Freedom Train All-Veterans Parade Committee, August 1948
Published In
Ann Arbor News, August 10, 1948
Planning Veterans Day Parade In Freedom Train Program - The committee formed to take charge of the Aug. 14 Veterans Day observance announced today a program featuring a parade with five bands and special ceremonies in in the Courthouse Square. Members of the committee, which met last night, are (left to right): Marion Darling, in charge of music for the parade; Roy Bird, transportation chairman; Thomas FitzGerald, general parade chairman; Admiral Laurence C. Leever, general chairman of the planning committee for Rededication Week Aug. 14 - 19; William Biedermann, co-chairman of Veterans Day; Lucille Stollsteimer, chairman of Veterans Day activities other than the parade; and Olin Tenny, in charge of parade floats.
Ann Arbor News, August 10, 1948
Planning Veterans Day Parade In Freedom Train Program - The committee formed to take charge of the Aug. 14 Veterans Day observance announced today a program featuring a parade with five bands and special ceremonies in in the Courthouse Square. Members of the committee, which met last night, are (left to right): Marion Darling, in charge of music for the parade; Roy Bird, transportation chairman; Thomas FitzGerald, general parade chairman; Admiral Laurence C. Leever, general chairman of the planning committee for Rededication Week Aug. 14 - 19; William Biedermann, co-chairman of Veterans Day; Lucille Stollsteimer, chairman of Veterans Day activities other than the parade; and Olin Tenny, in charge of parade floats.
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