East Liberty Street Buildings Razed For New Bank, September 1959

Published In
Ann Arbor News, September 16, 1959
PREPARE SITE FOR BANK: This partially razed house is one of four being removed, along with a warehouse (right center), to make way for Ann Arbor Bank's new branch office in the 500 block of E. Liberty St. The new facility will replace the bank's branch at 330 S. State St. and will be another step toward merging S. State and Main Sts.
Ann Arbor News, September 16, 1959
PREPARE SITE FOR BANK: This partially razed house is one of four being removed, along with a warehouse (right center), to make way for Ann Arbor Bank's new branch office in the 500 block of E. Liberty St. The new facility will replace the bank's branch at 330 S. State St. and will be another step toward merging S. State and Main Sts.
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