Argus Board Members From Left: Rudolph Reichert, George J. Burke Sr., & John Airey, November 17, 1949

Published In
Ann Arbor News, November 17, 1949
Local Men Nominated For Argus Board: Rudolph Reichert (left), president of the Ann Arbor Bank, and John Airey, King-Seeley Corp. board chairman (right), were nominated yesterday for board positions at the annual Argus stockholders meeting. George J. Burke, Sr., local attorney and former Nuernberg [sic] trial judge is up for reelection after being made chairman of the directors Wednesday. The three are on the eight-man management slate.
Ann Arbor News, November 17, 1949
Local Men Nominated For Argus Board: Rudolph Reichert (left), president of the Ann Arbor Bank, and John Airey, King-Seeley Corp. board chairman (right), were nominated yesterday for board positions at the annual Argus stockholders meeting. George J. Burke, Sr., local attorney and former Nuernberg [sic] trial judge is up for reelection after being made chairman of the directors Wednesday. The three are on the eight-man management slate.
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