Fifth Graders Promote Their Bake Shop For The Mack School Carnival, March 1952
Published In
Ann Arbor News, March 26, 1952
BAKERY BOOSTERS: Three Mack School fifth graders are hoping to boost sales at the Mack School Carnival Friday night with this poster, advertising their wares. The bake shop is named after their teacher, Miss Olive E. Taylor. The bakers are (left to right) Douglas Holcomb, Ken Tappe and Bobby Hoffmeyer. The shop is one of several concessions in the annual PTA-sponsored money-raising event. The carnival will begin at 6:30.
Ann Arbor News, March 26, 1952
BAKERY BOOSTERS: Three Mack School fifth graders are hoping to boost sales at the Mack School Carnival Friday night with this poster, advertising their wares. The bake shop is named after their teacher, Miss Olive E. Taylor. The bakers are (left to right) Douglas Holcomb, Ken Tappe and Bobby Hoffmeyer. The shop is one of several concessions in the annual PTA-sponsored money-raising event. The carnival will begin at 6:30.
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