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BANK NOTE, LASO VVARHANT, SPECIE AND ËXCHARGE , QUOTATIONS. ' Carefully Blied lnd Correctud Terjr wrwk. (TRATES , UCllBliNT AT Banking House of D. FreBton&to, 72 WoodiraftATe.. Detroit ulT 9, 1860. DANK NOTES. , Detroit City Rank, " Pf' , Caii-i'lii, (HSolvcnt Uank - - - " N. Kngland and N. York, (.-iolrout Bank) - ( New JferMT anti Delawarc, u Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia, - - Pa , áll opte par at l'iltsburgh or lliiladolplua, - _. liunk of the State of Indiana, - ÜNCURMWT FUNDS. Illinois.Wisconsin, Missouri and Iowa DiiYlog 1 H DU k ti ( f iel'iiig l to 1?4 N Carolina. S. Carolina anj Louiaiana, - 2 Indiana Stock Noten, Vi u 'IVnneBBce, 3 , .. Georgia, Í aod 6 l'niteJ States Post Office Scrip, - - Bank of Knglann Notra. L, - 4 BankofTet'umseh, Kichlñn, '6 dUi Exchjiuge Dank of D. Hall i Co. . - - OUB KATlü fOH BILLS OF UXEHAN'iK. Bujmg. Selling. On New York and Boïton, % X On Wasbingtou, On liutral'"), - % On Cleveland On Cincinnti, X. On Chicago, Yc for 100 or upward. GOLD AND SILVEB. Buyinj. Solling. Am. Gold. lnls of $100 or upwardu, % American riilver, LAND WARRANTS. Buying. SelliQg. 40 Ackb WiniJW ♦ } 'f on l( 7Ü oU 120 " 96 106 ím) u 122 140 HevoTolutionarr Scrip, (por acre.) 80 et.. 90 cU. PREMIUM COINS. ÏILVB:B COINS. GOLD COINS. Span Pillar Dollars, 1 05 Sovereigns, 4. 84 and 4 84 Moxican Dollar 1 04 M Francs 3 SS Fne I'ranc Piuces 96 25 Franc 4 (li Fruuch Crowns 1 06 10 Franc 1 l (ierman (1 1 00 5 Francs -r' Prusniaa Thalors 69 Ten Thaler Piecea 7 8" Unil.lers 38 X ïha'.er Pieces 7 86 Enilish Silver, (shilling Ten (: uilder Pieces 4 0 .3C L4 60 SpiuiiHh DoubUmn 18 00 Old Am. Half Polls. 108 l'atriot 10 50 j&f On lots of $100 or j California Gold $10a 6d mfds, 1 c additional $50b and $'0s ld. Gold Dust, $16 to $16 SO per oí. Spanish chango $1 16 per oi. or 22 cents for nuarters, 11 for shillings, 5for aixpnces. Ou Iota of '0 OI and upwiirds. $1 IKperoz. DAVID PRESTON A CO., Bankors. 72 Woodward Are-, Detroit. #y Office hours, from 8, A, M., to 6, P. M. SPE CIA1NOTICES. C. Jt. !R Passenger traint now lcave the sovcral .Station! in thia Couuty,as followg. GOING WEST. Mail Ex. Marshal Ae. Night El rpailnnti, 8.60 A. M. 6.35 r. M. 9.10 T.M, Ann Arbor, 9.10 " "_ 7.00 " " 9.30 " '. Uexter, 9.35 " " 7.30 " " 9.55 " " Chelsoa, 9.50 " " 7.S6 " " 10.10 l. M' GOING EAST. EveningEx. Marshall Ac. Mail Ei. Chelsea, 5.15 a. k. 8.15 a. h. 4.36 p.h.. Uextur, 5.30" " 8.40" " 4.60"' Ann Arbor, 5.65 " " 9.10 " " 6.15 " ' YpsiUnti, 6.15 " " S.40 ' " 6.36 " ' SAVE YOUB HORSES. "We take gveat pleanure in recommendihg the Mexican Mustang Linimont asa valuabie and indiapenBlble article for tprains, Sores, Scratchea or Galda on Horises. Our men have used it for severe Burnn, Bruiiea, SoreB' Stiff Joints and Kheumatic Pains, and all t&j it acts liktmagie. We use no other Liniment. J. W. HEWTTT, Furcman for American, Harnden's and WoIU', Fargo & Co. 's Express." "GE.-TLEMEx:-Ihada negro worth $l,2C0 who took cold from a bad hurt, aud was UReleas for over one year. I had tried evorything I could hear of without bonent, uutil I usod the Mustang Lin;ment, It has períectlv cured him, and I can now take tho aboye prico for him. Refpectfullr vours, JAMES lORRANCE. Everj Planter, Taamster, andFamily should have thif invaluable article. Sold bj all respectable dealers ere rywhere. BARN'S k PARK, Fropriotorí, New York. 4w756 MRS WINSLOW An experienced nursoand female physician, has a Soothing Syrup for children, tecthlng, which greatly facilitates th( procesa of teething bj softening the gums, reducing all in flammation - wiU allay all pain, and is Küre to regúlate tht ; bowels. Depend upou it, mothers, i', will give rest to yourselrss, and. relief and hualtlito your iufants. Pei fectly sBft-in all oases. Sea adrortisment in anothor column. 43"The Grcat Benefactor of UU Race-t The Great Healer of Mankind! Herrick'i Sugar Coated Pilis. Th" whole World United! Sick People thivk! After which act, You'dscarce expect,at this late dar, With Btartlingcuresabookto 611; Tli in is the case, themillion imy, With the cures of Herrick's HU. They come from East, and North, and Weat, And with glad tniings the papersjlll, Becauiíe they are the cheapewt, safest, belt. And superior to others is Herrick PUL From Rootfl, and Plants, andTlowori thej'r; They always cure- they never kill TUounambi now in their graves were lÍd, Were it uot for Herrick'u Pilli. Each Pili with augar is coated e'er - A rare diwcovery of raatchles skill, Thcirlikc was never aeenbeforo, Until it anpearou in Herrick's I'ill. For years he's worksd to hel the iick, With joy elate hi bosora fill: For teiiNofthousandsnow rejoicO At the luagic l'owersof Hernck'a ?ilhi. HERRICK 'S MATCHLESS VEGETABLE FAMILY PlULS have inuodated the world with their popularity. Over five milliun of boxes are used annualy, giving cmploymont to eighty-five men and women to put them up. Their cure are numbered by thousands - their praises on the tongues of all, Citizens of Waishtenaw Co-, and elsewhere, have you ever used them?Put up in English, Hn;mili. Germán, and French directions. Large faraily boxes, 16 ceuUl Five boxes for $1. Sold everywher. See advertisement on 3d page TiíkLondox Sterbopcopic Compa.tï's businens has increased to such an extent that they have deemod it neceesary to etablish a depot in New York forthe upply of stereoscopic goodsto the trade generally. They have arrangedtoforward to ttaeir Managers every week a case of goodsthat shall contain all new subjects as well a Grüt-clasH Btandard picturoa andthey will then be euabled to offer a complete auBortment of ritockof uncqualod character, at priceH considerably lower than those of any other house. It mustbe evident to deatem in stereoseopto goods that they will be cousulling their own interests by dong buRines at the New York Branch of the Lo-NDONKTEIIEOSCOFIO COMPANT,aa at niCADQUARTEfiS. Orders can be sent to Thkü. Lkssev, manager, 534 Broa 1 way,NewYork. Stereoscopes of all kind and pricos from flfty centü upwar.U. Views and groups from $1 ,00 per doxon upwanla Ij716 Important t o Femnles. Dr. CHEESEMAN'i PII,L,S. Pbepahco bt Cokseucs L. CiiEisiui.t, il. D., New York City. Thrcombination of ingrediente in these Pilis are the result of a long and extenfüve practice. Theyare mild in their operation.andcertaiuin correcting all irregularities, I'ainfui Mensurations, romoving all obfltntottonfl, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpatation of tho heart, whites, all nervouu affections, hysterics, Fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, &c. , disturbcö sloop, which ariBefl from interruption of nature. TO MARK1EDLADIES, Dr. Chcesrman'R PillR are iuvaluable, as they will Dring on the mmithly period witli regularity. Ladie who have Uvrn divappointed iu the use of othea Filis can place the utmost contirtence iu Dr. Cheeüenian'ti Pillü doing all they represent to do. X O T I C K . Tkcrc is nnt amriitvm nflhcftmalt ytlfm in vyhichth rillt c.nnnol br. laken leithnnt produc.ivf a PECULIAR RESULT. The. mniimnn rtfcrrid tou PREGNANCY- the rcxult, MfCARRIAGE. Swh xt Ihr irrciistoblt tendcnnj nthe medicine to restore Ihe Bezxtal functioni to a normal condilion, Ihat evtn the reproductiva poKir of nnlitre cannot resist il. Warranted purely vegetable, and freo from anything Injurian, Explicitdircctions, whirh houW be read,ac ciinpany eoh box, Sent bj mail on neloiint; $1 to Dr CoftKXUOa L. Ciiebssma.v, Box 4,531, Post OBlce, New York City, Wf fold by one Dniggist in ever j town in the United SUtes. -63 R. B. HUTCH1N0S, Gs.Ntiuii. Age.vt for tiii U.vnxn Stítb, iVo, 14 , BroadKay, TUv York, J" To wliom all Wholesale order should be addressSold in Ann Arbor, by MiYKARD, Stebbix k Wilsoí, and G, QsEHTOIJ, 736yl rpEE PEOKIA MARTNE & FIRE JL INSURA.NCE COMPANY. OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - ■ $500,000. one of the IIF'AVIEST, EAFEST and BKST Insurjnc Co's in the V lDnre on ifonalile term, and alwayn paj [uomptiy There u nu bottr Fiie Insurance Company. THE GKEAT ENGLISH KEÜEDY. SIK JAMES OLAKKK'S Celcbrated Femalc Pilis. PKOTECTED jestl IITIIBf BY KOYAL ' 3#sÉO? PATÏHT Prtparcdfrom a preteription of Sir J. Clarke, M O., Phytieian Extraordinary t tiu Queen. Tbii inraluable medicine in unfailing in tbe cnre of aU thoM pninful and dangeroue (iiseaüeti to which the frniale : jiiHtitutioo il subject It moderoteg all exoenB and np novti all 'ltructioni, and a ipeedv eur may be rliü.i on. TO HARR1KD I.ADIKS It U peeoliMly iraiUd. It wlll, in a ihort tin, brta; u : tba monthl periort with rijfularitj. E ach buttla, prioa On Dollar, lxar tlia Oorcmnent Stamp of Qreat Britain, to preTent counterftiitê. Tktu Piltê Bktmld o( be ! femmUl dvring tkt FIRST TJ1REE MOIfTIlS of Prtgnmnq, at tkty art j rare (o kring m MtcerTia-re, tut t y tUr timt li art -ft. In all cM of Kerrong and Splnal ASeetioiu, Pais in IL Back and Limos, Fatigue on slight exrtlon, PalplU üon of tb Htart, Hytric, aud Whita, thwe Pili win eirect a cora ben all othor mean han falltd, and Klthougli a poworful remedy, de not oontain Iron, üomal aatimcDj, r any tbing hnrtfnl to th eoatltatiii. f uil rction acoompaK.y aoh paekage. 8.1 Afint fcr tl Unltod 8ttM sul Canada, JOB M0HE8, (LaU I. C. Baldwin 0o,l Ruohoster, li! T 41,90 aad 9 pota tmtnpj ancloBd to aoj aa Aïènt, wfll iann a bottia of ft Pit) bj retors Sold by GB".N"VUXE, Ano Arbor, an.l by Dmgsfistft in pyi''T town . ITfïÖHÏGAN SOUTHERN & IVi M0KTHB8N INDIANA RAILBOAR 18C0. SUMMER ARRAXGEMKNT. l00Train. „owrunontliii7o7l, iutiays excepta, as toS2d.?,cú.tio.MA. .;?: ■'■ Arrivins'in'cWgo f"" Tlell and DetrOit " 8' P' ■'STlthS from Toledo, .0:05 A.M., 6:50 P. MArrWe 'ifbít-it from Chicho t C.60 P. M. , and 7 .05 AiTe in Toledo from Chicago 4,80 P. II. and -W A. M. aDd3.40P. M. lesvo Adrinn for Jckont „ ' Jícksou for Adrián ut 5,00 A. M., nd 1,30 P. M. CONNECTIONS. Al TOLKDO-With Cleveland & Toledo K.Í1 Rwl, irltl. Trunk R.ilw.,, .ith OrcM WelrnlLÚW, .!., with th. Ctroit .IXÜ-autoo, 'UATrNw AUUKt & UM E. T.. W-WftW" MiUaukoe, Chicago, Burlington and L-LL West Railay-Chicago, Alton aml . Lowi, Illmoi. ""Si' Woodi', Car. MM U "f "Patent Ventilator and ïftltófl are ued on all SUOrT'minand the name aa b, auy othor Rail Road Rout. CAMpDEIXi Superiotc.dent. 33 OOT -ANDSHOE MAKER'S STRIKE. THI JOURS Wnx GET THEIB PKICB FOB THEII! JL work and Boots & Slioes will be high r! SfaDy coup -asua Will have to pay more for your goods. I HAVE JÜST PURCHASED AN EXTENSIVE STOCK OF [M)@Yi & OKlO! man y of Ihem, on aceount of lh LARGE SUPPLY 119 MARKET! FROM O 3 TO J56 PER CASE LESS THAN It Oost to Make Them and shall Sell them till I have to Pay mort for thera at th EXTREMELY LOW PEICES naml bnlow. MENS' BOOTS. Men's $3,50 Oalf Boots, for ?2,E0 " 4,50 French Calf Superfine, 3,50 " 3,50 American Calf doublé soled, 2,75 3,25 Kip, 2,50 " 2,50 Summer, 2,00 14 3,25 Doublé Sole Stogas best quality fo.r 2,75 GAITEBS. Ladies' 50 et. Gaiters, for 37 i " 75 " Gaitero for " 1,25 " Gaiters for 1,00 Ladies' best quality of Gaiters w i tl i and without heelsfroml,25 to 2,50 Ladies' Leather, Calf and Kid Boots and Congress Gaiters from 80 to 1,00 Men's, Boys', Misses' and Children's, of every desirable kind. Trunks, Valises and Satchels ! All the ahove goodsnd m&ny othem, will b lold, at MÜCH LESS PRICJES than hare Ever Been Sold in Ann Arbor. Wm. S. SAUNDERS. Ann Arbor, March 20, 18W. 78m8 Bonnets ! Bonnets ! Bonnets ! rpHE SUBSCRIBER HAR A LARGE stock of Silk and VELVET BONNETS, of late tyles, that hewill sell ai eot and leu jL-e-s-s T-h-a-n C-O-S-T-, to loBe them out. Piicei ian8e from on i TEN DOLLARS. Call and es them. t the Nw Detroit More, "chungo Bloei, w. N. 8TB0NG. ICEÏ ICE! ICE! ICE! fTUIE SUBSCRIBF.R i prepared to fnrniíh Fnmiliea and J. allpersonl wishing it on hort notice. Will delivur to families, 10 lbs. per day at $1 per month Irger quantities at 30 CENTS per 100 POUNDS. All ordor left with Thompson & Fon will be Uianifully "" "nd prmptly "cUQONT R. THOMPf ON'. Ann Arbor, April 24, 1S60. sm74 Howard Association, Pniladelphia. A Tlenmolent ínilitutioTi r.slaMishrd by special end umin', fot the rcHef of Iht Sick and Dislrncctd, ajjlictcd loith ViruhiH and Epidanir. DiwuM, and ermally for tin Cure ofDiensa nf the Sexual Orgnn; Dis; eastiry fice In patiënt tn all part of the, Unittd Stalrn, 011 spermatorrhoca , anJ, otlierPienie of the omal Org&ni, ndon the NEW REMEDIES rnnye'l. fent to the alHicted in Hcalod uivèlnpe) fr e of charge . Two ar three Stamps for postnge be will be AddrcokPR. .T, SKIUJN' IIOITIHTOV, A-timr Rurgon nowsrd Asaociation, No 2,oulh KmthStrt, Pbil Grenville&Fullir, HAVIN'G AínSOTATED for the purposo o dcaling in tiw vjurioufl i ticlea in tke Drug trada. ofler for sale a í'uli oaoituaöui of Puro and Genuino Modieinos, Winpp Nota and Lottor Paper, Liquora, feo., 1'ancr Articlm, l'errumorj-, HTorii}g lültraot, Comba, Faber'K Prrifila, Brushes, Aruuld' luk. ILiir Uf-, Popular Patent Medicines, Jayne .', Adama' Liver Hslaam, Aïer', Il'-stutter's Bitters, HoUoay, Uuoüand'a Gorman Bitter Brown' i'roclirfl. Towndënds and Bryant'i Pulmüij.aj Bulsaro, Gujsotl'n SarHapriUk. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, &c, &c Zine, Varninhei, Tatent Pryer, Kilmrnia Creen, Hiirniog Fluid, Camphine. Tilden Flui.l Eltract?,Su?ar OontMi Pi", nnd GraTinles. N. B. Prescript'ons cornpounded with natn38 and dispatch bj „pene, eed persons q w1LLE] JCJH.Nf r. H'I.I.IR 74Í t " - " I ■ II ■ - 1 Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the , blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Bcing in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out ' in disease on any part of it. No organ is free g from its attacks,' nor is there ono which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously J caused by mercurial disease, low living, j c ordercd or unhcalthy íbod, impure air, fllth ! and filthy habits, the dépresslng vices, and, ] above all, by the venereal infeetion. , ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the i stitution, descending " from parents to children ' unto the third and fourth gcneration ; " indeed, ' it seems to bc the rod of Hún who says, "I ■vvill visit the iniquities of the fathers upon i their clúldren." ; Its éffects commence by deposilion from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in ' the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubereles ; in the glands, swellings ; and on the surfaee, eruptions or sores. This foul ' ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of Ufe, so tliat scrofulous j tions not only suffer from scrofulous complaints, but thcy have far less power to withstand the attacks of other diseases ; consequently vat numbers pcrisl by disorders which, although not scrofulous in thcir nature, j are still rendered fatal by this taint in the . systcm. Most of tlie consumption which decimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contaminatiou ; and many destructive distases of tlie líver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the sftme cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; their persons are invaded by this lurking infection, and tlicir hcalth is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterativo medicine, and invigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we eupply ia . i AYER'S Componnd Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can deviso for this everywhere prevailing and fatal malady. It is combined from the most active remediáis that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder ñora the blootl, and the rescue of the system from its destructivo eonsequences. Henee it Bhould be cmployed for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also thosc other affectionsjpvhich mise from it, such as Erupti%'e and Ski Disf.asf.s, St. Anthoxy's Fihe, Rose, or F.iívsii', Pimples, Pustules, Bi.otciit.s, Br.AiN's nnd BotLs, Ttmors, Tetter and Sai-ï Rhevx, Scai.d Heao, Kin-gwoioi, Rhbumatism, SYriin.rnc and Meiicuhial Distases, DnorsY, Dispepsia, Debilitt, and, indeed, ai,l Complaints ahisino fko.m Vitiated oii Impure Bi.ood. Tlie popular belief in." impurüy of the blood'' is foundpd in truth, for Bcrofula is a deggnetTOon of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsaparilla is to purify and regenérate this vital fluid, without whioh sound health ia impossible in contaminated constitutions. AYER'S Agüe Cure, FOK THE SrEEDY Cl) FE OF Intermittent Pever, or Pever lid Agne, Remlttent Pever, CHill Pever, Duml Ague, Ferlodical Hendadle, or Bllious Headnche, and Bllious Pever, Indeed for the wholt class of discasca , ïiiiiiii;; in biliary dcrangement, causcd i ly tlie Malaria of MiasmaUc Countries. Wo are enabled here to offer (In; oommnnlty tl remedy ' which, while it cures the abovu complaints with certainty, is still perfectly hanuless la any quantity. Sneh a reniedy i iuvnluable in district where these afflicting disorders provail. Tliis "Cure" expela the miiisnmtic poison of Fkver and Aguk from the system, juid preventa the development of the difsefiBo, if taken on tho first approach of itn premonitory symptoms. It ia not only tho best remedy ever yet uiscovored for this class of complaints, but also the ebeflpest. The largo quantity we Bupply for a diillar brinpr it within the rcacll oievcry body; and in biltóai dlütrfets, where Fevku and Acd prevails, ovury body iihould have it and use it frCL-ly both for cure aud protection. It is Ikp1(1 this prico will place it wilhiii the reaih of all - the poor ae wel] as the rich. A prc:tt buperiority of this remedy over any other ever discovored for tho speedy and certuin cure of Intermittent is, thiit it contains no Quinine or mineral, consequendy it produces no qniuism or olhor iujnrious efiects wbatt'ver upon the couatitution. Thofie cuied by it are left as healthy as if they bod nover had the disease. Ftjver and Ague is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great varicty of disorders arise fiom its irritation, amOng which are Neuralgia, Jilimmattsm, Gout, Hetxdticlie, BUndnrss, Toothache, Earache, Oitarrh, Asllima, Palpdation, IVinful AffvMm of the Spleen, Hystcrics, l'ntn in the Jioinls, Colic, Paralysis, and Derangemrnt of the Stnmach, all of which, when originatïng in this cause, put on tho inlwmittcnl type, or becünia periodical. This "Cl-ns" expi'ls the poison f rom the blood, and conscquently cures thpm all alike. It is aa invaluablo protection to imniigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residiog in tho malarious districts. If taken occasionully or daily while eiposed to the infection, that will be excretcd from tho System, and cannot accuriiulate la sulVicient quantity to ripen into disease. llenco it is even more valuable for protectiou tbau cure, and few will over Buffer from Intermitteiitfi if thoy avaü themselves of the protectiuu this remedy affords. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., LOWBLL, MASS. MA.YNARD olüiJüiSdi vviSON.and ly all Drufg'nts nnl Déniers evtirywliere. ,1. HCKIMLL, Traveling Agent. REHOVALI V. 3EX A. 3XT Gr STBnPETl ITASFQB A SHORT TIMÉ REMOVED INTO Wm.ALLABYS SHOE STORE, DDtilhecRngo back hito liis nwn BuUdhlg wliich bc i ii!.liiifr,aiul would be happy tu seo ma old D Is iuhI cu,tMiicrs. N. I! Ice (Vnin l.y the (a'.lon can be Fupplicd to par tttti at a short notico. J. HAHGSTERÍ2R Ann Arbor, Murch TJ, ISf'O. ' Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Ax aprient Stomachic prppa.rton of IRON' puríefcd in Otytren and Carbon by combustión ín flydrogen. Sancione'! l#y the bighest .Miical AuLlioritúis, boh ín Ku zope and the United otates, aad prescribid ín tlieir prac.■■■■ ïho oxpeiience of Uionsands daíiy prove tliat no prparatiunof fron cwi bo ftDtnp#red with i. InipurítíM f tiie blood, ctepressíunj of vitn.1 energy, palé anJ olherwise stckiy compluxiona iudicatei iU iiucoritiily iu almost evcry cunccivable case. Imioxinuíí in all mala;liy3 n wbich it has befm tried, hap preved alrolutely aurtiTln each of tbo folluffing coinpla-ni, vi: ín Dcblllty, IVcrvous Affcrilnrn, Knindatlon Ljyspcpáin, Constlpatloii, I Han iw a, Uysente i-y, l.MlsIit CoariuiiiLjtloii, Scrofulou Tu berenloaM, 8alt Hhcum, MismtntruaLiint Wktie, Chlorofii., LtKcr-Oimplaints, Chronic Hadaches, RAñ matism, Intcrmittnit Ftvers, Pimples on the Face,, tic Injcaíie of (enkral DiBiLiiY, whothtír thfl rosult of acute diseoHO, or of the continuod tliminution of nervios anú muscular ent-rgy from chronic complaints, one trial of tilia reator&ttve has proved Buccesstul to an extent which no leacription nor writlen atlt-statiou wuuld NBder credible. Invalida so long bed ridden as to have become forgotten in thfir own neiifhborboodB, havesuddyiily re-appeared iu tht busy world asif juat roturued froan protractüd travel ina distant lund, Som very si nal Lastaacei of this kind are atteatedof femalo sufferera, eiuaeiaicd victima of apparent marasmus, sanguiíieoup ïxhauHtioo, critica! cüanges, and that compli catión if nervous and dyspeptic aversión to air a ad exeïcise for .vhich the physlcian has no name. 1ü N'kkvocs Affectio.vs of all kinds, and for reaaons fa niliur to inodical men, the operatiou of thi prepara Jon of iron must necessarily be salutary, for, unlike the , Id oxides, it ia vigumus y toare, without being exciting ind overheating; and gentlv, regularly aperient, eTen the nost obstinate case of costivoneas witbuut eveu being a jastric purgative, or intiicting a disagreeable seusation. It ia this latter property , amona; othera, whicb mnliti it o pmarkabiy eifectual and perjnaiient a rcmeily for 'Hes. i pon trhfcb it also apj-ears to exprt adiatinct and npe:iiic actiou by disperBin the local tendeucy nhicb. forms tbëra. fa DrspBrsiA, innumerable as areits cnupes, a single box of these Chalybeate ï'ills have often RuSicfd for the mojt habitual casos, including the atieuüwut Costirc In uncheckod DrARRncBA, oven wheo adranced to Dymn tery conflrmed, t-maciating and apparently malignanl , Üm eir.'ctn having baen equally decisive and astoninhing Ii: the local pftios, loss of ílosh and rttrengtii,itebilit atine ciuph, and ivmittent hoctic, which general ly indícate Inripirnt Consumption, in tseveral verjr gratifyiag and iuterJHting instancea. In Serofuloug Tubercuolsis, lhi medicatod Tron has had far more than the good eíTectií of tho most cautioualy balanced preparation of iodino, without any of hrir weff known liabiliues. The attention of ffimate cinnot betooconüdtntly invitcd to tliirt rtstorative in the canö peculiarl affectïng thpm I ii Hur.iimaiism, both chronic and inflammatory - in the latter, however, more decidclly - it haa been invariably well reported, both as allcvtating pain and re'ducing tho Bwelliogsand atlffneflsof the joints and musecis. In [ritermittent Ferert must nee Bsarily bea great remedy and entTgetic restorative, and its progresa in the ncw settlementri of the West, will prubably bü one of high renowo and usefulnesa. No roraedj bas ever bAen discovered in the whole hifitory of nnilicine, which txerta suoli prompt, happy, and tull y rt-storative elTects. Good appetite, complete dijTt-siiuii, rupid acquisition of atreugth, witli an uuusu! Ion for active and cheerful exorcibc, iauued!atcly follow its use. Put up in neat flat metal boxes containlng "60 piUs, pricL' 00 cents per box; for sale by druggistö and dealers. Wiil be sent free to any address on receipt of tho pric. ili letters, ordurSj etc, should beaddresstd to Ü, B. LÜCKE.iiCo , General Agent, 477vl 339 Broadway,N. Y. IW -BB2 -%BW BTM8 A New BRIVAL -of23ootj axid JSlxoosi Of uil descriptiona, and wi" v tíítv cAf BL Bouam in Thia City. ilso a larga assortment c' Of all kinds made in the mHi Fashionablc Styles BI GOOD ia EXPERIENCED WOKKMEN, -OUHFRENGS CÁLP BOOTS are NOT suiïparskd this sido of Now Yurk City, nd are waiTMited not to rip. Uur ?FOGAS AND KIP Sí arf1 made of the beat mntcrials Our stock of Morocco liootees for Ladies in the the best in town, with heela or withent We Malte to Ovilvr, and never miss of suitjng the fint time go ive usa cali and we wülahow yoa our stock free of charco rliavo .umi red the services of two El perieuoed JotUEAsymon who do our monding in the Tea.t est iUaniier, aud uu shortoat notice. Öur motto in Quick Sales aud Sinall Proflts. Tlmnkful'or past fa vors we bope byjiayinp utric! altentioiLto our business to merit a liberal Aliare of your tatronaftf tot the futiu-e. jttS" Kemcmber we are not to bc nmlersold. -l MUÜBE & LOOMIS. Ann Arbor Tffarble Wors. W. r. Spalding, & Co,, J AVE on hand a fine asaortment of American and 1TALIAN MA li B L E whïoh thoy are ])rvpftrcd to manufacture inio MONUMEN S. UEAD STONES, TOMB TABLES, TABLE TOP-S &.., Ac, to.., ■., in all thoir varictie, au.l n a Wl'ltKMAXLIKE manncr. Ilnving h;iii considerable x}htciic6 in t lie businepíi they flftttar thABUl?6t Ihat thev will al-U' ín ]-leacnU who mayfavur Uu-m with Iheir ordcre Thwr priocit LOW AS THE L O WEST, riiosa wisliing any thinr in thüir Vno ure reipectfullj ia .ted In culi iV. :T. Sl'ALWNÜ , k I o. n Arht.r. Ai:m. 1Q.18OS. '07 1 SÏÏ.VES H.ATÏNG. ÍBE 8UB8CRIBSB ia now prspand to do all kinds of SUoerg, P atinviiiivr on Copper, lïraas, or Cernían sÍHVu.Ñsrv'oíiKsVriUVSAPTWlS.IiUTTKKKyn'ES&c On the tbe sbortut noiioe, Píleo rauotuMa Ordcrri iii:iv b6 lfft, eithor at tw rBStdenc of tlie SubscrilitT, (Oriö dooi 11 tith of tl ii OM Aculcmy,1) or at Woodrulï 4t tipeiiy'á iiariUieti-r Faolorr. Uil M. t)AVT3. Ann Arbor, Juno 14th 1860. T52m8 WASHTEKAW COUNTY." l'ijiUK'a Oiïioi, Juno 2üth,18P0; ) NOnCE is hereby Riren, to the Township Clerk ofHud couuty, that ooplen if the üejmrt of Kuperinten dentof PubltcInatructroafortheyeM !8ÖÖ, haV boen tal thia offloo, and are rcady for ditributiou. fowoship corka will ptoase oall andubtaln the saino, i k i !uted to school diatricts In the aeveral townshipo, üvr, IUHWHT ■! HAh'ltV._ HLJBBARD'3 PATENT i-lAKVESTER! LOOMIS & TRIPP Ar raoalvinf ■ number of tho abnve machinPF ftbiúh tin y invito the Karmvrfl to cali aud xainiiw liioift purchahinr, a we cimfidpot theyare th best iu ue, Ann Arbor, Mu; U% 1&00. 8ir!i wEb RESPEC TFULLY 9FFÏK TM Cl 5tïli. 1 ESSENCES OF LIQUORS in tHeir acKnoMilotlcjed. purttij to the t rad'e. Addrek CKICACOJLL. t't'H SMU rTravtlmg Agent " Wani.dT) fiïjlli' NEW GOODS] W are now rt-csi ving Our Mconcl itctk of s ï5 n, 1 3sr & s tj iva: tve e h GtOOBSj. i Dwing to tba Graat Fallicg Oif in Trieos East, We ; II seU NEW & SEASONABLE GOODS ! The fiuling Pricos of March and April. Our StoeVis LAlltiE and VAÏtIED, and offer guportrioi in..luct;uintï to thosi vnshtDg FASHIONABLE SUMMER G00D3, Our a&iortmnt of HTS, BOOTS AND Sí] OES Crockery & Family G.-occri-s, WAS NEVER BETTER, Having dcidd to rodu our t'RKRl TL13T, ws uñar üur UooU to CXSL:E3C :BTJ-3T3ÏÏXt At i-.ioy thtat cai.doí fkll to b a&tiáí'actory. WIWES & KNIÖET. A.i! Abbok, Uaj IT, 16S0. I4J-U Rifle F actor y! A. J. SUTHERLAIVD HASremnTd his G'in Shoptnthe Nw Blnrkr Futon ftreet, iouth of the f ourt H(iiiie,ci.tiie scicüdc! Qoor, wiiertí fae ii prepared to furnish Guns, Pistols, Ammuaition FiaskSj Touch es Garn e Bags, an d Everj other article in Line. On tbo moit rensonable tfraii, and to do ui' klad .f n the short-jst notice. and in the bei t rnnnnei , A full aiiortment ftlwuy kept on hand, ond mude to 0 ■ Mo n e y Wanted. W h o wil lLe n d Moiiry 1 TAM REQUESTEI) I3Y SEVEEAL ..W'-RÖON'S U obtttiu moapy for them at TenPerCant I -itere st, (Gr More.) For any o ne willinj to'lond, I c.nn at o&c Inveat on guo.l unencumltered abunOant TiEM, BBTATK weority any umi of numej and sce tht the title a.ul ucurity are ALL RIGHT, gf Tb e borrower pajistg all exj-onser, lach Kling rpflording. K. VV'. MORGAN. Ann Arbor, Gct. 1, 1S80. 7l5if MRS .WINSLOW, Aa experienced Nurso a nn Femuleï'liy vician, p rescata to th ftttenuou üf moihorg. h;r Soothing Syrnp, For Clillrtrcn Teething. which greatly faciütHicstl.o prcp-es of tocthing, by tr.ttwtng tho gunis, nduelng aiï iufïimmutioii - will aliaj a.l pain a:id epanmodic action, aid is SURE ÏO RKÜULATE THE BOWHA Drpenrl uponit, llllllfcin it willgive restto younWc8, AND BKLIEF AND HKALTH 10 YOUR IM'ANIS. Wc have put up and iol4 this article ftir oer ien yearB, and fan ay , In tonildn d tiuth uf M.t,3OOTHING SYEUP, " f ene- SKVEB HAS 1T ïWÏ.iTÏ7ÏS A SIWGLiK IHSTAlkCE, TOEFFKCT A C(RB, when timely used. Nevcr did w1 know an initance of disnatibfactiuu by any one wbo uei it. Ou the contrj-.ry, all dsUgbtod with ita operations, and jioak io termi ofliighebt commendaUon of í.t iuaííicl tffcetB and muiiical virtues. We syoak a th.a malltr ' fl:n! itc do Unow." after ti'n yoars' eTnorience. and ))le'l our rcputatloii for' tl:c fulflllmrnt ut wlvnt n-p llere tleelnre. In alraoflt eyery instaure wher ttio intunt is sulToring from pain and exiianstion, reücf will lo found in fiftei'D or twenty minutos after tho yrup in aiimiulstort-d 'ihifi valu-.ibie preparalion is the Jtrescrip'ion of one of tb, moit EXPERIENCED and HK1LFUL NÜESHS In Nw E?Uu4, and has been ne:l with mvbk-faiu.-ío KtcctSi THOtJSANDS OF CASKS. It not onW relieves tbe cliiM fmm ;w:ni ut invii?"rt.e Lhe ti mach' nd boweU, ootteoh UCiditr, aud givos t m and euergy tothe whole sj-t.tcm. It will alnmtt instantly relieve GRIP1SG In tl9BO1Vei:l.S, and WIXD CoHc, and overcomo ïjirvt) TTTTTVDTT'W c 'nvulsion which, if nol FOK HliiJJ H tiIN ■ p d I ly tho Í"CÍ._lrJ BMW hD SURFM' REKH'V IN TUK WOELD, n ni! cuca of DÍS' ENTKRY and HARRIUKA IN 1111.1 REN hoiher it arises from teething, or from any o'liei cau;e. We woiild sav to ever mothor ii" a ehlld siifTrinifrom :iny of the foregoi conulnint - no .vot iirr Torn PEWDDKW, NOK THE PBUCD1 OF OÏIIEH3, fitnnil botwegn vour lnfforinsr clul.l and tb . that nill he SI'H!"- Ves ABSOLUÏELY SURE- to fullow II i use uf ',his mi -dicine.if timely uae.d. l-'ull directions fcr in ,. will acrominnv cach böttle. None genuino nnlens the facsimile of CVIIT1S Si PEItKIliS, New York, il on thouisülo wrappcr. Sold by Drugcisls throi-.gViOut the ircr!d. Princlpal!me. Ko l.t Crdnr Sírt, W. T. P;iceonly 25 Ceuta per Bottle. E M PI K E BOOK STORE! J. R. WEBSTER & COV CITY HALL BLOCK, Opposite the Franklin House. A RK NOW OPENING. DIIÏECT FKOM Illilis t AND Manufacturara, % New aiul CumplstQ utock of LAW & MEDICAL 1SOOKS, Scliool Booli, Xisceilaneout Books, Blank liookr, dan 8T-a.TIOHr33RY! Wall and Windoiv Paper, Drswtog and Mat!"imatic!vl Instrument!, Muñe, Juvenilo librarle, Eimlo], Itik, Cif, r.n'A una n(her Pon! Win'íow Coraice, tíUavlw.i and Fijiture, POCKET CUTLEKY! And ovorvthinii portainïng to the trade, and more to whiclilliej" woukl rivito tliü attentinn of the couuiry. Tn coniJuctinff our business, we sbaH do all that mb ba done,so that no rcdsor.Hblo m;in, woman or eb i UI sUall Bnd any fault. We posseBfi facilities wiiich will cr.ablo us to iiupply our stomers at tUe Lowest PosflibJe Figures. We proposc toapllfor REAIV PAY, ata mU adTftnco. Ww explota proflt 6a oor poods, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. H", hT encapo.l the Wric ! JAMra T. SPAI-WN'G, hervfore are prepartni to l'urnihh Visiting, Wedding and all oticr Cards wntten to order, with neatnesi and dispatch, by mai' or otfterwise. T!io "Emfiu Book Stom?' Umannsd 1j i gl 'crw' nd Hu-v will nlivuïs be r.-unil on the "qurlfr ilk," vf:i.iy anii willing to atteud to all with, wliu wtU favor Iheni wit'u a CAll. lïemember the "Einpire Book Store." JAMES R. WEJÍ3TER & Co. Ann Arbor, Mar, 1860. "6 DE FOREST, ARMSTÜONG & CO. ÜI1Y GOODS MEHClïANrS, 8( & 8 Cliambtir ff. ]V V. WOÜtJ XOT1KY THK ÏRAriKtlmt at) av onin Wockly, in n. an-1 beautifni patten, tlm iLSO 111 A NfK Print, which xoell 2 PrJ in ,""'7 fo i.:Mt.on of eiMiiti"" and doign ui full Msd.1. r tul ,„,'- Our Vri:it. ohpt tiiau O miri.i-1 . :m . meeting wlh eMonw. .„ , ir'.ers f.T.mpilv artai.Qüd t JS-yl _ Ileníck's Eusar Coated Pili8 TT CHILIÏRK.N OitY FOR ÏHEM r xt gw. This remarkabíe P1?V - American remtdj ia carJT 'í' u' f . rying the wpW bjr "i. íonn. Over Uto mhV '5?f liC1" "' ta' ai e í"l -Eíi ximnall y. ttnipoMd 3 glandit, flolid ftbr i] ..rt.4 !s r.' irHh th happieiit effmct. ín oíd tnndinjc ' ■ u '..11 doses - rtcated frt-qurntiy - me cWivs U.v y.'cm,1liateo"l henl'h s tbe Illllél No :.n,,i:,i,) -a or 'üetis ncPBSnr. Thej nevcr orcionot.i , welled joints, achDg ujdBa, tc., 'l-i ijiaiiy i. T..ty aie arrantcd to 0t ' íi. rlie juico r fuuded. Th'- t; con.-nOwd clieat'OT s:;fí-r, jii'titr, Mi'! n alt n-jí-v.-líi Hpttriér tm ii} puigaüva 1 111 i IkptrnrW. fla l'hoíúeoTeryoí pil] w;tU t:ttr i.inaiiatMt with )jr. lleriick 1 l otLet :ire , and , uim ' , wili ti. kurnlía$' .■-;l,.intt!,.-,ci. Ifarld.iill. .sgaut: po:-. ou :n a xii.rtí a lari;. .l,ii .,1, aii.UoU íj , :o oei.t rboi; 5 boíles fcr $1. Hkürick's Km Striíxctiiemno Pi.astKi!S. Thegrent Htrtnber and Pata Dztlroyer The B-U aA ,:, „V(,l JL,usthold Rnnedy in the tcnrld. ranovnedghattn cureraiiu. ,.,,,mii%ní ,■■:,. treaa In the Imck, sido, an.' b,-,.at, ü, 6 tí honr. ir.-lcV. Sjic-rtain are tiiey todo 11. i,, that tirj n.pri, tr rrí'l tem. Spread ífcoln rcsiri, W-,m. „d ,t„. w beautiful k.d!,,.,,,,,..;;,,!]! .dsnuj to tVj wan a ,f J-rmaÍMa,,.. „Ul,.rs. Thur applitlOI. K :--1!l,lvtothCBtronginn,tla.,i8!it.w,,,na: an.: the tecbk witant. To eacli and ',! ttivr wll nrq á i a TheirtuelB grw„),V.' i.nj ïithout m.njiNct r lruMt. Eaeh Plaator will Mmr fcm ■ to ',u, ni.nt'n, aii-t ia rheunuaic ci.mplaint, auram. au.l bruiw, froquont! cfTect coro, whfn 11 .itl.t-r n.irte l'-i lm., l'nll dip.ction will bo fonnd on tliebunkuí l:" ' , !'' 'j; r 'I i, vocalist, minutan r ttu-goud aBdoUir,wHJ trangthen their Inngundlmpn.vitíi-lr voices wuu'ing thom on their braat. l'rio ISJf .í- Tlie ab,JTe Rrtic.Iire tío lold br all the dwilar M Aun Arlvji and bj Druggistn throughoütthe Unit4 8tt, ' an Ota nn.l Sonth wholeMlo brmlllnn UmggUtt in the [.rincipal citio. IffiRRlCK ,V lll'.OTHKR, 'T'' PuoncuCñona, Albanj , K. T. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Imporcaüt Natioaal Works, Publisiierl bv D. ArPLETON & 00 346 AND 348 BllOADWAY NIW YORK Th foll ■■■ving works are seatto Subacribor ín anr sari ■ntrjr, (upou racoipt of rtaü prlcej bf múi WUB iiVAMERHN X Populat Uictionurjr of Oeumti Knowtaflg. üMed tr relect cfflrp of wnter:, in all brancho. of Hcionruj Art and Uterértre. Ihis work i, txiaf publinl In boíl lo Urge octavo volamos, eachèuiuaimng 75O tw.j-culcm. pagl. L. I., II.. )H., IV. V. rínuwiwl,l j,Mr' 1 neo, íu CIoIb, S; cursi,, $3.6U; üaif !Kif M.M Ib New Arirerfcan Cxdopdi i poblar wrtLc.t Uand partj prcjuíice; frc-.l, ,! y,, uSSTtíTl mplrte .licl öfatUbitbkMwn-QjWmjl. jv.;-.:,Mit„p,c-, hm the -„f hunuin ,uUlUg..ft ii pagMhyBwnwboareautkoihin uluii the s,,lV-'H ..;, to Ibe ,„■,-,,,,; „„„„ent; tUat. ju.t hL i t,nl.s nuK AU t:u:al-,ci:nforma;iin.rrcmü,, W report; the -raphical aocounl. kou], ,acu rltk h. .lat. exptóatiou.; hi.torlc.1 mat'." iu", t! . cw?'iTííidfw B oep' ' Ii"lf ar- H" a WA ï h lurrmxc THKcyri.or.üi.i.4 or dkbítw club of foor, ad romit the prlo. af four boota ana cop.os vall ho Cn at tho ,,lU.r', „nwuwS carree: ot fot ton .ubwHbar., .Tto n.J wt J nt at uur eijnso for carri.yj. ' To As'iit. NV, othor worl: -■;! .a ;:-,,n,ly r-war.i th. oKir if ygrnts. AS ö niüCovm lornn ir.ail kr:uwn on applicatioil to th ;'ul,libra Auj Arbor, ibrch 1849. - Bv T:..s. WÏItarr, .goüi at Kinn. J. ,n:Ui. Buokátore, Ypsitantl. O. MAOK., WOÜLD RÉfiPECnTU-Y Bonc to th CUIwmi of Atm Arbor ad victnlty, líiat bp hnf Juat re. turnsdfrom Xw Vork witu a Urge nd woli uioutad Spring and Slimmer (.oorts, Conaijling of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Hftts, Caps, Boots and Shoes, GROCERIE8. CROCKSRY. FACY G00D8, YANKEE NOTIOÑS. LOOKINGGLASBES. &o. And Teryifcing usnaTly k?pt in a firut-coj Cmtrf íVu'C. Coan 1tnt coint aH ánd l-iin:n. No Charge for Shvtcing Goodtt Selacted with tho Greatcat Cnro í aud haring boen bought on th moit reasoiiabU Ufnw Will be toldas Joto at canbt Bovght elsowboie, fu Cahr Ray-Piiy. ALIi I ASK 13 AN EZAMINATIOW of mr Goods ñnñ. Trices, &s I feel ofonftiUnt tha iM wiio want GOOÜQOODS ATLOWPRICES, triU fl'wl H to thnir nilvantcge to eTiminp mj ?"hiHc b f w pqrchasiiig ( Uewhere. I would be glaí tó nlï# wheiber fhey parohin or not. C. ifACfi . Aun Albur, Mica, Spr:r.t: of 1860. Ttf LOOMIS & TRIFP, Chapín Ji Lnomis, nn]Cbpin, Trípp A Loomií nUE aliove Hrm of Loomit & Trípp harfnp purhaF4 thu fntive inte rest of the fWrraer oompaÍM win oonttatfe ;ïie baMiMU af öw old Btumïa, whore thy wül ronly, on the phortat notice, lo fill all ordtra iu üi Uuo of Castings and Hachinery, In tho moit wnrkmsnük't mn:mcr, Anrl on ai Kbrl termi a ftny othpr nhop in the Ftat. Amotigthe varfui articlirnanufactur#d bT ut, we wouM emuuerata STEAM ENGJNES of alljkinds; MUÍ (í?mr1n(r an P.xtnrM, wrottrkt o4 cüt; all thft rurinus oastingsfor mtkiiig aiu repabing IIorBePowcrs AThresbing Maiclnncs ■ tich a vp at prier.t, or linvr formerlj bwn tn ns to thic part of Ui Staie, as WU au all the Tarioun kin4.4 fif castiajgi ur mtclün work callpd foï bj fltriueri .an.S mechanVs infbU sectiou of tbe counrj. of all tl'.f variou patttrnp, up in sisen aud prioM, wtU kpteoDfltnnily on hand, got the raost aicxïwn %x- tm HUBBAJUrS WROTTOHT IROW REAPERS & MOWLRS. Kavine C0Bimí Tí-nufaoturínf thii mipw-irMehine, iingle nd vesabiu '. Uxè farroera are inviM to cali and a specimen machín? non in öur ware ronn, befre püirebMingelwiriiwe, belMrin that tliir machía neod oüIj to he neen to coQTnQP the f:intr of irs 8UFERI0KITY fivtr the P.capers jind Mowcrs ia tluf. nirke. Tliaukfnl f'iT fortnrr patronAE tn Iho dl.l fl-iiii, w% wmild üolicit Cdutinuaure frum nW frii'i.i.i, mv! h-iit 1)V ali wfihiuK n our nf huFiji LOOMIS Í: TriD'. A,MT lfrt, 1SÍ9. 91f Soinelhing Worth lieadir.g! eclioff&lüier, ARK AGAIN ON FTANT1. atlhsir K rH, (Thrc L'noriSuithof FronkUn Uuuse,) wlth the mutt E x tonsive Assort ment -OFBooks and Stationery, Wall and Winriovv Paper, OU Painted, and Golci Boiclered Shades, Curtain Eollers, Tassels, Ccrde AKD A TIIOUSAND ANU ONE THINGS In fheir line, F.NTIÜF.IY TOO WJMKJOUS TO MENTION whkh tbsy inlrito theirfrioml.", ai tt9 pitWii gwaÜTi o l'.pfore PurciiJiBÜig Elsewhere, na thrty flstlfr tliemnr-Iree Hint thfir f !.} les u3 Pricpc ennt f ïl to prove sariafactolj. Aon 4jJi 'r} '. IfS.