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The quarterly conference of the M. E. Church met last Monday. Justice Frueauff has sent up John Geo. Laubengayer, of Lodi, 20 days, for drunkenness. The Hiram Arnoid will contest before Judge Harriinau, has beeu adjourned to April 12th. The boilers of the City Mills were under repair the first of this week, and grinding stopped for a time. Out Washington letter and real estafe sales will be found upon the fuurth page of the CouRiER this week. The tobacconist, J. Berolzheimer, is to return to Kalauiazoo in a short time, closing out his business in this city. A new term of the dancing school will oommence at the Armory next Satuday. Mináis' f uil orchestra furnish the music. The winter term of our public schools closes to-Jay. The new term will commence Monday, March 29th. One week of reet. Jas. B. Sauuders eutertained the members of Ann Arbor typographical union at his house, on Fountain Btreet, last Monday evening. The writer of this has been absent from the city eight years, yet gome of the plank sidewalks in various parts of the city, look familiar. The young people's society of the M. E. Church will meet at the residence of C. T. Wilmot, on Washtenaw avenue, to-morrow, Saturday evening. A new wooden building il being erccted ou Washington stieet, in the ruar of Ilungsterfer's Hall, by Mr. Nenhoff, to he uaed by him as a maeliine sliop, etc. Mrc N. H. Pierce lias taken the agency of the Detroit Post and Tribune and is busily engagcd in eunvasMng thi.t oounty for subscribers. She is me ting witu retuarkable success. The man who is curious to see how the world could get along without him, can fiad out by sticking a canibnc needie into a mili rjtmd, and then withdrawing it, and looking at the hole. It is stated thatGeo. Renwick, of Northfield has sold his farm of 1 15 acres to Alex. Frazer for $8,000, and that Philip Fohey, of Ann Arbor town, has sold his furui of 40 acres to Jerry Boyle for $3,100. We notice that the city committee has decided that it is not best to elect delegates to the county convention at the same time that delegates are elected to the city convention for the nomination of city officers. The Democratie city convention, for the purpose of noniinating city officers, has been called for Saturday, April 3, at the court house, at 7 o'clock p. f. The ward caucuses will bo held the Friday evening previous. Do not neglect to read the cali for the Republican county convention, to be found at the head of the editorial page. It will be held on Wednesday, May 12th, and the suggestions contained in the cali are important ones. It was quite amusing to see the robins last Saturday morning, on the topmost branches of the trees, tryin! to coax " Old Sol " to impart a few of his genial rays to the shivering atmosphere. Their Fongs were very plaintive. Mr. J. W. Dolson, of Laomog, formerly connected with the Detroit, Lansing & Northern Railroad, has been appointed master mechanic of the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern, and Detroit, Hilladale ,V Southwestern Railroad. Ludwig Walz has eommenced the ereetion of a new brick building on the south side of Liberty street, just west of the corner of Main. When finished he will occupy it with his stock of goods now in the store adjoining Mack & Sehmid's. The Michigan Central Railroad has been doing soine lively work in the repairing and rebuildingofbridgesacross the Iluron river, both east and west of the city. It is understood that two new iron bridgcs are to be put in next Sabbath, near Foster's. A society, for literary culture and social purposes, to be known as "The Club," has been organized by sorae of the young men of the city, and rooms rented for meeting purposes over Coyle's store, on Ann street. A regular election of officers will be held the comine nionth. The report of the city recorder, William A. Clark, issuedin a supplemental form by The Courikii last eek, will bearjthe careful scrutiny of the citizens of this city. Mr. Clark has certainly done his work in a business like manser, and proved hiiuself a faithful and efficiënt officer. After cancelling all indebtedness the Siudents' Lecture Association will havo $250 or $300 to turn over to the gymnasium fund. This has been rendered possible by the Iat o ntertainment, given by llcmenyi. The Association has labored under many disadvantages this season. At first by being debarred the use of University Hall, because of the non-completion of the heating apparatus, and again by the failure of the Boston Temple Quartette to fill their engagement. Taking all things into considcration the rcsult is a gratifying one. An entertaininent to be given by Will H. Carloton, Michigan' famous farm bailad poet, under the auspices of the Washtetenaw Co. Pioneer Society, is on the tapis. His coming will be on March 29th or April 2d, as future arrangements may determine, of which further notioe will be given. The collection taken up at the M. E. Church, March lst, for the general church funds, was probably one of the largest ever given by the society. It amounted to f5"0.00, and oovered seven purposes, viz., missions, church extensión, Freedman's aid, Bible cause, Sunday school union, educatión, and tract society. The following are the officers of the Barratt dramatic association : John M. Sheehan, president ; W. L. Pack, vice-president ; G. S. Pitkin, secretary ; C. S. Hiscock, treasurer ; C. M. Jones, stage manager ; L. F. Wade, property man ; John L. Burleigh, director. A new play is on the programme for nezt month. Last Friday, while George Sperry was unloading wheat at the M. C. 11. R. depot, his team became frightened at some shifting cars, and ran away. They soon cleared themselves from the wagon, and kept on their journey until about two miles out on the Ypsilanti road, when they werestopped. The driver was bruised somewhat, and the wagon slightly damaged. One thing impressed ua at the Remenyi concert last Friday evening. It is very evident that he understands a fiddle about as well as Blaine does the Democratie party. Both are experts in their line. When the latter draws his political bow across the Democratie fiddle it responds with about as many different wails as does the instrument of the former when manipulated by his dextrous fiogers. Tuesday raorning, Will Jacobus, employed at the M. C. R. R. depot, had a narrow escape. As he was standing upon the rear end of a flat car which was being switched, the engineer reversed his cngine, giving the train a sudden lurch, which threw him between the cars. bystaDders are unable to ezplain how he saved himself, but he did so, to the severe detriment of his clothes, which were badly torn. On the 7th of next July the Detroit Evening News will give another of its popular excursions, conducted by W. H. Brearley. It certainly speaks well for former management that the entire number of people attending last year are referred to by special perniission. A long list, containing 250 ñames, are given in last Tuesday' s paper, with postoffice address. It is only a partial list, but doubtless pufficient for all purposes. The 'coming excursión will undoubtedly be (he grand exoursion of the season for Michigan. The University Hospital (regular) contains to-day sixty-five patients. Within the last week there have been treated at this clinic ninety-five patients, of which sixty-two have been eye cases. Several important operations have been perforiued in the surgical department, in which there is now a regular clinique every day, in the new amphitheatre. Gentlemen from New York, Cincinnati, and other large cities, who visit the regular school here, deolare that the number and importanoe of the clinical cases presenting themselves for treatment hcre exceeds that of the great cities. An alarm of fire was given last Friday forenoon caused by the burning out of a chitnney in the house of R. J. Price, corner of Fifth and Liberty streets. It seeius that the line was defective and the tin: had cominunicated to the wood work under the roof. The fire company was out on time and did good service. Loss about $100, fully insured. More dainago was done f'rom water than fire. At the same time a burning chimney in the house, corner of Detroit and Ann streets, known as the oíd Chapín property, attracted quite aorowd, who mistook it for the cause of the alarm then being sounded. Monday morning last a sertous accident happened at the Main street crossing of the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern R. R. As the incoming train was about to pass that point Geo. Rentschler, of Lodi, attempted the same thing, but was not quite quick enough for the cars, and the pilot struck the wagon in which he was riding, completely demolishing the vehicle, and sending hiin severa! feet distant. He alighted upon the crown of hia head, striking a stone, which made an ugly looking wound, but not thought to be dangerous. The horses were also severely injured. No blame is attached to the railroad employés, for they did all they oould to avert the disaster. One of the passengers in the car relates that some portion of the wagon, undoubtedly the axle, came crushing up through the floor just to one side of where he was setting. This created juite an excitement among the passengers, several of them concluding that they had been thrust into a veritable "smash up." A little incident very pleasing in its nature occurred in the office of Tue Courier last Saturday night. Mr. Noble R. Wa terman, with whom our readers are familiar, was at the time visiting bis old associates here. As the employés had assembled to receive their weekly pay, the occasion was taken advantage of to present him with a handsome writing outfit consisting of a gold pen with gold and pearl holder, fine cut-glassink stand and paper weight, and a liamlsome paper knife. Mr. C. B. Davisoo, having been associated with Mr. Waterman dunng his many years of service here, in behalf of the donors made the presentation speech, and in a few wcll chosen word asked him to receive the gift as a token of their affection and estecm, and not for its intritisic value. The response was heartfelt, and although taken completely by surprise, Mr. Waterman thanked his friends in a feeling manner, assuring them that they would ever hold a warm niche in his memory. The occasion was a peculiarly happy one, and such little incidents go very far toward making this world of ours a pleasant abiding place.