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Massachusetts School Libraries Published under the direction of Ihe Board of Education. FOR 8ALE BT J. L.A.MB, OF ANN ÁRBOR. THIS LIBRARY is recommended by the Snperinlendant of Public Instructioa Jan. 25, 1842. j Í CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE. 'BHUE Jmlgea of the Circuit Court for Í ,8. the County of Washington have determined that said Court which now stands adjourned to the fifieenth day of February, will on that day be adjourned till Tuesday the twenty BecoDd day ofFebruary instant, at ten o'clock, A. M. (one week.) And all persons having business in said Court, or whaare required to appear as wituesses or asjurors, will appear on the twenty-second, nstead of the fifjeenth instant. By direction of VVillïam Flelcher, Chief Justice, &c. L. C. GOODALE, Clerfc. Dated, Ann Arbor, Feb. 1, ie42. "ECONOMY IS WEÁLTH." THE subscribers will pay cents per pound in Goods or Paper for any qnanlily of ftood clean SWINGLE TOW dehvered ut the Ann Arbor Paper Mili. J. JONES - SONS. Ann Arbor, Jan. 12, 1842. SSstf MORTGAGE SALE. BEFAULT haing been made in the conditiun of a Mortgege executed by Hufus Cros8Dian and Lucy hls vvifV, to the undersigned, January fifteenth, eighteen hundred and thirty eight, and recordetl in the Rcgister's Office, in the county of Wash tcnaw, in Liber numbcr seven, page three hundred and one, of the equal udivided half of the "Scio mili property," mcJuding the v ater-puwer, Mills, and Machinerj, and about twenty-ñvc acres of Land, adjoining the villnge of Scio, in said counly, and lying on both sides of the Kiver Huron, together with the rigiits of flowing lands covered by the mili pond, (fora more pirticular descriptionofthe prciuises, relerence ia made to the record of morlgage,) and no proceedinga at law having been instituteti to coHect tbo instalment which became due on the sixleenth day of November, in the year ofour j Lord, eighteen hundrcd aad forty-one, or any part thereof. . Notice is hereby given, that aaid mort- gage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgnged premises (or some part of them) at I public vendue at the Court House in Ann Arbor, in said county, on the the twenty , fifth day of April next, at noou. SAMUEL W. FOSTER, Morlgagee. , Scio. January 24, 1842. 4(M.3wTIIRESHING MACHINES, HOHSE POWER, MILLS, &c. THE undersigned are manufacturingand will keep constamly on hand at their shop two and a hall miles west of Ann Arhor, near the Rail Road, HORSE PÜWERS and THREoHINti MACHINES.- Tlie horee power is a new invention by S. VV. Fostf-r, and is d.cidedly superior to any thiug of the kind ever before offered to the Public. The pnce of a Fovr Horse Power, witli a good Threshing Machine ia 120 dollars, at tho shop; without the Machine, ninety dollars. These Horse Powers can be used with two, tlircc or four horses to good advantage. Three men with two hoises, can thresh onc hundred bushels of wheat per day (if it yields middling wel),) and it will not be hard work for the horses. The Horse Power and Thresher can bothbo put in a comraon waggon box, and drawn any distance by two horses. The Two Horse Power will be eold at the shop, with the Thresher for one huntired dollars; without the Thresher, for seventy-five dollars. Tbey also manufacture STRAW CUTTERS, recently nventcd by S. W. Foster, which are decidedly preferable to any othera for cutting straw or corn stalks, by horse or water power. They aiso work by hand.- Price, fifteen dollars. - ALSO- CAST-IRON MILLS for grinding provender, at the rate of six to eight bushels per ■ hour, with two horses or by water, i - Also - 0?SMUT MACHINES of superior coni struction. Iuvented by S. W. Foster.- Price, sixty dollars. S. W. FOSTER, k Co. ! Scio, June 23, 1841. 10-lyMORTGAGE SALE. HEFAULT having been made tn the ü gr payinent of a cerCain sum of money, eecured by indenture of inortgage. executed by Barney Davanny to Jacob Li. Lurzelere and George B. Daniels, dated, July the 21st, A. D. 1837, and recorded in the iegister'8 ollice in the county of VVashlenaw, Michigan, on the 28tli day of August, in the year of our Lyrd one thousand eight hundred and tliirty-seven, in liber fiva of mongagea at page two hundrtd and eighty-lhree, wijereon is due at tJje date of thia noiice two hundred and eight dollars and forty four cents, wbich said mortgag bas been duly assigneu to the subscriben. Notice is therelore hereby given tliat on Thursday the third day of Fcbruary next, al one o'clock, p. m., at the Conrt House in thn village of Ann Arbor, in the county of Waehtenaw, will be sold at public auction the premiees m said roortgage described, benig all ihat certain piece or parcel of land sitúate in the county of VVashtenaw, Stata of Michigan and boundcd and deecribed aa ollows: it being the west half of the southwest quarter ot' section number 6even, ia township number one south of range number four east, contaiuing eighty one and thir ly one hundredth acres of land. FRANCIS Ai'COiNIN, Aseigneo. L. H. Hkwett, Atlorncy. Datcd Nov. lst 184!. t&ORK AND WHEAT wanted by F. -■- Denison, for which goods or raoney will be paid at fair rates. Ann Arbor, Dec 2,1, 184L. 26 tf fJPlMOTHY SEED AND HIDES - -"- Cash will be paid at all times for TiMothy Seed, Hide8 nd Wheat, when delivered at my store in Ann Arbnr, (Upper Town.) F. DENISON. Dec. 29, 1841. 36 -tf CASH FOR WHEAT. F DENISON wül pay cosh ftr Wheat on delivery at hig store. ANTI-SLAVERYALMANACS FOR 1842 - just received and for eale at thn office. Price 6 ceñís single ;75 ets. per dozen. June 23, 1641. ft-tf WHICH 8ELL9 IN T;HIS COUNTRY FOR $18 J TO S25 VBR COPY. o Evtry man, xvoman and child in the i led States, who posscss a Bible, icill t surely furnish tkemselves with th i Jotlowing beauliful series of Saïptwe Illustralions. c HCTORÏAL IL LUST RAT I O .NS OF THK 1 BIBLE, AND VI KW OF THE I II Ü L Y LAND. ] JVew, cheap and vahiable publicalian.- Four hundied pages, 8 vo. fine ] somcly bound. Price onhj TkVO ; LAR8. The eubscriber respectfully ] vites the atiention of Clergymen, Teachers of Sabhalh Schools, Heads of Families, and Booksellera thronghout the Uuited -Matéelo IheaboveNew, Cliuwp and eplendidly traled work. Published and for sale at Na. 122, .Nassau stree, New York city. lts features are better defintd by the tille: - Tico hundred Pictorial Jlluslralions of the 6CRIPTURE9, CONSISTIDO OP VIEWS IN THE HOLY LAND; Together with many of the most remarkabte objects mentioned in the oíd and new testamente, representing eacred historical events, copied from celebrated pictures, principally by the old masters. the landscape scènes, taken from original sketches made on the spot, with full and intereeting letterpress descriptions, devoted to an examination of the objecis mentioned in the sacred text. Ou examination this will be found a vf ry pleüSiint and profitable buolc, especially for the perusa! of Youno People, abounding in the most vaJuable informalion, colleuted with great care, from the best anci lateet sources. It rnay , very prperly, be desinated a common place book fur every thing valuable relating to oriental raanners. custums. ke.nnd comprises with in ïttself a cotpplete liürary of religious and useful knowledge. A volume Üke the present, is far superior to the com mon Annuals - it will never be out of dale. lt i beautihilly printud in new loug primer type - hand8omely bound in Muslin. gilt and lettered; and is dci(ledly,lhe best and cheapest publication (for the price,) ever Bsued from the American Press. Clergymen, Suporintendante and Teachers ofsabbath schools, agente of religious newspapers and penodicals,uostmasiers and booksellers, throughout the country, are respectfully requested to act as onr agenta. No letter will be taken from the office unless post paid. To Publhkers of Papers throughout the United States. - Newspapers or Magazines, copying the above entire without any alteration or abrinpremnt (including this notice,) and giving it 12 inside insertions, shall receive a cupy'of the work, (subject to their order.) by sending direclions lo the Publisber. 29 I2v y:The above work may be had at the Book store of Dea. Chas. Mosely, one door west of the Lafayette House, Ann Arhor. A liberal discount made to tvholesale purcliaserp. Persons in the country, wishing to ad as agents, may obtain all the r.ecessary 'm formation, by addressing their letters to the subscriber, Ño. 122, Nassau street, N. Y. ROBERT SEARS, Publisher. Devoted to Lie interests of protestant Clirisiiauity, Literature, Science, Education, the Arts, Agricullure, the moral enterprises of the age, and to the difFuaion of genera! intelligence. "Knovvledge is as the light of heaven: free, pure, pleasunt, exhaustlees. It invites all lo possession; it adrnits of no preemptioi), no rights exclusive, no monopoly.' For six yeara, this paper haa been gaining in the confidence of the public. lts character as an independent, literary and religious journal, is now fuljy established,as is evident trom te circulation among all claesea of the coinmunity. Those vho desiro A GOOD FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Free frora those features of sectarianism, which are so offensive to the spirit of Christianity - a paper which admits suitsble ar ticles on all subjects upon which the community need to be inforrued - a paper open, especially to tho claims of suffering humanity, may be assured thnt no eftbrts will be sparcd to render this acreptable and worihy of their patronage. It Imb a large number of able and intelligent correspondents, whose Communications will enrich its coluinna from time to time, on natural and revealed theology, revivals, rnissionp, human rights, terapcrance, education, sabbath and common schools, mural reform, health, agriculture, geology, physiology, natural and mental philosophy, niusic, reviews of books, &tc- In a word, it occupies a field of usefulness, not appropriated ly any other periodical in this or any other country. The eeventh Volume commenced JaBuarjr 1, 1842. The price is only two dollars a year, in advance ; and this ís suificiently low to putit within the reach of all. Reader, you have a personal interest in the New York Watchman! For, he who has a heart to knoiv his whole duty, whose soul thirsts for Information on all those eubjecte most directly connected with man's highest happinees, willfind assisiance in the columns nfthis paper. The W atchman is publtshed every Saturday, at 126, Fulton streef, New York, where subscriptions are respectfully solicited. Blanks ! Blanks ! ! jglanks ! ! ! JUST PRINTED, on fine paper and in a superior style, a large assort, ment of blank sumraone, subprenas, Executions, fcc. - For sale at this office. Ann Arbor, Nov. 17, 1841. Wood! Wood! Wood! WANTED IMMEDIATELY, a few cords oí good hickory wood in exchange for the "Signal or Libertv." Ann Arbor, Dec. 22, 1841. "NO REPUDIATION-" figTATE SCRIP willbe taken at par for Goode al the storo of the subscribers for a few days. J. JONES, k. SONS, Ann Avbor, Jan 1L, 1841 GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK, FOR 184-2. The most splendid and valuable Monthly Periodiouliever pubüahed. The only tnagizine devoted to Ladies and conducted by member8 of tbeir own sex. Composed en tirely of original anieles, by the mosf. eminent writera of the age; and embellished with a largar number and a greater variety of costly, elegant and attractive pictorial ilIu9trations, than nny similar publication. ED1TED BY Mrs. Sarah J. Hale, Morton M'Michael, Mrs. L, HL, Sigourney,L. A. Godey. CONTRIBUTOR8 VO EACH NUMBBR. Miss. C. M. Sedgwkb, N. P. Willis, Miss E. Leslie, Mrs. C. Lee Henez, Mra. EC. Embury, T. S. Arthur, Theodore S. Fay, Mrs. E. F. Ellet. In announcing to his numerous patrons and lh pubüc ut large, h;s arrangements for the ycar 1842, the proprietor of Godey's L idy's Dook, takes occasion to I edge the unparallelec' and triumphant success . uf his Magazine, which hns now reached . the extraordmary number offorly thousand monthly ;beinga larger edition thnn bas ever been printed of uny other worU of any description in America. Tliis sucess he is aware has been attained by the vas: superiority which the Lady's Book bas ulways maiutained over thecontemporary magazines which liave atlempted to rival its merite, a 8'jporiority which he is still determined to preserve by keeping it, in all its departtnents literary, iutellectual and moral, as well as pictorial, emblematic, artistic, and mechanical. That thia is no idle boast, hc appeals to the experience of the past twelve years, in all which time, he kas made no promise to the public which he has nut striclly performed, nor undenaken anything whuli his means did not enable him to accomplish to the utmost. Entering, as he is about to do, on the 24th Volume of the Lady's Book, with increasod energy and accumulated resources:with an ampie knowledge of the business in which he is eog.iged, arquired by long yeura of unremilted application: wilh a subst'riptlon libt unparalleled in the annals of literaiure; with numerous facilities not possessed by any other publishcr; with welldigested and wideextended arguments; and above all, with a steadfast purpose oí' maintáining the lolty elevation his work has reached, the proprietor lias not hesitaied to incur expenses, which under other circum sianccs might prove 6tartling, but by means of which he will be enabled to make the Lady's Book, the riche6t, the rarest, the most attractive, and the most valuable periodical, intrinsical and extrinsically, ever offeied to the American public. Literary Departmemt. - It has ever been the aim of the proprietor to impart to the Lady's Book a high literary and moral tone, and for this purpose he hae, without regard to cost, procured the aid of the most eminent writere and, for eeveral years past, has committed its editorial supervisión to Mrs. J. Hale, Mrs. Lydia H. Sigourney,and Miss E. Lesüe, Iadiés of ivhom not only their own aex, but the hole eountry, have reason to be proud. In ibis respect, the Lady's Book enjoys a decided advantage over all other publications, as it is the only work devoti'd to ladies, ladiss derive an ad vantiige which mu9t be obvious to every paren, husband, brother, and well as to every lady who properly appreciates the dignity and impoitance of her sex. He will be enabled to furtiish articles from Mrs F C Embury, Mrs H B Stowe, Mrs F S Ofegood, Mra. S. Smith, Mrs M H Parsona. Mrs. J. Thayer, Mrs A M F Aunan, Mrs. O L. Hentz, Mrs E F Eilet, Mrs. E.C. Sedman Mrs. Dupuy. Mrs. M. Duncan, Airs V E Hovvard, Mr3 M St Loud, Mss E, Allen Mra C II W Esling Mrs S E Parley, Miss M, B. Snow Misa E. Leslie, Kate Frankün. Maria Edgworth. Mrs. S. C. Hall; JWary R. Milford, Mrs Hofland, Mrs C BWilson, Mary Howilt, and other English lady-writers of distinction, 8ome of whom have a'.ready publisbed in the Lady's Buok the only original contributions they have ever made to American literature. Nor bas he omitted to pi o cure the assistance of eminent writers of both sex. Aware of the universal and well deserved popularity of N. Willis, Esq.; and contident that the productions of Jiis grsceful ;md elegant pen will be highly-acceptable to the readers of the Lady's Book, the proprietor bas entered jnto an arrangement, by which he will be able to give in each number of his work an exclusive arlicle from the gentleman; and he lias also retainall of the contribuí ors whose writings havt herelofore given such ampie satisfaction in- cluding Epes Sargent, W. G. Simrns, Eq. Geo. P. Morris, Professor Ingraha:n, Jos. R. Chandler, Professor Dimitry, Robert Morris, Professor Frost, Finy Earle. M. D. Professor Walt er, N. C. Brooks, A. M. Park Benjamin, Esq. E. Halden, R. S. Mackenzie, A. M'Makin, T. Author, Esq. L. F. Tasistro, H. W. Herbert, Rufus Dawes, Jos. C. Neal, E. G. Squier, Hon.R. T. Conrad, J. M'Lellan, Jr. Dr. J. K. M tichel), Jas. Aldnch. With such aid, it is not too much to soy, that the Literary Department of the Lady's Book will eurp-iss any thing that has ever been orean be attempte.d. Ornamenial Dkpartment. - It is a source of no litlle pride to the Proprietor of the Lady's Book, that he first introduced inlo this country the plan of furnishing, along with a monthly periodical of elegant literature, embellishments of an attractive and costly characler. The first eteel engravinga accompanying such a work were given by him; the first mezzotint engraving was given byhim; the first paiterns of lace-work and embroidery were given by him; the firsl colored plates of fashion were given by him; the first music was given by him. These are things to which he would not refer, ifsome ofthose who have essayed to follovv in bis Cootsteps, not content with imitating all his designs, even to the form of his book, the size of his type, and the color of his cover, had not foolishly put forward claims to orig inulity, and Bttempted to found a right to an exclusive roerit on doing that which they have borrowed frrra hit example. Bat what, - 'SLSf he has done he re tofo re in the way of embel lishments to hia Book, though ilfarexxeeded. any effort of thoBe vrho strove to copy bis movements, cannot compare wiih what he now meaiis lo do.. Iiis arrangemente for this department ofhis work have been projecied on the most liberal scale of expendil ture, involving an extent of outlay suchas has never before been dreamed of in any pe_ riodical, European or American. As anevídence of his intcntions, he now siatos that oacli number of the Lady's Book for the eusuv.g year, will coatain at least three splendiü engravmgs; embracing in the series every possible vanety of suhjecls. Histoiïal,Land. scape, Picluresque, Portraiture, Imaginativo and Emblematical, and execuied in every po8, sible variety of theari; mezzutint, lino and mezzotint, 6tipp]e, medalion, and that uiost cbaete aud expresaive nmniier, the line and dut cornlmiod, which haa given such Worlj widecelebriiy to tlie works of modem artiats Splendicljf colured plutes of the fashiuriB will aJso bcgivon eveiy inonth, containiiiJ' ut least four female figures, and embodyint ; in every instaiice ilie latesl costumes, receiv cd directly frou correspondent at Paris. Iu order to givgie greatqpt attraclivenêj. to Ilie subjects arïnt embellishnieuia. tln, Propi ietor has given orders to vaiious Ame-, rican Painters, of cstablished reputation.who are now engaged in preparing expreasly for the Lady's Uuok,numerous originul pictures, on National and Hialorical evculs, some of hc!l ar nesrly completed, and soon wilt de in the hands of the engraver. Arnongi painters thus engaged lic may enumetate J G Cliapman, Fa'mlerofthc National Ptc%. ture of the Baptism of Focahontas. P F Ruthermel, J F Frankenstein,. S S Osgood,o" Bost.l Williams, &,c.. In order to procure these various embellishinents in season, the proprietor ha3 made permanent arrangements with the ibllowing eminent engravere, all of whom sre now engaged ia executiiijj etecl pidtes for the Lady's Bonk. New Philadelphia. A L Dick, W E Tucker, N Gimberede, J B Neagle, W H Juckman, J B Forro6t, J G Dunnel, W H Ellis, A Jones, E Humphreys. Tran8mission by mail. - One advanlage the subscriberB of this work will have, will bo itaearly reception. It will be received at the remolesi citiee of the Union, by tha first day of the month of puhlication. Clubbing. - Lady's Book, 1 year, and People's Library, 1 year, é.00 Lady's Book and Young People's Book, 5,00 Do Arnateui's Musical Library, (containing 200 f ages of newand beautif'ul music.) 5,00 Do Scott'e Novéis and People's Library, 1 year. 10,00 Do Scott's nriiscellaneou8 works and People's Library, 1 year. 10,00 Do AU Scot'i8 Works, complete in 10 vols. and People's Library, 15,00 Do Thier's History of tho Fr. Revolution. 10,00 Do Pictorial Library, 1 year, and People's Library, 1 year. 10,00 Do and Young People's Booli,l0,00 Lord Bacon' works; Thiers Hisfory of the French Revolution, and VVaverIcy'e Novéis, in 5 vols. 20,00 Do Thiers Revolution and Scotts Works, complete in 10 vols. 25,00 Business Dbpartment. - The price of tbispublication is three dollars per annnm- two copies, one year, in advanee,7t;e dollars. Those of our friends wanlingto subscribe to the best Two Dollar Weekly Family Newspaper, published in this city, can ba acconimodated as follows: Two copies of the Saturday Courier, on year, and Godey's Lady's Book, oneyew, sent for 5,60 Five copies of the Lady's Book 1 yr.l0,0ü Five copies of the Saturday Courier, 1 yr. and Lady's Book, 1 year. 10,00 Eleven copies of the Lady's Book 1 yr 20,00 Thirieen copies of the Lady's Book, 1 yr. and Walter Scott's Novéis, complete, or hu miscellaneou8 works, whichever rasy be preferreo. 30,00 In all cases wherc money is 'emittedfor trClubbing," the most liberal allowances will be made. The money, in all cases, to be positively received before a nutnber is sent, No letters ;vill be laken from the Po6t OfBce unless the postage on them is pnid. Unless positive orders are givon at the time of sub scribing. the work will be continued after tbe first year, and it' not paid during the vear, the price will be increased to 4dollara. Address L. A. GODEY, lol Chesnut street, Philadelphia. Produce of o :ery Descriptioii). MECEIVED in payment for Job work„ Advertising and Subscriptione totli " ig.nal op Libekty," if dülifcred at th Office, immedjately over the el ire of J Beckley, & ipril 28 BLANKS of every descriptio neatlj executed at this office.