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Democratic State Convention

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The Democratie State Convention assembli'd pursuant to cali at Young Men's Hall, Datroit, at 11 o'c'ock, Wednesdav forenoon. February llth, 1868. The convention was ealled to order by Hon. Levi Bishop, Oh air man of the State Ctntrul Committee, vvho nominated Hon. David A. Noble, of Monroe, as tetnporary Chuirman. On taking the chair Mr. Noble thanked the conventioa for the compliment they had bestowed upon him by chorsing him to preside over the teinporary organization. On motion H. S. MoCollum.of Ililladöie, was obosen Secretary pro tem. Mr. Caner, of Macomb, moved the Bppointment of a Committee on Credeutials, eonsisting ol two from each Congressional district. Mi. Cook, of Hillsdale, moved an amendment that the same committue also recornmend permanent offioers for the convention, wiih the exception of President. The nmendment created snrao discussion and wiis finally withdrawn. The vote was taken upon the original motion, which was carried. The Chaimmn announced the following as the Committee on Credentials: First District - Messrs Cook, of Ilillsdale, and Lewia, of Monroe. Second District - Messrs. Shipman, of St. Joseph, and Rice of Kulainazoo. Third District - Messrs. Bennett, of Jackson, and Blodget, of Washtenaw. Fourth District - Messrs. Patterson, of Kent, and Barnes, of'Ottawa. Fiftk District - Mesara. Carter, of Macoinb, and Thurber, of Oakland. Sixth Distsict - Messrs. Thavtr, of Genesee, and McCurdy, of Shiawas8ee. Mr. Redfield, of St. Joseph, moved that delegates from each Congressional district select, their candidate for Kegent of tho University and be prepared to rec-ommend him to the convention, thus leaving two at largo to be selected by the convention. Tho mo tion prevailed. Mr. Bishop, of Wayne, read a letter from R. N. Rice, Superintendent of the Michigan Central Railroad, stating that i had never been customary to givo tree return passes to persons attending business Oooventioi.s of anv sort, ei her politica! or religious, but he had deterniined to make an exception in iho case of the Democratie and Republican State Conventions now in session and about to meet. Free return passes wil] thereforo he granted over the Michigan Central Railroad to members of the convention who exhibit to the Ticket Agent satisfactory evidence of thuir having been delegates. On motion the thanks of the convention were tendercd to S. N. Riee for his liberiiliiy. The convenlion then adjourned until 2 P. M. AFTKÜNOON SESSION. At two o'clock the convention re-assembled and was callad to order by the Chairman. The report of the committee on credentials, being in order, A. C. Blodget, of Washtenaw, in behalf of the committee, reported the names of delegates in attendance. The committee, in accordauce wiih their instruetions.also recommended the following as permanent officers of the convenlion : Vice Prcsidents - Jonathan Shearer, of Wayne; 8. Richardsi.n, of Kalamazoo ; D. B Dodge, of Washtenaw , H Bean, of Ottawa; S. Axford, of Okland ; E. F Wade, of Shiawassee. Secretarles- 11. S. McCollum, of Hillsdale; Wm. A. Moore, of Wayne; VV. A. Sherwood, jf Ionia ; G. G. Lewis, of Saginaw. The report and recomnnendatians of the committee was unaniuiously adop ted. On motion, the convention then proceeded to an informal viva voce vote, bv counties, for President c.f the converïtion, the ballot resulted in the nnaniraous election of Hon. David A. Noble of Monroe. Ou taking the chair, Mr. Noble spoke as follows : Gentlemen of the C nvektion. - I can not pertnit this occasion to pass rithout expressiig my acknowlodg ments to tho convention for this mark of their eonfidonce. I can bring to the chair but little of legislaiive experiencfi, but, when I knnw yonr hearts are all right, and I feel that my own is, tb ere caí) btí but lillle embarrassn ent in presiding over your deliberations. [Applause.] We were ealled together, gentlemen of the convention, to select a candidate to present to tho people for Jndge of' the Snprcme Oourt, a high and important office - one of the rnost important in the Stn!e, and, at this time, doubly po, and no doubt you will select a gentleman of great ability, of I high learning and attainments in hi profession, and of sterling integritv - one who not only knows the laws, and vvho knows how to interpret them, but who will foarlossly expound them. We are also to nomina. e oandidates for Rgentb of llie University, and you will, no doubt, seo to it that men of ability, intt'grity, experience and edocatioo, iti whom the country will repose confidence and feel that they will not prostituta their choice to undermine the oherished institutions of' tho country i teel f niv selecled. [ App lause. J Gentlemen, ivo ure ealled tagel-ber. at a tune when we can look back with grief upiui the shock that is past, but wo cannot look forwaVd to the dark ture with confidence, nnd whh but littl hope. There are indieations in regard to the íutuie which wo cannot overlook. Two years ago the country was prosperoua and poaceful, and its citizens were sitting in their own housen, as in their owq castles, contented and híippy. Gentlemen, causes have beon at work - they may Lave been long unpereeived by many - whieh have at last oiilminíited in the most stupendous fratricida! war the world has ever witneysed. Time will not permit us to examine into these causes now : we can only contrast the once happy and prospeious condition of our country with its ten ible and feaiful condition now. The dernocracy have been edueated to stand by the constitution, and ita great heart swells with cmotion as it clings to it as the anchor of ita hopes, while they feel, too, that the aesaults upon this great charter of the liberties of our coun'ry have been both from the North and the South [applausej, and the gnilt cf the North was only exceeded by that of the South, in the singlo eircumstance of making open war. [Applauss.1 Jt was this open, feil stroke of the South that exceede tho wickedness of thoge who hud provoked tliem to tho assault, [Graat applaus.] 'i he democratie party wero with the first to repel that blow Btruok at the consiitution, and from every portion oi the country they sprung to the rescue, covering every plain wi'h their mighty hosts of armed men. The democratio party has poured out its meo, it money, and its resources of every kind. - When the Executive, in his inaugural, placed the war uppn the basis of the restoration of the constitutioo and appenled to the people to como forward and rescue the country and the confti lution, it was responded to, and w hen Congress passed a resolution to the samo effect there was no bickwardness manifestad. We feit thero had been an a8sult upon the constitution, and we feit that it must be put down by force of arms. [] It could have been done - it would, by this time, have been done - had not the administraron proved recreant to every principie annouced at the onset. [Great applanse.] It forsook the principies which it de clared shculd rule ibis war; it proclairned that, becaufe the relíela had braken the constitution, loyal eiiizens could be shut out from its benefi's and privileges; the administraron tore it i'ito pïeees and determined that the people ehould have none of its guarantees - beca use the South ac'.ed as they did the North had no rights. And we have seen tLat instrument - our only refuge in times of danger- torn and trampled underfoot. We have seen tho liberty oí speech cru-ihed out. We have seen our personal rights denied or taken from us. We havo seen them destroy private property simply at the bid of the Executive, who is bound to obey the laws. We have seen them divide States - ■ We have seen our citizens arbitrarily arrested and incarcerated in bastiles they havo erected, claiming that the President can do do wrong. [Applause.] The very arts pending before Congress, and which bave paseed one house and will most likely pass the ollier, are needed only to consummate the ruin they hava invoked. I allude to the indemnity act and the conscrip tion act: The first subverts the courts oi justice. and the other gives the Executive power to control evtrv man from 18 to45,and tt drait him into the military service, and thus destroy wholly the sovereigntj? of the States. I say that no man can Imagine any other act necesaary to place us under a complete despotism. [Applause.J We do not, perbaps, feel thia to be the case in our persons at present, but the time will Boon come when e inay. It is not proper, perbnps, that I should expatiate fárther upon these rnatters before the convention. I say the conservative element of ths country has a ditty to perfora. We can not sit idly by, wiih folded hands, ind s;iy we have nothing to do. We have a juty to perform. We must nrray oursilveson tho side of the constitution [applaustj ; e must work for the restoration of tho old Union ; and we must ( ppose and denounce these acts which have brought despotism home to you. [Apphiuse.] It behooves us v sely and considerately to act. The demooratie party is ikvv looked to as the only means of saving this country. The republicana now say they look to the democratie party to savo us. [Applause.J They lo"k to us lo save the country ! We kuovv how every democratie heart feels. It m'ist be throvgh our organizatkro, and through its oooservative irinciples, that the country can be rescued, from its impending dastruction. [Applause] It thercfore becomes us to act cilmly and carefully. The country loks to us for its rostóration - to the priniiphs which for so tnany years have gi'ided and coiurolled it in prosperity and safety. [Applausi ] Ufntlemen, I h:ive to npologizo for detaining you so long, but the occasion scetni (i to w nrrant and prompt mo to say thus mueh, but to say more would perhaps trespass upon the time of the convention. The several Vice Presidenta thn took their seats upon the platform, when Mr. Patterson, of Grand Itapids, rote and s iid : Mr. Pkksidknt - I understand there is a gíiitleiDun present who latei y had n " scal. " in anolher institulicu, (rom uliich he was hormrably dischai-gcd I allude to David M. Watllus. of Jjiipcor, [:ii'pl;use], late of Port Lañiyetto plausej, and I move that he be made a Vice President of the convention. - [AppUiuse ] The motion was unanimously canied, and Mr. Wattlea ascended the stand amld the most tnmultuous applause. Mr Peck, of Ingham, moved the appointment of a committee of two from each Congressional district to draft resolutions. The motion was carried, and tho following committeo appoilv ted : First District- Bishop, ui Wayne ; Cook, of Hillsdale. Seror.d District - Lothrop, of 8t. Josephj Smith, of (Jas. Third District- l'eck, of Ingham Morrison, of Oalhoun. Fuurth District - Richmond, of Kent; Barns, of 0 tawa. Fifth Di.ii net- Morton, of St. Clair ; Axford, of Oakland. Sixth District - L'ttle, ol Saginaw; MeCurdy, of Shiawasseo On motion, the conveuiion then proceeded to an informal viva roer vote, by counties, for a eandidate lor J uetice of the Suprema Court. On motion, the delogatos from counties which were only partiallv ropresentcd were permiited lo cast the full vote to whieh the c'iunty was entillod. Mr. Bntterfield, of Jackpon, nominated Ilon. David Johnson; Mr. Monison, of Calhoun, nomiuated 1) Durwin Hughes. A gentleman from Lenuwco nominated Ifon Alpheus Felch. Mr. Norria, .of Washteoaw, stated that Mr. Felch declined to accept the nomination. He was willing to spend and be spent in tho service of deinocracy, büt he asked to he excused from aceepting this nomination. Mr. Carter, of Mncomb, nominated Warner Wing; Mr. Patterson, of Kent, noininated James Miller. The informal ballot resul ted as follovvs: Alphens Felch, 71 Warner Wing, g:j David Johnson, 59 D. Darwin Hughet", 35 James Mlller, 04 Sanford M. Green, S. T. Douglase, 1 On motion, the convention then proeeeded to 1 foi-ni 1] vina voce voto, with the following resul t : David Johnson, 138 Alpheus Felón, 74 Warner Wing, 41 D. Darwin Hughes, 6 Whole nuicber of votes cast 250; necessary to u choii-e 180. On motion of Mr. Lothrnp. of St. Joseph, Hon. David Johnson, of Jackson, wasdeclared the unanimous choico of the convention as candidate lor the offineof Justice of the Supreme Oourt. Enthusiaitic cheers greeted the announcement of the vote. Mr. Bishop, of Wayne, read a letter frorn W. K. Muir, Superintendent of the Detroit and Milwaukee Railrond, ofiering to return delegatus to the convent }on free on that road. The thanks of the convention were tendered to Mr. Muir lor his liberality. Mr. Patterson, of Kent, moved that tho Oongressional district be oalled upon in their order to proposo their candidates for Regent of the University. The motion prevailed, and the delegation from the First District proposed th name of Zina Pitcher. Tho chairman stated that it was the wiah of the delegation to renominate Mr. Bishop, but it was understood that he peremptorily declined. Mr Bishop being present, said that ho had asked to be excused from bt ing a candi.late. The Borninaliun of Mr. Pilcher was unanimously confirmed. The dflogatiou fro'n tl:e Second District nominated Nathaniel A. Balch, of Kalnmozoo. Tho delegation from the Third District nominated Charlea H Richmond, of Wa8htennw. Tl:e delegation from the Fourlh District nominated Adam L. Roof, of lonia. The delegation from the Fifth District noniiimted Elijuh F. Burt, of Livingston, The delegation From the Sixth District nominated Joseph Oouher, of Onlonagon. The severa] nominations were each and all nnnniniously confirmed, Mr. Pattcrson. of Kent, moved that the convention take a viva voce vote, by counties, for candidates for Regenta of the Univeiity from the State at large. Upon votes being cast for Wilham A. Moore, of Wayne, lia respectfully deu'tned. The ballot resultad as follows : O. O. Comstock, 217 W. A. Mooie, 4- On motion, O. C. Comstock, of Calboun, was deel ar ed unanimiuslv nominatod as Regent of thoUnivursity from the State at large. Win A. Moore, of Wayne, was then nominated by a unanimous viva voce vute as the second candidato for Regent at large. '1 he commitlee on resolut ons not being preparad to report, the convention took a recess nntil seven o'olock. EVEN'INO SESSION. At seven o'dock tho convention was ngain called to order. Tho report of the committeo on resalutions biing first in order Mr. Peck, at, in lehalf of the committee, íiibmitted V'e fo'l iwing: Jïesolred, That the c mdition to which sur eoi.niry has beán brought by the radio il and hostile faclions, North and 3outh, calis upon eey dcinoorat to 'tand liy the o!d land rrrfirks, a:id the prirtciple of ihe lc;iocialic party. That we stand by the constitution, tha UoioB, thé laws and the personal ibcityol the 01Í.ÍZ011, and hold hiui worthv to enjoy eonstitutional fpeedexn who is willing to sawilice iny or eiiln r of these to the corrupt ftrctton whie'i h:ia set up and is uttaoipting to wiel I daepoiic and nrbitrafy power ut Washington. flesoird, That the llegiance of tbc i-i ;zen is (ue uküie t the constituí ion and laws made in pursttaiice thereof - not to any man, or oflioi-r. or adminu; tiütion - and fthatèVér support in due toaay offi :er of thi-i gnvernmentis duo a'one 'oy virtue nf the constitution and fKe luws. littefrctl, That the Union lias no eyii-U'nen sefiflHttto frum the Federa! nonstiuitinn, but, teing oreated ijolely by that instrument, itoan only exist by virtue -thereuf, and, when the provisión of' that coiiítitiition are suspended. ei t her in ti"'e ' wor or in pfifloe, wheth?h lv the North or tlio South, it U tiüko Jisunion. ilno'ved, That tho eonstitutjon canr-,ot bü muintainbd, nor tho Union pre n.rved, i ti opposi'-ion to public feeling, hy the mere oxerciee of coercivo powers confided lo the general gtevërntneni, and that. in oase of differences ind ciutftiüti botwoen the States and tho Federal government, too powerful for :ílj stnient by the civil departments oí the govewiment, the appeal h not to the sword by Üie States or bv (be genend goveroroent, but to the peopio, jieaceiully assembled by theirrepreseDtativeí in eonvention. Resolved, furlher, thereforc, That, to attain the ohj.'cts ot the ioregoing resolution, we herehy meiïiormlize the Congressof the United States, the administi-ation at Washington, and the Executives and Legiflatures of the sevtral States, to tako suoh nnmediate acti(n as niiiy be neoesiiary to enable the p.ople to meet in uonvenüon aforesaid; aid we therefore earnestly recommend to our fellow citizens everywhere to obperve and keep a!l their lawtul and confütut'ionnl obligation, to abstain froin all violenee, and meet trgether and reason each with the other upon the best linde to attain tho great blelssingè of peaoe union and liberty. Resolved, That there can ba no lib erty vvhere there is not freedom of Hpeech, and freedom of the pres?, and that, in the languas,e of Danie! Webn'or: " Senliitients lately sprang up, and now growing popular, pender it necessary to be explieit on this point. - It is the ancient and constitutional rightof thi.i people to canvasa public measures and the meritsof public men it is a home-bred right - a fireside privilege. It has been enjoyad in every house, cottage, and cabin in the nation. It is not to be drawn into controvcr.y. It is as undoubtod as tho right of breathing the air and walking on the earth, Belonging to private lifo as a right it belong.-i to public lifa as a duty. This high constitutional right we delend and exetvise in all places, in times of war and in times of peace, and in 11 timos living we will assert it; dying we will nssert it ; and, should we leave no olhsr legacy to our children, by the blessing of God we will leave them the inheritance of free principies, and the. example of a manly, independent, anti constitutional defense of them." Resohed, That the act of the Fed eral administration, rn suspending the writ of habeat corpus the arrest of citizens not subject to military lavv, withut warrant or authority ; transporting thatn to Jiítártt S ates ; incarcerating them without charge or accusation; de .lying thom trial by jury, witDOüses in their favor, and counsel for their defenae; withholding from them all knowlcdge of their uocuserf, and the cause of their arrest; answering their peti'ions for redress byrqpeated injury and insult; prescribirig in rr.any eass, s a condition of their release, test oaths, urbitrary and illegal ; in tho abridgrnent of Ireedom of speech and of the press; in supressing newspapers by military forcé, and establishing a censorship wholly incompatible with the freedom ol thought and expression of opinión ; in the establishment of a system of espionage by a secret pólice, to invade the sacred privacy of unsuspectingcitizens ; in decraring martial law over States not in rebellion, and where the courts are open and unobstruoted for the punishment of crime; in declaring the slaves of loyal, as well as1 disloyal citizuns, in certain States and parts oí States, free; in tho attempled onforcement of compensated emarcipatior,'; in the proposed taxation of the aboring white man to the freedom and secure tho elevation of the negro; in tho dismemberment of' the State of Virginia, erecting within her boundaries a new State without the OQent of her Legislature, are, each and ' allv urbitrary and unconstitutional, subveriing llie constitutions, State and federal, invading the reserved rights of the people and the sovereigntv of tiie States, and, if aanctioned, destructiva ol the Union, establishing, upon the common ruins of the libert es of' the people and the eovereignty of tho Ktates, a Consolidated military despotism. And we hereby solemnly declare that no Ameriuan ciiizun can, without the crime of. infidelity to his country's cnKlitutions, and the allegianco whioh he beurs to each, sunclion siich usurpation. Believing that our silence will be criminal, and may bo construed into consent, in deop reveronoe for our conBtitUliuD, whkih has been ruthlessly vioated, we do hereby enter our most solemn pi-otest against theso usurpations of power. Rpsolood, That, while vvo condemn and denounco the fl.igrant and inonstroue usurpatiana of tho ad;ninis!;-ation and encroachments of abolitionism, we equally eondomn and deno'jnce the puinous hbresy of secession as un warrant ad by the constitution, and destruc tivo alikeof the security and perpetuity of our governiuent, and tho peuce and liberty of the peopla. Risoloed, That we earnestly condemn tho agitation of political questions in public educalional institutions, and it is the duty of those liaving the superviéion thereot to re])res.s vvery attumpt to pervert ouroducatioRftl system into an instrument for the of seotorian creeds or partisan dogmas. Resolved, That those sections of the Pinto militafv l'sw which oxempt from i service in the nnny and f rom draft . ik' 1:0 ii[ü a.ivrly vvtíáitliy body ! of preacheip, mr-mbers and offieein oí tiie Hiato I.eaislnturo, oiKcers and giKirds of tlio Prison, Stwto and I coüiily olivera and teachers n public 1 ins'i: ution?, oud schools - as well na i tbat eection which exempts ('rom draft tipon pnymeut o( ono iiuuuied dollars 1 - aro unjunt, aro outragos 11 pon the jerjual rigiiti of tlmsjof our oitizons j wh.i, pooier and lesa wroredia -vorldly ! pesition, havo thus far feit most sevotely üiu pressure of oivil war. Hrsofred, That onr FefiafKfa üih] ríc}itsí"i!ntives in fho Lsgi.-lature bo' requesied to urgu llio jpeedy repoal of theso dions and imidiouá sBiitioösgo Uiat :i!l ouv citizeiirt, without rega: d to wüakh or politlón, n.ay bo pompelltid to tli;iend the counlrv and their eqtiul of the Uutdoa oi i ts governtnetit. JRcsnlved, That in llio nomitnitions thin day preson'.ed to tii3 peopUi of this Stato for theseveral Statu (iffiwas lo be iii'icd at thi! onsning election, the democriicy havo solootod men -erninently honcst anii oupable, and abovo all olhtr oonsidralidn faili:i'ul to tho constitution, and eonfidently ciairn for ihetn the ísuflnigcs of all frieiuLs of oonstitiition al liberty, the right óf tl e Stattw and theüon of our national unity. Mr. Ciiríer moved that the resol utions bü taken up separatelv. Adoptod. Thoy vrore road seriatun, and eauli unaiiimoiisly :dople(i. Mr. PatlL'r.siin, of Kent, offered tho follovving, which wns iiiiunimcusly adoptud : Resolved, That this convontion, pro f'iir.dly graleful for the heroic forütuclu and saurifioes di.-played by the volunteor officbrs and soldier of this State, whojhroiighont this war hava tiphejd tilo flag of the Union añil tho honor and glory of the State, hereby tenders to theni thü hoinago of their uiireserved giatitiidf, ;iid that trö haruliy extend to tho fVie'ids and relatives of the fallón brave our hear'.felt synipatliies, and hereby reeonmiend them to the grateful ontiidoration of onr Logiskituiv. Mr. Pck, of Ingham, was loudly called for. He carne f'orward and poke at considerable length. His remarks were pertinent and patriotïc. He threw hot shot and shell into the aboliüon camp that made the followcrs of that creed who ere present writho under the torture. The enthusiastic applauso and choers which greetcd hij sentiinents showed that lboy wcre als" the I menta of the democraev. His remarks will be given to the public in some future issue. Mr. Morrison, of Calhoun, offered a resol. ilion that tho thanks of the convention bo tendered to its oflicers for theable and impartial manner in which they had perfonned the duties devolving npoti them. The resolution was adopted. The convention then adjourned sine die.