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Marjorie Dotts and Florence Lowman relieve nurses at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, May 1942

Marjorie Dotts and Florence Lowman relieve nurses at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, May 1942 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, May 26, 1942
St. Joseph's Mercy hospital, feeling the war-time need for assistance for a nursing staff growing steadily smaller, trained 20 women obtained through the CDVO before the current Red Cross nurse's aide program was launched. Although their training was not a extensive as that given to nurse's aides, they helped to meet a situation which is steadily growing more difficult for hospitals here and throughout the country, as more and more nurses are being called to military service. Two of the St. Joseph's hospital volunteer group, Mrs. Raymond Dotts (left) and Mrs. M. A. Lowman (right) are pictured here as they relieve a nurse of some of the routine duties which care of patients requires.

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