Co. A proposes to contest the honors of the base-ball Held with a team from the fiiedipartmt-nt in the near future. Hol sound the reveille! Turn on the liose '. How will tlus ihingend? The old scratch only knows. Services in St. Andrew's Church next Sunday a follows: 7:30 s. m., Holy Cninuniioii ; 10:30 a. m., Dioiniug prayer and special sermón by ih.' Kector to the raembera of the Hobart ftuild ; IS in., Sunday School; 7:30 p. m., evening prayer and sermón. The Iliyh Befcool Tennis Association held a touniament last Saturday ou their courU in the Fair Grounds. Up to üute Mr. Pageleads, with Mr. Cheever s-econd ' and Mr. Heinier thiid. The contest will ' not be decided until gome time next week as all have not eutered yet. Tliere will be a lecture al the A. M. E. ehuich, Mond;iy cvt'iiii; iiext, by H'-v. I). A. Graham, ot' Plint, subject " l'he Negroe's Place In History." Au admlsion Om ot Iimi cviits will be charged to go to the cliurcb fuu.U. We betpetk for the lec.tiner :i good audience. Evart Boott is putting up a ÜBfl barn, nice enough tor a house, upon hU property just east of the city. He bas coneluded not to erect hia uew residence until next year. Krom the site of the proposed new house one of the tinest landscape scènes in Michigan ia to be seen. The amnuiit nece38ary to establisb a canning fnctory haviiig been pledfjt.l Messra. Allinending-er & Schneider have already purchased an evaporator of the arge size, nnd propose beiiií ready tliis year to make a start, lioping to be able to care loi the applea, peaclies and soine of the berry erop of the farmers. Good for tlicin. An exciting runawny Monday on Main street. A horse attached to a carriage stated in front of B:ich & Abel's, caine down on the sidwalk to L. Gruner's store, Uien turned and went acros9 the streets toward the Farmers' & Mechanica' bank, falling in the gutter before reacbiiiK that building,Rnd no oue liurt, wbich fact was miraculous. There seemn to be an erroneous impresslon prevalent in this community in reference to the action of the council last Wednesday evenlnjf la votlnu increased compensation to its member?. The council slinply recomtnended tbat these chances be mude in its charter, and the proposed compensatlon in no way effects inembers of the present council. Whether the changes will be made or not depends upon the action of the legislature, but the chances are tliey will not le mad.i. Most of the changes recomtnended are wlse.thougli some could only be proven so by expenence. The second annual exhibit of the Ann Arbor Art Club now on exhibition at the Ladh'i Library is decidedly an excellent ne, and deserves the liberal patronage rf U Oltfzens. This club has now K members, 18 of whom are workin tiicm hers. The work is all ordinal and embraces charcoal and oil sketcblng, water color paintlngs, and china decoratiriü. Our people are not aware of how niucli real " art " material we have in our city. One of our professors, who has a good eye lor the beautiful in art, and has vislted """"¦ OlBtalB DrtTOlt, (lcckres that our dub in HKiny respecta surpasses Detroit. Ofeoanewfaare all Is so well executed we canuot dteerUnluate, but the pupil will allow us to note that the teacher, Miss Ilunt, has evinced jrreat artistic tute in somc of her productlong, and the f-'iciit iinprovement in her pupiU may be altributed to her untiring labora for thelr advancement. II. Kandall, the president, and Mrs. Prof. Perry, vlce-president, deserve much credit in their ettorts to make the club a auccesa. ( Mr. Leouard Groen is buildiug a very , line resiilence on N. Main strect. Soutliard of tlio postofflce barber shop is to open a shop at Whitmore Lnke. ( Daniel W. Amsdcn has bought out the I wood and coal business of II. Kichardf. 1 Tlie Beethoven Society gave the clofllng concert of ttie season nt thcir liall last evening. The 1'. Sl A. A. R. R. is to give an excursión June Kith, to morrow, to Presque Isle Purk, near Toledo, $1 for the round trip. Win. II. Valentine, of Webster, sold to Prof. A. II. Pattengill, a very fine 3year old Hambletonian colt yesterday for $300. Married in St. Thomas church, Tuesiluy morning. June 7tli, Miss Ellen Kyan, of this city, and Mr. Andrew Cary, of Jonesville, Mich. Win. Frank has been obliged to add to li is accommodations by fitting up more rooms for gucsts over the agrlcultural store of Mr. Sta'bler. John N. Bailey, forrnerly of the Argus, has sold his interest in the Saginaw Telegram to his partner, Mr. Crawford, and has returned to Ann Arbor. The Methodist Church was the first public building in the city to be heated witli steam. Now it is going to be the first one lightcd by electricity. "The prettlest front in the city" is credited to the new building now being erected by J. T. Jacobs on E. Washington street, just east of his store. No one knows the extent of buildiiifr gdng on in this city who has not ridden over the strects and vicwed it witli tlieir own eyes. It surpusses last yeur, which was an uausiial one. ' Old Scotty," who was "old Scott?" years ago, and janltor of the high school building wlieu ye local was a kul, has heen vi.-!ting the city during the past week. He lives at Grass lake. Aid. Allmendini;lr thinks ttaat the drinking fountains to be placed on the court house campus will beall inposition before eommencement, and tliey will be quite ornamental. Good news. The funeral of Luke W. Bodwell, for ncarly 50 yeaw a resident of this city.was held Thursdiiy Ia9t from the residence of his daujjhter, Mrs. Ed. Eberbach. He died Tuesday the 7th, ged 81 j-ears. Mrs. S:irah Xugjfs of the Bth ward, aged 70 yers, dropped dead of apoplexy last Satunlay morning while wiping the breakfast dishes. Funeral w8 held Monday. She was the motlier of Mrs. Chas. Winslow, of thls city. About 15 or 20 trampa liave taken up qnarten under the trees east of the lam, aml are living on wliat they beg :ind secure by olher metliods. Tvvo of the gentry were run in this a. in. G. J.Nissly, of the poultry term, snyi to mix a labiespounful of kerosene olí luto a qurrt of as lies or piaster, sprlnkle yourcucuinber or sqnaan vines with the mixture, mul the lms wlll leave to boiher your neighbor"s p tlcii. - Saline Observer. Fat, bat how about thevines? WH1 they BOt Gade ;iw;iv under such a haptisni, also? The "Helper Band " of the Presbyterian Cliurch will gve an ice cream and strawberry festival, Friday eveniiifr, June 17tb, from half-past seven to ton o'clock. During the eveninir tliere will be an entertainment consistiug of music, recltations, and tableuux. We would cali the especial attention of our readers to an article in another column headed "TUe Jctford's Monument." Washtenaw county ieople should certainly dónate liberally to a monument for this noble son who so heroically pcri -Ii e1 on the battle Beid, The State Sunday School convention of the A. M. E. cliurch convine in this city on Tuesday and Weduesday of next week, the 21st and 22d Inst. A large namber of ministers and delegates ure expected. Rcfreshincnts will be served ach evenlng during the convention. There will be :i mei'ting of the business men at the old Masonic huil next Ftiday evpnini; to innkc arrangement for an Independence cetebration In tlns city on Sntunlay, .lulv 2(1. Eveijiiody OUjrht to be interested in Ihis. Efl'orts are beinj; made to secure Hou. B. O. Horr for a speech. Mayor Sinith rent to Detroit Monday and persuadfd the Michigan Central Kiilroad Co., to pay l'eter Carey $500 instead of completing the removal of his buildinji. Mr. t'arey will take this $500 an.l the $500 giyen by thu city and put cnoujili rnore with it to erect n nice, tasty brick building, which will be an ornament to the locality. A team of horses atUched to the dchveiy wagon of Allmcnülnger & Schneider gotscared at Ex-Mayor Kobison'sgradlnjr on X. Halo St. last Saturday, a. m., and came up through that avenue at a rate of speed rlvnliiig that of the railway train? over some of our street crossings. Xearly in front of Mack A Schmid's tliey ran afoul of :i fanner's wagon and all were domped In n promiscüous mass. As good look bad it nolhing was injureü Imi the wagon whicli A. fc S. have had repaired. The proposed removal of the electrlc li-rht frora the corner of N. Ingalls and North streets has caused a storm of f rom resldents of that. seotion. That ocahty was formerly a resort for '¦imliscreet" young men and women eveninjrs, much to the annoyance of the good people living thereabouts. Since the light has been tnrned on thnt class of people have friven It a wlde berth and qulét iiud good moráis reign. It would be ii serious thinsr for residents of that iiL'ighliorhood to have the lamp removed.