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State News Brevities

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The State Pioneer Society has motnbership of 335. There are 269 inmates of the Stato Public School at Colil water. The Lansing Jiepublican is calling on its debtors for good dry wood. William 11. Taggart, cashier of the Bank of Niles, died on the Tth inst. The cerebro spinal meningitis is affectiug horses in vaiious parts of the State, proviug generally fatal. A daily paper is to bo started at Flint by H. H. Gibson, of the Vernoemt, and George V. Gage, of Grand Rapids. The First National Bank, of Detroit, gives bonds in the surn of $000,000 for the privilege of handling city nioneys. The next meeting of the Michigan Bee Keepers' Associittion is to bo held u Lausing on the 1-lth and löth o March. Hon. Jonathan Shearer has ietired, and Hon. W. J. Baxter is the newly elected president of the State Historical Society. L. A. Rose and Andrew Wildman, of Bay City, are going to establish a paper in the interest of the reform movoment, to be called the lied Hilhun. The historiaus were instructed to prepare material for the second volume of this history, and that it be published one year from date or as soon as may be. Mr. Honry Willis, of Battle Creek has secured over '2,000 siguatures in the memorial usking the Legisliiture to establish an industrial schools fot girls at that place. The Litchfield Gazette says : "The time seems to be coming when we will have to berrow a few potatoes from the grocery to ornament the table on couipany occasions." Bently, who escaped from the prison at Jackson soms weeks ago, has been taken back by bis father-in-law, - at his own request. Freedom wasn't as sweet as he imagined it. A trap net in Thnnder river, at Al pena, catchos from four to six barrels of herrings per day, and the fishermen spII them on the ice at üve cents por dozen or a dollar per barrel. Hon. S. M. Bmckett, of Bollevne, Eaton county, died on the evening of' the Tth, of typhoid fever. Mr. Braekett was the Democratie candidate for Lieutenant-Governor in 1862. At the inter-collegiate contest at Hillsdale, on the evening of the 8th inst., between the Albion, Hillsdale and Kalamazoo colleges, Mr. Hudson B. Coleman, of Kalaroazoo, received the medal. Burglaries are the fashion in Jackson. On the night of Fobruary 8 a whole bleek of stores were ontered and Beveral hundred dollars' worth of goods stolen. Cigars figure largely in thoir stealings. Dr. Jas. A. Brown, of Detroit, haR been appointod one of th ree , special commissionors to report in Washington for the purpose of investigating the management of the United States Mariue Hospital at at Boston. Henry Ralph was arrested on the night of the 9th inst., in Ada, Kent ccunty, charged with breaking into Justice Butteriek's barn and stealing a wagon load of wheat. The stolen property was found in his possession. One Sumner Parker personated Silas M. Parker at Cold water a few days ago, and got the First National Bank to cash a $349 draft that did n't belong te hira. A well-known citizen identificd the pretender and also indorsed the draft, - thus saving the bank. John Cronin, an employé of the Michigan Central Railroad, was instantly killed at Jackson, on Sunday morning, by having his head crushed between the water tanks of two engines. Deceased was a resident of Marshall, unmarried, and about óOyoars of age. Tramps fare poorly in Allegan this winter. Superintendent Calkins tells U8 that none have been helped from the public store, though many have applied - fewer, however, than last winter, when the number reached 50. In Plainwell they put tramps into the calaboose, giving them a blanket, with crackors and cheese for supper, and a cold breakfast. Otsego is more liberal and sends her travoling gentlemen to hotels where they feast on the. fat of the